With two look-before-you-leapers, there can be spills, too. But the Archer rebounds quickly, and two have a laugh over their missteps in the trek of life.
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Understanding the need to roam, they give the other a lot of freedom. Both have an urge to explore and try new things, and that makes long term commitment an iffy proposition. Two Archers that nurture the potential for unlimited growth, will find a relationship that's always evolving and new. The double Sagittarius couple looks to the sunny side of life, and find harmony in that shared optimism.
Sagittarius Sign Dates & Traits
Any fiery arrows sent in anger are soon laughed off and forgotten. They're both starkly honest, so nothing is festering to rear up as a relationship monster. Look to the Moon and other planets for dimension on how this pairing plays out. This will show you what kind of Sadges are meeting up here. As eternal students, a key to a lifelong affair is shared philosophies and passions.
Team Sagittarius is a pair that knows that distance makes the heart grow fonder. Time apart for solo quests and travel, means there's a breathless reunion to look forward to at the end. A key to longevity is deepening the intimacy and trust, as the vision is widened. Sometimes the wandering spirit of Sadge attracts them to others, for experience at that edge.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility
A challenge is finding ways to keep each other's company feeling fresh. To achieve this, feed the relationship lots of stimulation of body and mind, and keep it pointed excitedly toward that distant horizon. Upside: bold flirting style; quick to take leaps; wide friend circles; exciting pace; world explorers; open to anything; generous and optimistic; inspiring friends.
Downside: wandering eyes; sexual sampler; easy come, easy go; change addicts; flee from commitment; reckless; risky behavior; know-it-alls. Molly Hall. Updated February 03, Each forum therefore tends to have a fairly consistent trend to the comments. Please keep in mind though that people are much more than just their sun sign. Beyond a point Sagittarius compatibility varies due to the individuals other planet positions when they were born. You need a real astrology reading to understand a real relationship.
My fellow Sagittarius's
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