We may not see it now, but soon it will all make sense. A rare solar eclipse falls upon us this fortnight. Our souls have collectively chosen to share this ascension journey and thus the cards are advising us this fortnight how to raise our vibration so that we may evolve and prosper. The time has come to let go, Aries.
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That which will stay will stay on its own will. That which will go will go naturally. Avoid trying to control things for doing so will be obstructing the will of The Universe. True control happens when we learn to trust and surrender. Ask yourself which of these is actually filling you with love and light, propelling your soul to evolve. Those which are binding you and preventing your growth will only cause darkness. Before the month ends, it would be wise to reassess the bonds you wish to nurture and the cords you need to cut.
This may be difficult, but remember that living within a cage will only weaken our spirit. Only you have chosen to be bound in these chains. Now you have the choice to be free from them.
Diana Ross: Astrological Article and Chart
Carpe Diem. The best way to deal with this is to practice the art of not taking things too personally. Know that everything that shall happen is part of a greater divine plan. The answers to those are of no real consequence. Focus on is how to find the opportunity in the present situation and capitalise on it for your own gain. Though your heart is so powerful, Cancer, this is the time to listen to your head. Too much time has been spent in the realm of emotions, now is the time to allow your practical side to take charge. Not many know how truly practical you can be, so have fun surprising them.
You may even surprise yourself with how effective your practicality is. Progress is your theme of this fortnight. This is the best time to not only make the best-laid plans for your future but to actually take the steps needed to achieve your goals — short and long term. This is a time for great healing, Leo, for your ruling Sun will be eclipsed this fortnight.
This may seem daunting, however, know that you are the celestial lion of the zodiac.
However, for you, dear Virgo, Mercury will actually point to signs of progress — enabling you to gain a lot of new opportunities to succeed. The key is precision. The devil is after all, in the details.

Fish him out at once. Unexpected curveballs only derail the unprepared. Baby steps of caution make a mile of progress all the easier to complete.
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Your ruler Venus is ending her retrograde this weekend, Libra. Unlike with Taurus who needs to re-evaluate existing bonds and commitments — Venus needs you to literally keep new ones at bay.
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How can it be rude to preserve and protect oneself? So go ahead — say no. Secrecy is your middle name, Scorpio. Your powerful poker-face will be your biggest strength this fortnight — especially during the time of the eclipse. Some might call it sneaky — you call it stealthy. This is also an excellent time for you to work on old hurts and wounds that have left deep scars — especially on your heart. Though forgiving and forgetting is rare for you — it is important to understand that in doing so, you create powerful spiritual energy that can open soul-level blocks that propel you towards great evolution.
Your heart literally has the strength to move mountains — why debilitate it with past hurts?
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Fresh starts and new exciting opportunities are coming your way with exuberance. Acting on them and seizing opportunities will only lead to abundance and prosperity in both the short and the long term.
Even things that may seem like vague insignificant thoughts may possess atomic levels of potential. Now is not the time to wait. Now is the time to act. Paths — straight, curved, or zig-zagged — all lead to progress. Have fun galloping along. Be it the honour and the glory — or even the pain and the strife — it is important to share it all. For our success is not an island. For , she also predicted the economic fall of Europe, and an assassination attempt against the Russian President, Vladimir Putin.
She believed that the threat for the Kremlin leader could come from within his country. The consciousness of people will change. Difficult times will come. People will be divided by their faith. Until , there are 14 more years, and it is unknown what alliances will appear until then. The three giants will unite. Some people will have red money. The three giants might be Russia, India, and China, and regarding the money, the Yuan and the ruble notes have red color.
Here's What Nostradamus Predicted for Baba Vanga's advices to attract money and prosperity in your life. If you want no evil and no mean person to step into your house, and luck to become frequent guest — hang over the door two crossed branches of elderberry. Never leave on the table uneaten pieces of bread, if you want to keep your happiness.
Fortnightly horoscope: A tarot reading from June 16 to June 30, 2020
A piece of bread, even dried, should not be thrown away, or your house will never be prosperous. Better feed the birds and animals with it. When you buy a new wallet, place in it for a while a piece of expensive gold jewelry.