10 february capricorn horoscope 2021

There can be increased communications with siblings, classmates, and peers in general during this period. You could be finding that transportation or communications options now available make life a little more enjoyable. You may find it easier to express thoughts, feelings, or intuition in words at this time. Others may turn to you for your wisdom and advice. There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life — as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong.

Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen. This influence was only just getting started last year. Saturn will transit this area of your chart until March It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Capricorn. This year, those born with a Capricorn Ascendant of 1 to 14 degrees, and those born from December 23 to January 4 , are most directly affected right now.

Tests can come to your financial affairs during this cycle. You are challenged to better manage your personal resources and to come up with a fair and realistic assessment of your value or worth. You may be necessarily more cautious about entering into heavy financial commitments during this period, and more cautious in general with spending. Worries can surface about your earning power, but as you progress, the ideal end result will be a stronger sense of what you are capable of earning, better spending and saving habits, and a more realistic budget.

Cutting back on some luxuries may be in order, but you may just discover that the security you gain is more important than the luxuries you let go of. This should be a rewarding cycle for coming to a better position regarding the management of your material resources. You are exceptionally security-minded at this time and you can begin or step up savings plans.

Any innate organizational and budgeting traits you possess are highlighted now. Look for overlapping or unnecessary expenses and other redundancies, and aim to rid yourself of material clutter. The last time this transit occurred was some time ago — from to early Again, you have an interesting overlap where the very areas that we discussed in the section above Areas of Expansion that are expanding are also contracting at the same time.

While there can be some real swinging from one end to another at times, there is always the potential to find a balance. Your positive attitude and a sense of joy through increased responsibility and feeling on top of things can help you succeed. In , you can have a particular desire to work on your money, assets, and resources. You might take a particular interest in collecting.

Handling financial security issues seems most important for your general sense of freedom and optimism or confidence. Your Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize. All year , a lengthy cycle continues in which your romantic and creative life can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. Your romantic life or leisure time is bound to be very colorful this year and in coming years.

This can be a highly inventive period.

Capricorn Horoscope & Astrology 2021: Horoscopes 2021, #10

Unusual opportunities to meet people pop up. This may be a time of unconventional love affairs or pastimes for some. Energies can be up-and-down since you seem to need inspiration in these areas of life romance, hobbies, creativity, pleasures, seeking your joy.

Authenticity is more important to you now. It helps loosen you up, and this is timely since you recently had serious Saturn in your sign, and you still have ambitious, intense Pluto in your sign this year. This influence opens you up to new experiences and helps you detach a little from the material world so that you can enjoy yourself from time to time! Part of you is focused on steadying your life, building a sense of security and safety, and managing your resources this year, and these themes can interfere with another part of you that just wants to take a risk from time to time, or to go out on a limb.

Restrictions on your explorations can be material or spiritual as you wrestle with a need for security, frugality, and predictability, particularly in February, June, and December. Your Capricorn Horoscope reveals areas of life in which change and transformation take place. Your outer personality and the ways in which you approach life and challenges continue to transform this year.

This is certainly a time for reinventing yourself! You will need to resist the urge to micro-manage and control the events of your life, how you come across to others, and your manner during this important cycle.

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You are learning about your inner motivations, and sometimes this can be an uncomfortable process because you are getting in touch with the darker elements of your psyche at the same time. However, you are ultimately discovering that you cannot control the events of your life and you cannot control others and how they feel about you, but you can learn self-control. You are tapping into your inner power, and how you handle it will make all the difference in the quality of your experiences now.

Capricorn 2021 Yearly Horoscope

Recognize limits, as difficult as this may seem at times! Circumstances are such that you need to develop healthier habits, routines, and schedules. You are called upon to rid yourself of guilt about under-performing, and to develop faith and trust in a larger more spiritual plan. Work on finding a balance between mental health and physical health; and between work and rest, particularly around the eclipses in May, June, and December.

Capricorn Horoscope - Capricorn Astrology Predictions

With the North Node continuing to move through your work and health sector this year, you are called upon to face up to your needs and desires to provide services or pursue work that truly suits you, as well as to pay special attention to your health. You can benefit greatly from getting your life organized, and spending more time and energy on caring for your health and body.

This is one of the major keys to happiness in Near the end of the year, a newer theme begins. This transit only happens every 22 and a half years, and fittingly, marks periods of history in which conservative thinking clashes with more progressive politics. Everyone will be impacted by this generational transit, and if we take advantage of it, it has the potential to heal some of the wounds caused by the events in But, dear Capricorn, what does your ruling planet taking center stage mean for you?

Here's the tea. Find a balance between surviving and thriving, as the alignment of the stars may be encouraging, but astrology can't write you a check. Capricorns often see success later in life, as you climb slowly and steadily toward your goals.

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You can be a hard ass sometimes, acting a bit conservatively when it comes to your business approach. While this keeps you out of trouble, it also limits your potential at times; it's time to learn to take calculated risks. Raise your rate. Take on more projects that fulfill you creatively, and say no to things that you know will be more trouble than they're worth. When your House of Pleasure meets your House of Wealth, the stars are telling you that you will be rewarded by doing what makes you happy.

However, it's also important to recognize that the pandemic has affected the economy greatly, and this is a time in which many of us have taken out loans, filed for unemployment, and welcomed whatever work we can get. It's important to find a balance between surviving and thriving, as the alignment of the stars may be encouraging, but astrology can't write you a check. Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, is retrograde from Monday, April 27 to Wednesday, October 6 in your sign, Capricorn, and 1st House of Self.

During this transit, take note of behavior patterns that cause you trouble and ask yourself why you're still doing them. You may have a tendency to be stubborn, for example, or to believe that you're always right. While these traits can be endearing to those who love you, they also may hold you back in your love life or your career.

Capricorn Horoscope 2021 - Capricorn Astrology Predictions 2021

Try to catch yourself when you engage in these patterns and get to the root of what's happening; there may be better ways to deal with your emotions. Healing Jupiter is in Aquarius, and in your 2nd House of Finances for most of the year, blessing you with financial blessings.

In particular, money-making opportunities that you shut the door on in the past, either to please a partner or because you lacked the self-confidence at the time, may come back around. The lucky planet briefly leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces in your 3rd House of Communication from Thursday, May 13 to Wednesday, July 28, before stationing there for a year beginning on Tuesday, December These dates will help you speak up and ask for what you want and say no to what you don't. There are three Mercury retrogrades this year for you to take note of.

To be blunt, there are bigger fish for you to fry in than Mercury retrograde, but you like to have all the information, so mark these dates in your calendar. And please, do not use these retrogrades as excuses to get back together with that ex who refuses to leave your orbit. You broke up for a reason.