They also have talents to be leaders and are good at managing, but maybe a little strict. Oxen like routines and respect traditional ideas, doing things step by step. The persistence makes most of them become tireless workers.

They are likely to be self-made and insist that everyone should do their part while not putting up barriers to others' work. Although being a little conservative, Oxen always try to keep just and fair, no matter in life or at work, and never let people down. Strengths: Loyal, honest, responsible, hard-working, logical Weaknesses: Less-talkative, conservative, stubborn, overcautious Ox Men: Most Ox men are mature and have a strong sense of accountability, leaving a deep impression on others.
Their good logical thoughts and diligent working make them easily get success in work. However, men with Chinese zodiac Ox sign lack a certain sense of humor and passion in life and sometimes maybe a little assertive and arrogant. Ox Women: Women born in the Year of the Ox are diligent and tolerant. They are also very ethical and don't like to break any rules. But sometimes their stubbornness may cause some conflicts. Ox women are also industrious and thrifty in managing a household, ensuring smooth-running of a home. See your types and personality traits in the chart below.
Fire Ox , Clever, versatile, but lack of sympathy. Earth Ox , Smart, confident, and resolute, a little conservative. Metal Ox , Busy and active, with good interpersonal relations. Water Ox , Hardworking and diligent, realistic. Best Jobs: Lawyer, doctor, teacher, technician, politician, office clerk, consultant On the one hand, people born in the Year of the Ox are typical realists, upright and simple. They tend to do things in their own way and have a strong thinking ability, which enable them to be qualified for the rational jobs like lawyers and consultants.
On the other hand, the Oxen are very focused and conscientious at work. With a strong sense of responsibility, they are also adapt to professional jobs like doctors and technicians. The small diseases like colds and fevers are not serious.
Chinese Calendar - Festivals & Holidays
However, as people born in the Year of the Ox are very hardworking, they may meet some troubles with age, like cervical spondylosis. The long term unhealthy diet may also cause digestive diseases. Thus for Ox men, more outdoor activities are needed and they can play basketball, tennis or soccer with friends to exercise.
For Ox women, yoga is recommended to build the body.
Also, try to keep a healthy diet. For people born with Chinese zodiac Ox sign, they are honest and kind-hearted all the time. Some of them would encounter many troubles, which will be a great challenge for them. However, there is no need to be too frustrated in because there is always hope in desperate conditions. Based on Ox fortune prediction in , they will make some breakthroughs and turn disadvantages into advantages as long as they catch every golden opportunities. Just create a beautiful and brilliant life positively! During the Year of The Ox , children will be brought up for discussion, plans of having children or you decide to get involved more or less in the life of the younger generations.
January Chinese Horoscope Predictions |
More ambitious than usual, you will stop taking refuge in secondary roles and you will dare to call more attention to yourself. Your efforts will be rewarded right from the beginning of the Chinese Year The Rabbit natives are going to face some issue in their career due to their stubbornness in making everything perfect. You will need to accept that, in order to move on, you have to fulfill only passable standards. Be aware of your capacities and accept only the tasks that you can finalize.
The first trimester of is going to find you face to face with different challenges, especially in your relationship with your life partner.
2021: Year of the Ox – Chinese Animal Signs
Eventually, you will need to find solutions, which is going to create an atmosphere full of frustration. You have to think deeply in order to solve your marriage problems without losing your mental balance. This is not a good time for getting pregnant. It is necessary if this is your intention to wait until the middle of the year. The Chinese horoscope for Rabbit anticipates that the issues will slowly disappear and you enjoy peace and happiness with your partner.
You will use your charm to hypnotize your life partner and the romance, sex, and passion will appear in your marriage life.
Lucky Things for Oxen:
All your emotional problems will remain only in your mind and you enjoy harmony next to your partner. At the end of , you will be able to find a solution for all the disagreements between you and your partner, making acceptable compromises and your couple life is going to be wonderful. The Rabbit natives are on good terms with the Goat and the Pig natives. The relationships are all going great, especially in love.
In terms of his finances, the Rabbit manages to remain cautious and limit his expenses. Either way, it's high time for him to save some money. In the event of a romantic encounter, the single Rabbit should not hesitate to curb his enthusiasm and avoid sharing his private life too much. The Rabbit knows it well inside him, appearances are often deceptive and behind each amorous smile can in reality hide a dubious motivation. The Dragon opens the Chinese New Month with courage and optimism that allow him to look to the future with confidence.
Gradually, isolation and professional hesitation give way to a welcome feeling of solidity and anchoring.
2021 predictions for the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Rabbit
It will be more a feeling of legitimate belonging to a group than an improvement in one's skills. Regarding his finances, the worries of the previous months are finally dissipating. It is only in love that the Dragon could be made to want to listen only to himself, despite the actual circumstances in which he finds himself.
It is his capacity for tolerance and acceptance that will be most in demand during this lunar month. It is up to the Dragon to find the moderation and the adequate sensitivity that will allow him to avoid being wrongly accused of superficiality. The Snake begins the new Chinese month with the firm intention of being now more productive and efficient in the daily practice of his work.
The New Year gives the Snake the opportunity to have the courage to make important decisions that will influence his affairs in the short term. All his commitments will be influenced by long introspective moments that will provide him with the lucidity and wisdom necessary for the success of his projects. However, the Snake will have to take the trouble to listen primarily to his own intuitions and not to the cookie-cutter advice that one will gladly lavish on him in parallel.
- Chinese Zodiac, Metal Ox: Horoscope, Personality, Love, Wealth.
- Year of the Ox , , , , Chinese Zodiac Ox.
- 2021 Chinese Zodiac Stem-Branch Calendar.
- Chinese Calendar.
- What to Eat During Chinese New Year.
On the financial side, this is not the time to lend money to third parties. For large investments, it is better to wait until the following month. In love, peace within the couple will always require a fair compromise. Excessive jealousy, especially in a new relationship, is often corrosive and ends up creating deep wounds. Unfortunately, the Horse starts this new month of the Chinese calendar without benefiting from positive astral energies.
He could be faced with a series of stressful annoyances, especially if he doesn't bother to analyze his actions well before taking them. The Horse's strong will, admired by all his colleagues, as well as his propensity to respect his agenda meticulously, could help him maintain a somewhat vacillating professional stability.
When traveling for work, the Horse is advised to stay away from activities that could be detrimental to his well-being, both physical and mental. On the financial side, the time is not conducive to investments. It may be the right time for him to sort out his priorities before considering embarking on new large-scale projects. In addition, some unexpected expenses or the loss of a strategic partner are to be considered.
Fortunately, things return to normal in the following months. Towards the end of the lunar month, the Horse realizes that a little regular cleaning in his professional relations gives him a lightness of movement which suits him perfectly. In love, if in a new relationship, the Horse must under no circumstances be deluded and take the necessary time to get to know his partner well. In a couple, it is an excess of individualism that could compromise an already well established stability.
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- Chinese Calendar of January 2021.
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Too much rigidity would risk bringing important topics that had been shelved back into the spotlight. The Goat begins the new Chinese month with the prospect of better organization of his affairs. In the context of teamwork, the Goat must be careful not to express his frustrations in broad daylight, because the exposure of his weaknesses can be used against him subsequently. The Goat must realize that he is entering a mixed period, during which it is better to consolidate his achievements by showing exemplary discretion.
Regarding his money, the Goat must focus on unforeseen expenses in order to be able to save. However, a few lucky Goats can try their luck at the lottery during this lunar month. In love, social interactions are favored for the single Goat.