A relationship that has been going through a tough time should get a bit easier between now and the end of the year, but you still need to come to terms with the fact that the two of you have some major differences that need to be resolved. Why is such a minor problem causing you such a major headache?
Take a break. Come back to it later — much later. Find ways to encourage them to be more independent. That may sound selfish, but sometimes you have to put your own interests first and this is one of those times. A situation you have been struggling to make sense of will resolve itself today and you will realize there was never much chance of you finding the answer by yourself.
Astrology | Yahoo Lifestyle India
This story has been shared 43, times. The Eight of Swords is here to help you get through this weird holiday season. This incredible spectacle hasn't happened in years. Here's how to see it. According to TikTok users, December 21 marks an important day. In the days leading up to Dec.
For others, Dec. Earlier in December, a Twitter user with the handle lottidot claimed that the Black people, specifically, would realize their full potential on this day. Social media users, both on Twitter and TikTok, have since hilariously interpreted the tweet to mean that Black people will receive superpowers. Experts are optimistic about travel in , but there's still plenty of uncertainty amid the continuing coronavirus pandemic.
Your January Horoscope Is Here
The experts predict that calming colors will help us reset after the wild ride that was Welcome in style. From Good Housekeeping. Is it yet??? As comes to a close, the solar system has decided to grace us with a cosmic Christmas miracle that hasn't been witnessed in nearly years.
Today's Birthday
On Dec. The last time they converged so closely was in —just under years ago.
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- Taurus (April 20 - May 20).
Your birthday season is still ongoing, but you may make an early departure from celebration mode this month, hardworking Cap. You have Mercury in no small part to thank for this sudden change of pace: On January 6, it will move into your financial sector, simultaneously maximizing your potential to bring in cash while illuminating inventive new ways to save the money you already have.
The planet of love and beauty will post up in your sign on the 8th and do its best to drum up a little self-indulgence and flirtatiousness if you can muster it. Make time for a home spa session or a day of hooky with your S. Mercury moves into your sign on the 8th, setting your thoughts into rapid-fire motion for the new year. For the next few weeks, your challenge will be to sort your thoughts before you act on them — and to know when to let a plan percolate a while longer before putting it into action.
If you find yourself feeling anxious or stressed, look to the restorative new moon on the 13th. If you observe its energy, a much-needed period of mental quietude and tranquility will be your reward. Now, in more exciting news, your birthday season begins on the 19th.
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For the next 30 days, the sun will camp out in your sign, simultaneously highlighting your strengths and revealing where you can continue your growth as a person. Just be aware, however, of the impending Mercury retrograde on the 30th, which will arrive in your sign and potentially inhibit some of those efforts. Matters outside yourself — ones that concern your daily chores, your coworkers and friends, even your local community as a whole — will demand the bulk of your attention as the month begins, Pisces.
Keep your priorities straight with to-do lists, timed reminder notifications, or a good old sticky note on the bathroom mirror. If you happen to drop the ball on something and someone calls you out for it, do what you can to avoid a blowup. Take time to retreat when Aquarius season begins on the 19th. This pensive, potentially melancholy, period will be injected with some practicality on the 28th, when the full moon lights up your wellness sector. Surely your health and well-being has been on your mind recently, but what can you do to go from surviving to thriving, Pisces?
Pivot your wellness routine to be one that sets you up for future success and longevity. Everything you need to know for the upcoming week. No matter how chaotic the world gets, turning to the stars' wisdom is a time-honored tradition for those of us seeking guidance for our minds, bodies and spirits. That's why astrology has been having a moment or, let's be real, a series of moments for centuries.
That's also why you've probably heard tons of people […]. The Eight of Swords is here to help you get through this weird holiday season. TikTok users have been encouraging their followers to manifest and meditate on Dec. Read full article. Story continues.