Transit of mercury march 22 2021 astrology

June 22, Venus enters Cancer. June 23, Mercury turns direct in Taurus. July 7, Mercury enters Gemini. July 16, Sun enters Cancer. July 17, Venus enters Leo. July 20, Mars enters Leo. July 25, Mercury enters Cancer. August 9, Mercury enters Leo. August 11, Venus enters Virgo.

August 17, Sun enters Leo. August 26, Mercury enters Virgo. September 6, Venus enters Libra. September 6, Mars enters Virgo. September 14, Jupiter enters Capricorn. September 17, Sun enters Virgo. September 22, Mercury enters Libra. September 27, Mercury retrogrades in Libra.

October 2, Mercury enters Virgo. October 2, Venus enters Scorpio. October 11, Saturn turns direct in Capricorn. October 17, Sun enters Libra. October 18, Jupiter turns direct in Capricorn. October 18, Mercury turns direct in Virgo. October 22, Mars enters Libra.

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October 30, Venus enters Sagittarius. November 2, Mercury enters Libra. November 16, Sun enters Scorpio. November 20, Jupiter enters Aquarius. November 21, Mercury enters Scorpio. December 5, Mars enters Scorpio. December 8, Venus enters Capricorn. December 10, Mercury enters Sagittarius. December 16, Sun enters Sagittarius. December 19, Venus retrogrades in Capricorn. December 29, Mercury enters Capricorn.

December 30, Venus enters Sagittarius.

Your Sign's 2021 Horoscope Predictions Are Here

January 14, Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn. January 16, Mars enters Sagittarius. January 29, Venus turns direct in Sagittarius. This is another outward-focused transit, a time when we may find ourselves rethinking our place in the universe. On November 28, dreamy Neptune stations direct in sensitive Pisces, offering us a respite from the abrasive reality of The Moon waxes full in perceptive Gemini on November 30 and begins a partial Lunar Eclipse at a.

Like all full moons, this is the ideal time to reflect on our lives, our goals, and our habits. What can we shift?

Some general applications of transits on birth chart

My sister Karla was the first in our family to go to college. She chose Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.

Aries Ascendant [Aries, Taurus,Gemini,Cancer Moon signs] January 2021 horoscope

Dropping her off at school was a. Never change jobs during Mercury retrograde because there is a possibility that the change can be short lived.

2021 Calendar

Travel only if necessary but have a list of what you are packing and check it twice. Have room in your schedule for delays. Do not move, get married, divorced, buy a business, house or new car or any large purchase during the retrograde. Also, do not get any planned surgery or physically altering procedure or hairstyle change that cannot be undone. You can make plans, then wait until after Mercury goes direct. I do not believe retrograde. Until I read this article I would never known about any of this. So keep in mind you are what you read.

Mercury Retrograde Dates for 2021

Life is good, what happens, happens. But tomorrow really is just another day. It might be sunny, or raining but you either go to work or not. Life it's what we live for. Towards the middle of this retrograde, I began to subconsciously immerse myself in it and learn from all the lessons its brought my way. For a second, I forgot it was retrograde and began to just go with the jarring, "backwards" nature of this period of time. I found myself not being able to "land" on a focus for my day today I googled and found this!

Thanks for being online - so that I could re-member my sensitivity to Mercury Retrograde, and take things a little easier. Externally, a chat group in which I participate, got their knickers in a twist over pretty much everything I wrote.

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  8. One person seemed totally unable to understand simple sentences and refused to own her mistakes. Fortunately, none of the group are important in my life, they're just on the periphery.

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    On the up side, it has been excellent practice in seeing what matters and discarding the rest. It is very empowering to ignore people who are seeking conflict. Tracked Mercury retrogrades since This is one of the worst ever. Computer battery died. One AC broke last week, the other today. First AC contractor broke my door lock then denied it and won't pay.. Door repair expert didn't come for almost a week. Home warranty company has now offshored customer service to Asia, all by script, no one thinking, so for the first time in 19 yrs says I cannot choose the AC contractor, they will assign one.

    The one I want shows not on their list but has been for years.

    Mercury Retrograde Dates in | What Is Mercury Retrograde? | The Old Farmer's Almanac

    Will have to call the contractor and tell them to correct home warranty company records. Knee injury Deal closing keeps being delayed 3 weeks. I could go on but you get the idea Luckily I have positive communication skills professionally so have avoided conflict except with contractor and home warranty company, with whom I have been very firm but not rudely angry. I too have not wanted to go out to buy food, finally had to. Counting down until lst of August, but remember we have the shadow period which tails off for 2 more weeks, heaven help us all!