Librans are no exception, but what they tend to do with this information represents a conflict in their character: the urge and need to gossip.
So that is what they do. Librans strive for fairness and justice constantly, and they love the law. They deconstruct every situation with their little legal eagle brain and pick over the debris, organising right from wrong.
Libra Woman: Personality Traits, Love & More
To everyone else? My sister is a Libra. I know If it looks good to Libra, it is good. End of. Beauty is skin-deep. Thank you and good night.
Negative and Positive Libra Characteristics
A post shared by starbaby thestars. Being in luurrvve. They like to do everything with someone by their side, and ideally that someone is an object of affection. Librans loved to be loved, be in love, and love others. As long as none of the drama is going to blow back on them conflict is a no-no they will happily wade into and help resolve any and all issues. Beautifying their surroundings is goals. They could make it into the Olympic team for over-thinkers. A Libra woman also dislikes when a person gives them a set of demands or ultimatums.
On the top of the pet peeves list is anything hideous, arguing, and boredom. Libra Women are well rounded in every regard. They have a good hold on emotions, thoughts, and outward actions. But, they may face a monkey wrench when the notion of love comes into the equation since the planet Venus also rules them. What this means is she may hold onto a relationship with a man even if it is falling apart. You will find her citing love for remaining instead of allowing the rational to take over.
She defines her own wisdom by failing to cut the ties before more emotional heartache takes its toll. Her love is honest, intense, deep, and true, and yes… oh yes, mad too! The Libra child is calm and flighty, but social and entertaining.

On the downside, the child can sometimes procrastinate to the point of driving a parent crazy. Children will love their compassionate Libra mother, and the friends of your Libra Lady will do the same because she will always offer them unending loyalty. Libra and Aries make an unusual pairing as they get along as if they were old friends their entire lives. The same attributes appeal to the Libra woman.
Now, with Taurus and Libra, things can be difficult for making it work. These two signs share the same ruling planetary influence Venus and, therefore, have too much in common. Common characteristics include their negative attributes like stubbornness, inflexibility, and demand for attention. However, if the Taurus and Libra can overcome such issues, the love affair between them would prove nothing short of legendary. Libra and Gemini are two brainiacs in the sack!
Understanding the Wisdom of a Libra Woman
The key for it working will be a continuous compromise. Leo and Libra are a good couple too because Leo demands respect and attention and Libra is good at dealing out both. Cancer can be a bit too emotive for the Libra who needs emotions a bit more stable to feel comfortable. Libra and Libra might work for a time since they are both balanced and sociable. Libra and Virgo clash because there is way too much analytical thought and no focus on the emotional fulfillment in the relationship. Work together, great; live together… not so good. The same goes for Sagittarius and the Libra woman.
Whereas Sagittarius partners are scattered and for the Libra woman that is simply unacceptable. Aquarius is one who revels in chaotic energies, and that is just no atmosphere for the Libra Woman. Libras love beautiful things. A few knick knacks for the house are great, just make sure you buy in twos as the Libra Woman has a strong preference for the symmetrical. She loves music and the arts. Thus, a pair of theater tickets, or taking her out to dinner and the next best movie are other ways to gift your Libra lady.
Her eye for light colors calls for any clothes you might buy to be in light and pastel varieties. Heck, spoil the hell out of her with a spa day, haircut, manicure, and pedicure. Since Libra corresponds with the sign of scales, the sign corresponds to the goddess Lady Justice, Justitia, and the Titaness, Themis, whose sign is also scales.
Negative and Positive Libra Characteristics | LoveToKnow
She is the goddess of Truth who weighs the hearts of the dead against a feather of truth. But, when the need to balance these energies occurs, she might demonstrate mood swings, erratic changes in emotion, silliness, and a more relaxed presentation. You will find your Libra Woman is resilient, unyielding, and strong: All characteristics that are great when she is moral and sticking to her typical ethical behaviors, but when out of balance it means she can be inflexible, stanch, and she may demonstrate a lasting level of stubbornness through the grudges she might otherwise develop.
- Libra Women Traits.
- The Libra Woman | Cafe Astrology .com.
- today 20 february birthday horoscope taurus!
To the Libra Woman in the home environment, the word symmetry and complementary colors from the color wheel are what equals the concept of balance for her. This means that if there is one chair at the head of the dining room table, it dissatisfies her. She expects a chair at the opposing end of the table.
Because the bathroom designs would not otherwise deliver a sense of balance. She has an eye for everything beautiful too so you can expect the home to be clean and loaded with posh, luxurious belongings. Being one who likes feeling stable, but who is also a bit airy at the same time, she might demonstrate a penchant for blue. This is because the color complements the stable feeling the rest of the home provides.
If not blue, she will most certainly appreciate purple as it is a color representative of the spirit and the balance of all elemental influences. She has a natural eye and would make a fantastic interior decorator as she seems to know the right furnishings to fill a space and make it welcoming. Libras, like their Venus-ruled kin, Taureans, are people who love everything to do with food; buying it, cooking it, and eating it.
The Venus-ruled are the foodies of the Zodiac, and because of this, they are prone to issues with emotional eating, weight gain, water retention, bloating, and obesity. When eating becomes a problem, things can also go to the opposite extreme for your Venus Lady, and she can fall prey to eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa. Libra, like Taurus, is one who gets comfortable fast. Thus, your Libra Woman has no trouble curling up on the couch with a good book, to watch a television show, to play video games, or to even go through a weekend movie binge: This makes it easy for her to become inactive and to convert into a couch potato fast.
In her effort to care for all those she loves, she might forget to take the time to take care of herself. These lovely women have phlegmatic humor, which is one of the best of the four temperaments, making her peaceful, relaxed, and calm. When it comes to career pursuits, the best path for the Libra Woman is one that allows her to make use of her remarkable and uncanny creative skills.
The Libra Woman might be a natural poet, writer, musician, actor, painter, sculptor, or illustrator. Now, if we take a moment to consider that out of all 12 Zodiac, the sign of Libra stands out on its own, thereby allowing the Zodiac sign to ensure blind justice and balance in all things.
Libra Woman: Overview & Personality Traits
She also has an impressive nurturing side. Her desire to nurture others makes her perfect as a daycare service provider, home health aid, a counselor working with the disabled, or as a doctor in any capacity.
Their communication skills and sense of balance makes them exceptional mediators, moderators, or she might find considerable contentment working in some advocacy capacity or another. The Libra Woman is not one you can pin down, not ever, as her social nature will not allow that to happen. They are on the lookout for bargains, and things that can make their home more beautiful and organized. The Libra Woman even loves doing herself up with the latest hair dyes, styles, and getting her nails done. She is a fashionista on a shoestring budget because she likes money in her bank account.
She likes to draw, paint, or she will have one or more creative outlets to pass the time. She likes reading to cultivate the mind, and visual stimuli include movies, television, and video games. Libras are sociable. So, if you are condescending, you are on her pet peeves list. She likes her quiet surroundings, even when socializing, so if the scene is crazy and chaotic, the Libra woman will not like it. They dislike when someone lodges a verbal assault, or imposes restrictions on their rights.
A Libra woman also dislikes when a person gives them a set of demands or ultimatums.