Pluto, god of the underworld, has been long at work in your eleventh house of belonging and the greater collective.
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Pluto has been forcing you to question who you align yourself with, making friendship and community an ever-evolving concept for you. And now Saturn, the great teacher, is going to help you work out who is here to grow by your side on this journey called life and who you may have outgrown a long time ago. He will help you see who is a friend and who is a faux this year. Who do you feel shares your same values? What friendships do you think you have outgrown? What groups and communities give you conditional acceptance and which ones do you believe embrace you as you are?
No matter how difficult these questions may be, know that it is all in the name of belonging.
Episode 14 - 4 to 10 February - Aquarius New Moon, Sun sextile Jupiter and Mercury into Pisces
The good news is Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will help you find your place in the world. Jupiter is going to shine a beam of light on the community and connections that bring you abundance and joy. Through a blend of movement, music, and direction, Taryn guides her students deep into their psyche. Taryn believes that our physical bodies our the essence of our spirit, and likewise, motion has the ability to heal even the most profound trauma. Recorded a few days before COVID swept across the globe, this episode offers a powerful window into how each individual has the power to transform their reality.
Mar 23, They discuss what it means to be an astrology "influencer," how to manage shade within the community, and what's next for Courtney's world takeover. Mar 16, With identical Sun and Risings signs, Sam and Tayla are an unstoppable pair — they're Instagram account has already racked up over half-million followers.
So what's next for these two Aries queens? Anything goes! Mar 9, In one of the most profound moments in Stars Like Us, Aliza and Alexandra talk about the collective pain: How we are all recovering from intergenerational father issues Mar 2, Feb 24, In this episode, Chelsea explains her origin story — how motherhood fueled her business — and why she'll always choose TikTok over Instagram. Feb 17, Aliza and Serena discuss mental health, job security, and not having it all figured out. Through an honest conversation, it's clear there's no easy recipe in living your best life.
Feb 10, Claire share the story behind her 'scopes, her enigmatic name, and how she began working with astrology.
Then, the two explore their favorite "celebrity archetypes" of the twelve zodiac signs — their choices may surprise you! Feb 3, In this episode of Stars Like Us, Lisette shares everything from staging photographs to scaling her business. This is a must-listen for content creators! Jan 27, Welcome to ! Stars Like Us is back, and in this quick episode, Aliza Kelly takes a moment to explain her short break and all the exciting goodness soon to come.
Dec 10, First introduced to magick and witchcraft by her grandmother, Veronica honed her craft and teaches clients how to channel love, passion, and abundance. Dec 3, Do you define yourself visually long, dark hair , emotionally empathetic with a tinge of narcissism , professionally kindergarten teacher by day, aikido instructor by night Now, we now treat brands like they're our parents, seeking approval through sponsored ads to please our branddaddy.
Sagittarius Horoscope - Sagittarius Astrology Predictions
Nov 19, Together, the two discuss feminism and witchcraft, and the ongoing correlation between women's politics and spirituality. They continue to talk about how each has made their mystical practices their full-time job and the daunting process of surrendering stability for the unknown when following your intuition. We discuss problematic figures in spirituality and witchcraft and the complicated process of determining the real trailblazers behind the gloss. Nov 12, She explains how she slowly became increasingly fascinated by the stars and, over a period of several years, traded her life in corporate America for cosmic connectivity.
In this episode, Anne reveals what it takes to become a professional astrologer and her advice for aspiring mystics. Nov 4, Kristen explores how the female identity has been weaponized historically and the notion of the "witch" exists within the patriarchal system. At , Aliza and Kristen ponder whether the concept of the "witch" exists independently from institutions, or if it was ironically cultivated by the very structures who aspire to bring it down.
At , Aliza and Kristen explore the difference between history and mythology and why these two are, ultimately, the same. At , Kristen unpacks the legend of the "Black Cat. Oct 28, Mia discusses her journey from college to the professional world, and how she found her way working as the Snapchat Editor at Cosmopolitan. Working on the platform, she's extremely well-versed on Generation Z the Pluto Sag generation and how the rise of different platforms such as YouTube, Vibe, and TikTok inform our culture. At , Mia shares why cancel cultured needs to be We then go on to discuss how Cosmopolitan Magazine's decision to build an entire section for astrology in the magazine and how, today, astrologers have an incredible opportunity to share their unique perspectives with the world.
They also discuss why it'…. Oct 21, Aliza and Remington — friends prior to this recording — haven't seen each other for several months, and pick up their banter for the first time while on the microphones. Remington introduces himself and his long-standing esoteric practice, discussing how and why numerology became his gateway into broader mystical teachings. They get into a detailed conversation about the astrological correspondences associated with some of the most important decks: the Rider Waite Smith, the Thoth, and the Hermetic Tarot of the Golden Dawn Deck.
Oct 14, The conversation starts off with an observation of Mitch's Misfits shirt — one of Aliza's favorite bands — and a discuss of Glenn Danzig's appreciation of "the left hand path. Later, we talk about why skeptics are a waste of energy really and why scientists who reject paranormal and ESP research are truly in the wrong. At , Mitch discuss "Mind Metaphysics.
Oct 7, Jake explains how he started studying astrology and how social media became a platform for him to learn, study, and share his astrological observations. Jake talks about how his business exploded in and how Neptune's movement through Pisces corresponds with the contemporary rise in spirituality.
The mystic: your Pisces horoscope for 2020
Later, Aliza and Jake discuss their personal rock bottoms, why they hate their personal birth charts lol , but how their self-awareness enabled them to become thoughtful astrologers. At …. Sep 30, Born in Texas, Sara has always been a self-proclaimed "gear-head," who built her YouTube channel from necessity. As she became increasingly disillusioned by her path, Sara made the bold decision, choosing chaos over comfort.
Sara's manifestation efforts worked, and for the past several years, she's been on the fast-track to creative autonomy. The two discuss what it takes to be your on boss, why the freelance lifestyle isn't for everyone, and why it's a sometimes a good idea to meet your heroes. Sep 23, Now, Rebecca has been mentoring budding astrologers for years and runs a comprehensive astrology school.
Sep 16, Aliza explains that the Constellation Club is a place like-minded visionaries from all around the world to learn, practice, and support each other on their unique mystical journeys. Then, Aliza explains that each sign is just a piece of a much greater whole — every sign within the zodiac exists because of the signs that come before and after, in a great cycle often known by occultists as "The Great Round. Sep 10, Pisces, sex educator, and self-proclaimed bath witch, Cameron shares her story of becoming a professional sex educator.
They follow the rope all the way to the top and discuss how the United States' is still operated through antiquated, puritanical ideologies. At , Aliza queries Cameron on her practices as a bath witch, and Cameron describes her water-based manifestation rituals. Sep 3, The Constellation Club is a virtual coven that invites those interested in astrology, magick, esotericism, and spirituality to learn, share, and support each other in a safe and protected environment. We need a space to congregate, and the Constellatin Club is the community we all deserve.
Plus, through September 16, Patrons contributing at the Stargazer level or above will receive a Astro Guide Preview — a very exciting look ahead as to what's to come in this very ahem big deal year. Co-owner of the Lower East Side bouti…. Aug 26, Producing daily astrology videos, The Leo King has over 10K horoscopes and predictions uploaded on his YouTube channel.
But he also knows that all that glitters isn't gold: As a 12th House Sun, David isn't afraid to get real about addiction, jail, depression, and failure. Aliza and David discuss their respective practices and agree that mundane astrology that is, global astrology is extremely important during these turbulant times. They talk about the election, their thoughts about , and why bullshit astrologers need to sit the fuck down. Finally, the episode concludes with an in-depth discussion of the 12th House and the profound spiritual symbolism embedded in this domain.
Aug 21, The Los Angeles-based singer and songwriter explains how she got her start in the industry, and how she made the decision to step away from her label to work indepentely.
Sagittarius Career Horoscope 2021
Aliza gets real and talks logistics with FRANKIE including how she affords her creative lifestyle , as well as different manifestation techniques. Aug 12, The two get real about what the world of drag, the work behind the glam, and why the values of drag reflect good partenting.

Aliza and Pickle discuss the art of storytelling and why astrology and drag are ulimtately one of the same. Aug 5, The girls get real about their charts, what brought them to astrology, what they've learned since beginning WYS, and the truth about Internet trolls. Jul 30, To celebrate episode 20!!! Amy does and doesn't want a relationship, which is everyone's worst nightmare.
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The episode is all about transparency in dating, and making sure that you're being resposible in dating by communicating your desires with your partner. At , Aliza begins her interview with Amy. The two discuss everything from manifestation, relationships, family, and what it means to create boundaries. Jul 22, Marcella introduces her practice and journey into her work: A painful account of multiple near death experiences, destitution, and — perhaps most importantly — synchronicities.
We discuss the restructuring of the spirituality community, and even within the esoteric realm, how manipulative practitioners abuse their power. Marcella shares some first-hand experiences dealing with frauds, as well as those who exploit artistic practices. Finally, Marcella discusses her new projects that reflect both personal and share evolution. Jul 10, They discuss how compatibility is a two-way street, and everything Lindsey has learned from her intimate interviews on dating and relationships. Then, she gives the recipe to the secret sauce for long-term relationships hint: it may surprise you , and Aliza explains the the significance of Saturn in relationships.
Aliza discusses why she's wary of people who claims to have a perfect relationship with their parents, and why fighting is an important component in romantic bonds.
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