But now that you know the truth, you can rebuild your life to be more authentic, productive, and happy for you—even if things are feeling very heavy at this time.
Scorpio January horoscope 2020: Check horoscopes for the first month of the year here
Sweet Venus enters fellow water sign Pisces on January 13, bringing blessings to the romance and creativity sector of your chart! This is such a fun time to party, escape someplace special, and free yourself from your everyday worries—especially as Venus connects with the planet of thrills, Uranus, on January Communication concerning home and family kicks up as Mercury enters Aquarius on January 16, and unexpected news comes as Mercury squares off with Uranus on January 18—watch out for nuisances!
The sun enters Aquarius on January 20, illuminating the home and family sector of your chart, and surprises in your personal life pop up as the sun squares off with Uranus on January But lucky energy flows on this day as Venus connects with generous Jupiter, finding you attending a glamorous event or enjoying a romantic date! Creativity is flowing, and you may begin a wonderful new art project; alternatively, you may find yourself in a new love affair or deepening an already established connection.
A fresh start at home arrives as the new moon in Aquarius lands on January This is a wonderful time to energetically cleanse your home and dust off your altar. On a more mundane level, now is the time to change your sheets and get rid of trash. Aquarius is an inventive zodiac sign, so treat yourself to an upgrade at home! Emotionally, the moon in Aquarius is helping you examine your past from a more detached perspective and creating space for you to dream up how you want your home to look and be like in the future.
Communication picks up speed as Mercury connects with action planet Mars on January 25, particularly concerning your finances, home, and security. An intriguing message comes your way.
The next day, January 27, is the dreamiest of the month as Venus meets Neptune, creating a whimsical energy in your love life and marking the beginning of a new cycle of creative self-expression—you might start working on a masterpiece! This is a powerful time for lovemaking, but even if you're not in the mood for romance, you may attend an out-of-this-world celebration that helps you escape the pressures of life for a while.
Up until now, both planets have spent all of in Capricorn and your communication sector, teaching you important lessons about the way you interact. A collaboration with a kindred spirit or complementary person may have taken flight. For some Scorpios, brought a move to a new neighborhood or a yearning for community you never really felt before. Now, as these planets shift into your domestic sector, prepare to plant even deeper roots. On Thursday, December 17, solidifying Saturn ends a three-year term in Capricorn and moves into Aquarius until March 6, And in a rare convergence, this Saturday, December 19, expansive Jupiter also exits Capricorn and moves into Aquarius until December 28, For the next year, your personal life will be the main event as you find inspiration and maturity through your interactions with a relative, building your home and grounding yourself in emotional security.
Some Scorpios could start a cottage industry or embrace the WFH new reality and find pleasurable productivity balanced with sustainable self-care. These two powerhouse planets only travel through the same zodiac sign simultaneously every 20 years.
Scorpio | Chronogram Magazine
Mark your calendar for Monday, December 21, when Jupiter and Saturn unite at the closest point in their orbits since A Great Conjunction only comes along every 20 years. Get ready for Jupiter to open your heart, while Saturn keeps your feet on the ground—a perfect combination! Not so fast.
The Great Conjunction this Monday, December 21, gives you the urge to nest and rest. But right as Jupiter and Pluto settle into Aquarius and your domestic zone, the Sun moves into Capricorn, heating up your social and mentally alert third house. With Mars in your task-driven and controlling sixth house, you may just be feeling overwhelmed by pre-holiday stress. Too much to do and not enough time? How did this happen, even with Christmas being canceled?
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Take extra care not to unload your frustration on unsuspecting co-workers, friends and loved ones. On Tuesday, December 29, the final full moon of lands in Cancer and your adventurous ninth house. Set your sights on the big-picture dreams and visions you have for An opportunity to publish your work, teach or start an indie business could arrive. Explore away! An upscale celebration, even if you do it at home which you most likely will , could be a fun way to welcome in May better days await!
The first half of the month is white-hot for you with vixen Venus in your sign! Enjoy the frisky, footloose vibes until December After that, Venus enters Sagittarius and your stabilizing second house until January 9.

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