Picnics and kite-flying bring out your inner goofball, while adventurous spirits look to tandem skydiving or river rafting to promote deep new levels of trust in each other.
Love Horoscope for Friday, December 25, 2020
Communication gets tricky until July 23rd, when your independence reasserts itself and you recover your ability to say no. Can you do what you need to do and let them be?
August is interestingly difficult, bringing a lot of deep-rooted change in your behavior. When September brings cooler weather, it also brings cooler passions — be grateful for both. The holidays bring playful high energy back around, but this time with a sense of true purpose. Instead of evangelizing to your sweetheart, surprise them with an early gift that shows you know them better than they thought. Throw caution to the winds and make it happen — and follow it up with a very private celebration.
Aries Love Weekly Horoscope, Aries Love this week - Truthstar
This year you will start a campaign of home improvement and redecoration or banking investments. Enter the New Year with caution — think carefully about which coworkers and clients to trust. Until the 21st, keep quiet in meetings. Clarity about your own strategy enables you to see right through the strategies of others.
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Delegate whatever you can during April , leaving yourself available for the critical decisions that only you can make. Personal feelings interfere with rational decisions between late June and mid-July. Select your Sun Sign from the list below to view your Horoscope. Aries Mar Apr Taurus Apr May Gemini May Jun Cancer Jun Jul Leo Jul Aug Virgo Aug Sep Libra Sep Oct Scorpio Oct Nov Sagittarius Nov Dec Figure out what you want so you can go after it.
You play to win now. Second place is not good enough. Love goddess Venus partners with fiery Sagittarius on December 15, daring you to make some extremely adventurous, spontaneous gestures.
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What do you have to lose? Or try with someone else.

The sun leaves Sagittarius for more settled, serious Capricorn on the twenty-first, at which point you live less in the moment and focus more on the future.