Another year comes to a close and the overall consensus of people is they are glad to put it behind them. Bring on As we peer ahead into the new year, can we expect better?
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Yes, we can. It does look promising, albeit stimulating and unpredictable. For the past two hundred years, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions which occur every 20 years, took place in the earth signs of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. That put the emphasis on the material, finance and comforts. The good part is we attained physical comforts not ever seen before.
But now, for the next years, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions will take place in the air signs of Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Now we can look forward to an age when ideas, philosophy and thought will prevail. Technology, ruled by Aquarius, will play a big part in this. Zoom, Skype and all the other platforms are unifying people around the world in cyberspace.
Unifying people is a very Aquarian thing. So, the picture is looking good, but to get there will require a transition.
Taurus Career Horoscope 2021
This next year will start that transition. There will be three critical points in their relationship on February 17, June 14 and December We are entering a new epoque. Watch for the Mercury retrograde cycle. These are crucial times when you will go through important check points. They come once every four months, so there are three to watch out for:. Mark these in your calendar. They're important crucial astrological periods.

Do not make final decisions if possible during these periods of time since everything is in flux. The calendar month is good for making appointments and organizing your life, the lunar cycle is linked to a natural cosmic rhythm. Keep track of the New Moons.
2021 Astrological Aspects
They are points of new beginnings that bring a burst of energy and growth similar to the spring. These are points when you plant the seed of what you want to achieve. Lunar eclipses take place on Full Moons. Solar eclipses occur on New Moons. They put a special emphasis on those days. It's a cosmic punctuation point. Follow the natural cycles and you will find our own individual way of connecting to the Universe and making the most of planetary cycles.
Take time out every day to concentrate on the sound of your breath. Do it often. Even a minute or two will work wonders.
Mercury Retrograde Dates in | What Is Mercury Retrograde? | The Old Farmer's Almanac
Breathing shuts down the mind chatter, that infernal internal dialogue, and connects you to the creative and compassionate source that guides us all. The spark of the divine is within you. May be the best year ever for you. May you achieve the fulfilment of your hopes, dreams and aspirations. Your intellect is a precious asset. The Saturn-Uranus alignment this year will spark it up and enhance your mental acuity. You have been balancing a stream of details in a difficult arrangement. It's a good thing you have logical reasoning capabilities.
All that is required is a new understanding. Of course, a little serendipity wouldn't go amiss. Looks like you have some coming your way and it's going to stick around long enough for you to extricate yourself from a situation that is restricting your freedom. You are on course to gain the power to live your life according to your own rules and beliefs.
It's taking a long time to reach a special heartfelt dream. It's left you wondering if you'll ever get there. Sun Node. Mar 11, , Sun Neptune. Mar 16, , Sun Pluto. Mar 26, , Sun Venus. Mar 29, , Sun Chiron. Mar 31, , Sun Saturn. Mar 13, , New Moon. Mar 28, , Full Moon. For Moon positions visit Lunar calendar. Mar 15, , Mercury enters Pisces. Mar 1, , Mercury Lilith. Mar 2, , Mercury Node. Mercury Jupiter.
Really happy to say that your article is very useful to me. I am fond of astrology and often read my horoscope. Any astrologer knows that in the retrograde period of the movement of Mercury, it makes no sense to start new business and projects, organize deals, meet people and move somewhere. Me and my supervisor was very kool and etc and she let me go. Im hurt behind this.
Endless nightmare this one. Super hard communication in retail, lots of asshole energy. Luckily only two days left I am a Virgo and I temporarily lost my job exactly on the 17 , when the retrograde has just started The turntable in my micro still turns around and around when I open the door!
It's not suppose to do that. Started doing it today. I decided to take a vacation. I booked a room on Maui and booked a flight. I found a someone to rent my house while I was away. The next day, my fridge broke, my toilet broke, and my car wouldn't start! I scrambled to repair everything. Then, when I went to check in for my flight, Southwest Airlines told me it had been booked for two days prior, and I had lost my money! So, my house is rented out, and I have no flight! I'm a graduate student. Not only did my advisor threaten to throw me out on the same day that one of my professors emailed me saying it's clear I'm struggling, things with my crush have been horrid.
On an Amtrak train since pm yesterday.
Mercury Retrograde Dates for 2021
Was supposed to be in Orlando four hours ago. Last night the train was at a dead standstill for five hours due to trees on the tracks. Today, we struck a glancing blow to a truck that tried to shoot the crossing gates as they were lowering. Over six hours late now. This happened several years ago. I paid back a friend and wrote her a check for one hundred twenty dollars. The bank misread it and deposited six hundred twenty dollars into her checking account!
She told me there was a problem with her account and the bank told her to leave it alone till they figured it out. Meanwhile I went to the ATM and attempted a withdrawl.
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I couldn't do it as there was no money in my account! When I told my friend what happened, we realized the extra five hundred sitting in her account was MY money. It took a few days but it got fixed. My friend and I analyzed my cancelled check and at first glance, the dollar amount DOES look more like and not But if they had actually read what was written out they would have seen that it clearly said one hundred twenty dollars and no cents!
March of and March I broke my leg - the same leg during Mercury retrograde. Freak accidents. For those who do not believe, believe, especially if your sign rules in Mercury like Gemini or Virgo.