Take a step towards each other between July 22nd and 30th. Your projects are current between November 5th and 16th and will be realized in Aim for a favourable first quarter for your inner evolution to broaden your understanding of what to give up or keep to continue on the road, more aware of your needs and blossom to your fullest potential.
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Count on Jupiter to protect your introspective steps and open you up to other perspectives. Beginning April 18th, Uranus exalts your desire to free yourself from the past and family constraints that exhaust and depress you. But Saturn in mid-June and at Christmas reminds you of your duties: to face your doubts and fears to probe them, understand their origin, and get rid of them for good.
You can't move forward without cleaning up and solving the problems that prevent you from opening a new chapter in your life: one that is more creative and fulfilling. You don't enjoy the exercise, but to steer your life in the right direction, you must eliminate the shadows of the past without dodging them.
Monthly Horoscope by Moon Sign
Venus favours your tender projects between January 16th and 24th and gives you an irresistible charm between March 5th and 13th. You look after your loved ones' well-being and maintain harmony at home between May 17th and 25th. You abandon yourself to the vertigo of love between June 10th and 18th. Your attentive listening is your best asset of seduction between July 30th and August 7th.
In November and between January 6th and February 21st, You make tender and delicious plans. In , a page was turned. A certain vision of the future was abandoned, and you clung to the projects that mattered to you.
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Friends or acquaintances have disappeared, some plans have been postponed, even put to shame. In , you are enjoying a milder sky, and you are getting closer to an ideal life. Count on Neptune, from February 22nd, to inspire you and put you on the right track. If it still requires adjustments, you feel that you are reaching something important.
Take the time between March 26th and May 13th and between July 28th and December 29th to fine-tune your strategies, define what you like to achieve a life project, and launch a new cycle of personal growth in Wait until the fall to get a better idea of what is and is not achievable. On the other hand, Pluto continues to dig the furrow of a new destiny, more in line with your essential needs.
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Venus encourages your exchanges and the setting in motion of inspiring plans between January 24th and February 1st. It puts you in the spotlight between March 13th and 21st. You improve your life between May 25th and June 2nd and have a good time between June 18th and 27th.
Venus makes it easier to connect between August 7th and 16th and puts you back in touch with your future between November 30th and January 6th and between February 21st and March 6th, A perfect time to do what you like with whom you like. There is no question of accelerating the movement in But rather of putting an end to the shadows of the past. Whether they are doubts, fears, complexes, conditioning, or fantasies to be abandoned to launch a new cycle of fulfillment in Tackle them without dodging what is bothering you because this demanding inner work will soon allow you to free yourself towards a better version of yourself.
It's time that you do what you can to adjust to our new reality and come out of your fishbowl. With your House of Self and Communication squaring off, try to ask for what you need , as well as what you want, from those around you. Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, is retrograde from Monday, April 27 to Wednesday, October 6 in Capricorn and your 11th House of Friends.
While you were isolating, whether you're single or partnered, you likely found yourself feeling a bit nostalgic and looking back over relationships, perhaps even feeling a bit regretful over past actions. During this transit, try to reframe things and look for ways to grow instead of looking for ways to blame yourself.
Right now, you can also expect to see shifts in your relationships, romantic or otherwise. If you have a casual friends-with-benefits situation, it may come to an end. You may also decide it's time to reveal your true feelings about someone, whether that means admitting you have a crush or having a conversation about a one-sided friendship that's taking up too much of your energy.

Whatever the case, it would be wise to deepen your meditation practice and work with a therapist during this time. There are three Mercury retrogrades this year.
Pisces 2021 Horoscope
Mark these dates down and watch for the usual communication snafus; in particular, beware of the return of exes. After the everpresent loneliness in , if a former lover reaches out, you may be tempted to take the sex or attention. However, dear Pisces, these sorts of things usually end the way they did the first time around.
You've made it this far; hold out for someone else.
Daily horoscope
Lucky planet Jupiter is in Aquarius and your 12th House of the Unconcious for the majority of the year. The planet enters your sign in your 1st House of Self from Thursday, May 13 to Wednesday, July 28 before stationing there for a year starting on Tuesday, December Your presence will be extra magnetic during these times, and it's an ideal time to take some risks and stick your neck out a bit. As long as you're still using your head a bit, don't be afraid to follow your heart. There is a lunar eclipse on Wednesday, May 26 in Sagittarius, a solar eclipse in Gemini on Thursday, June 10 , a lunar eclipse on Friday, November 19 in Taurus, and a solar eclipse on Saturday, December 4 also in Sagittarius.
While all eclipses tend to bring surprises, especially watch out for those in Sagittarius Wednesday, May 26 and Saturday, December 4 as they light up your 10th House of Career. Many of us struggled professionally due to pandemic budget cuts and business closures. You're feeling motivated, now, which is a good thing, because more opportunities are starting to come your way. Say yes to those that feel right.