Jupiter amplifies everything it touches. Saturn can bring stability and success to long-term missions.
Yes, this ground-floor work may require an annoying investment of time and resources. Still paying your dues as you climb the ladder? Be savvy, smart and strategic, but also willing to leap into a bigger league. A well-calculated risk could bring epic rewards! Provocateur Pluto in your sign is throwing major shade at irritable Mars in your domestic fourth house, making it hard to let things slide.
Is a roommate slacking on their chores or being messy, noisy or late with payments? If you live with your S. Reach out midweek—keeping your own anger or resentment in check—and set up a time to talk things through. This is also a good day to evaluate your most intimate relationships.
Your weekly horoscope, December 11-17
Call a time-out and do YOU for a change! With the Taurus moon glittering in your creative, playful and fancy fifth house you could suddenly level up the celebrations.
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Although they may grumble a little at first, we bet friends and family will appreciate the excuse to don their glamorous apparel and do their hair. United States. You may also feel a little restless, and want to branch out of your usual routine for a few ways. Switching up your routine or just getting out of the house for a little will be necessary.
Capricorn Horoscope for December - Susan Miller Astrology Zone
Read your weekly horoscope below. March 21 — April You are prioritising your career this week, Aries, with the sun and Mercury in your 10th house. Your job responsibilities might be changing, and as a result you could receive more money. You may be inspired to map out the career goals that you want to tackle over the coming year, and you could be signing contracts or committing to new projects. In addition, writing and speaking may be playing a larger role in your job at the moment.
April 21 — May You might be reading and researching super intensely, and wanting to know all about a certain subject. You may also feel called to write more, or push to get your work published. May 22 — June You might be figuring out how you can improve upon certain parts of yourself moving into the new year. You might be reading a lot of self-help articles or realising that you need to release yourself from certain behaviours or toxic relationships.
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! January 1st - January 7th
You could also be focused on your finances, and you might be investing money or paying off credit card debt. June 22 — July You might be collaborating with someone on a project at work, or you could be spending a lot of time with a close friend. You may also be turning more of your attention towards a romantic partner, and discussing the future of your relationship with them. July 23 — August You could also be strategising on what job skills you want to strengthen, as well as what work projects are worth your time moving forward.
In addition, you might be setting intentions to live a healthier lifestyle moving into the new year. You could be stocking up on vitamins or committing to a regular exercise routine.
Capricorn 2021 Love Horoscope
August 23 — September You might be spending time alone with an artistic hobby, or you could be relaxing and taking pressure off yourself at work. You may also feel called to start writing creatively or performing, or you might just be open about yourself on social media. You could be pursuing new romantic interests as well, or hearing from your friends frequently and feeling social.
September 24 — October You could be processing emotions surrounding an old relationship or situation, and seeing how they still affect you today.
Aries Horoscope
On the other hand, you may be thinking about how you want to decorate your home, or where you want to move in the future. October 24 — November You might have people reaching out to you a lot more, or you could be forming new friendships online. In your relationships, you might be working on your communication skills as well and learning not to be so private with your thoughts and emotions.

November 24 — December New projects might be coming in that will give you more money, or you could be thinking about asking for a raise at your job. However, you could be spending more money too, as you splurge on yourself or buy a lot of last-minute holiday gifts. December 22 — January