They also enjoy traveling far and wide.
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They will go halfway across the world to do shopping. This is the kind of people they are. Gemini signify Air thus they think too much and concentrate on logic.
They love more rationally than emotionally. Like the air they have a very minute concentration span. They cannot sit down and listen to a speech in a conference. They always zone out. Gemini is a mutable sign. The Gemini and Gemini in love are very flexible when it comes to decision making. They discuss their options and cut their losses when need be. This is the only couple that is able to practice the art of compromise with less difficulty. They have a very peaceful relationship they consider harmony a crazy type of bliss. Do You Have Good Karma? Try The Karma Quiz Now!!
Success is a guarantee for the Gemini and Gemini love compatibility. Other than their reckless expenditures now and then, they are financial giants. They will succeed in life no matter what. They will work towards a better future every day of their lives. They are regarded highly by the community all coming from their many investments.

They are very wealthy people at the end of the road. They live a normal life but they spoil themselves when need be. The Gemini man will buy that sports car and the Gemini woman will get those diamonds she badly needs. These people are social beings and will attend cocktails and get togethers. They also entertain the crowd a lot so everyone invites them to their parties and brunches. The problem here is when these two meet, they both have so many friends everywhere and are invited by all of them.
Here they may have to create a formula to forego some of the events and it may get very tricky. In this Gemini Gemini compatibility, both like simultaneity and change. They want to be in love with a different person everyday. They want their lover to change everyday. From this look to the other look, from this hairstyle to the other.
If this does not happen, then they are very likely to cheat on their partners and it may be a long road to a good relationship.
Gemini And Gemini
What Color Matches Your Personality? Take The Test Now!! In a Gemini Gemini marriage, these people have the most amazing sex life. This couple get to it like its the only thing to do in the world or its the last thing to do in this universe. They thrive in the satisfaction of their partners. They will go to all lengths just to make things sexually right in bed and out of it. Their hunger for each other is always evident when they are caught in there neighbors closet during a party.
Yes its crazy like that. Read about Gemini sexuality. Gemini star sign have a problem of being overly moody. The two get into very good moods then they change very drastically. The interesting thing is that the partners still get surprised by the change while they themselves do the same unknowingly. They do not get moody at the same time and this may make a perfect day bad for one partner.
Yes they are capable of doing this. Unfortunately there is no remedy around this. Understanding by the other person who is not moody at the time is the only solution. Gemini men and women are busy bodies. They have a million ideas which they want to see through. They are the kind of people who own a stall, a hotel and a salon. The fact is, these natives have many things in common which will evidently tie them together for all eternity. Their friends, social expectations and past-time activities are all the same, with small differences, according to what kind of person each is.
They will try to extend their reach on many sorts of interests and passions, and will naturally implicate their partners as well. How else, if not to have even greater fun and do those things with someone who can actually understand them as well as they themselves do? However, during all this time of adventuring across the world and doing all manner of crazy things, arguments and conflicts will have naturally made their way in their enclosure, and they are exactly what keeps them now from going forward.
And two Gemini could make for a great couple, a pretty responsible and mature family, as far as children are concerned. Well, for most of the time at least. When it comes to love-making the Geminis are indeed what first comes to mind when thinking about sensuality and lasciviousness. For all the intensity and dynamic demeanor of day-to-day life, it would have been a tad weird to have them act hesitant and reluctant when in bed, right?
Furthermore, they are quite devious and unpredictable, in that they could now be very sensual and careful, taking care not to provoke even the slightest discomfort and go slowly, while at the next moment, they can quickly suffer a complete turn-around and become quite unrestrained and make love until the suns sets, rises, and sets right down again.
Gemini With Gemini: Their Love Compatibility
One of the few things that can not only take this relationship down, but also make it impossible to start in the first place, is that both of them are first and foremost cerebral individuals. They place tremendous importance on reason, on the long and profound discussions, on philosophy and the chain of thoughts that accompany each and every action.
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What goes on in their heads, it takes way too much space and time to focus on something else. The meanderings of the heart are put on the back-burner, and will only be taken out to the surface if they spend enough time together to realize that things could go even further. Maturity, responsibility and one hell of a strong affection, which goes beyond mere intellectualisms, these are necessary if they are to have more than a one-night adventure.
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It will take years and years until they will satisfy their intellectual pursuits with one another, and by that time, routine will have already set in, and the discussions will have thus achieved its desired effect. But, really, these natives can talk a lot, about the most profound, or not, themes, for hours and even days on end, without ever finding it tedious. That is, if they find a partner which can follow in their footsteps. Communication is key, and implicitly, social life needs to be kept on a pedestal, because they are in dire need of talking and interacting with people.
When this happens, the partner must learn to respect their privacy. Being incredibly adventurous and energetic, the Gemini-Gemini couple will naturally want to explore the world and do what no one else has ever done before. Neither one of them wants that to happen, because it would quickly melt their wings, just like it happened to Icarus when he got too close to the Sun. Geminis are, as previously said, very volatile and explosive in their thinking, in that their dynamism quickly burns away at any attempts to hold them strapped to a chair, in this case a boring and tedious lifestyle.
Arguments will irredeemably start making their appearance, and will possibly lead to even more problems, considering that both are incredibly acidic and sulfurous with words. Besides craving for a high dose of freedom and independence to fulfil all their well-thought out plans and desires, the Gemini have a very bright and idealistic outlook of life, and are quite hedonistic in their approach.