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Cancer Zodiac Images | Free Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD
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Cancer Constellation - Fotos, Lizenzfreie Bilder und Stockfotos
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Taxes may be applicable at checkout. Learn more. It does not agree with the names either of its three constellations which have come down to us, or of its stars.
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In the ancient Denderah Zodiac it is represented as a Scarabaeus, or sacred beetle. According to the Greeks, Jupiter placed this Crab among the signs of the Zodiac. The Denderah name is Klaria, or the cattle-folds, and in this name we have the key to the meaning of the sign, and to the subject of this chapter. The Arabic name is Al Sartan, which means who holds or binds, and may be from the Hebrew to bind together Gen There is no ancient Hebrew word known for the crab.
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The Greek name is Karkinos, which means holding or encircling, as does the Latin, Cancer, and hence is applied to the crab. The ancient Akkadian name of the month is Su-kul-na, the seizer or possessor of seed. The sign contains 83 stars, one of which is of the 3rd magnitude, and seven are of the 4th magnitude, and the remainder of inferior magnitudes.
In the center of the Sign there is a remarkably bright cluster of stars, so bright that they can be sometimes seen with the naked eye. It looks like a comet, and is made up of a great multitude of stars. Modern astronomers have called it the Beehive. But its ancient name has come down to us as Praesepe, which means a multitude, offspring. North and south of the nebula Praesepe are two stars, which Orientalists speak of by a name evidently of some antiquity. Hera placed the remains of the crab in the sky, but gave it only faint stars because of its failure.
The constellation's most prominent feature is the star cluster M44 , the Beehive Cluster. It is about light-years away and more than 10 light-years wide. To the unaided eye it looks like a small, fuzzy patch of light -- like a tiny cloud floating through the stars. But telescopes reveal that the cloud is actually a cluster of hundreds of individual stars.
The stars of the Beehive are all members of a big family. They formed at the same time, from the same cloud of gas and dust.
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The most recent estimates put their age at around million to million years, which makes them four billion years younger than the Sun. Astronomers deduce M44's age by determining the types of stars it contains and the types it does not. Missing from the cluster are the hottest, brightest, and most massive classes of stars.
Such stars burn through their nuclear fuel in a hurry, so they disappear in tens or hundreds of millions of years, placing a lower limit on the cluster's age.