Oh, and look out for the foundation-shaking series of tense square aspects between Saturn and wild-child planet Uranus happening in February, June, and December, too, as those will cause friction between past traditions and futuristic innovations. The North Node , which represents the fate of our future, is in airy Gemini through the coming year, teaching us to pay attention to the little details all around us.
These backspins are asking us to focus on matters of partnerships, communication, information-sharing, and working with others. Ready to see the astrology of , based on your zodiac sign? Read on for your general astrological overview, love life horoscope, and your luckiest day of the year. General Overview For Aries Zodiac Signs: You're learning how to collaborate with others and make a more lasting impact within your communities, Aries. But you're also focusing on cooperation on a personal level — you're learning to be a better friend and stronger team player.
Love In For Aries Zodiac Signs: You're focusing a lot of energy on friendships and community, so it's possible a romance could blossom between you and a friend or someone who rolls with the same crowd as you — or perhaps a friends-with-benefits situation could come into play. If you're in a relationship, this is an important time to incorporate your partner into your social life or get aligned on some humanitarian causes together.
This is a sparkly day for love and romance for you, Aries! You're expanding your reach and visibility at work, while also learning serious lessons about where you want to end up professionally. Some unexpected shake-ups could end up steering your career path in a new direction, so taking calculated risks is a must. By the end of , you'll have a wealth of experience under your belt that you can carry forth through the rest of your professional life.
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Love In For Taurus Zodiac Signs: With wild-child planet Uranus continuing to shake things up in your sign this year, expect the unexpected when it comes to your love life. You might break out of the box and end up with someone out of the ordinary, have sudden endings or new beginnings in romance, or enter a relationship dynamic that you've never tried before. Stay open to experimenting. Use this day's energy to kick-start something new and exciting for your professional path.
Whether it's through traveling, furthering your education, or chasing one of your longtime aspirations, you're going to be craving knowledge and seeking mental stimulation from all of your endeavors. Think big — there's nothing you can't do if you set your sights on it. Your philosophical beliefs are changing form, so while you may have some existential struggles through the year, you'll find comfort in the wisdom you're acquiring. Love In For Gemini Zodiac Signs: With this year's eclipses hitting your relationship axis, expect to shake away some of your outdated beliefs about love and be open to embracing new ways of conducting your relationships.
Decan 1 Leo Horoscope 2021
If you're in a relationship now, prepare for a few cosmic tests and hurdles to get past — but know that keeping an open mind and prioritizing each other's freedom can help you work through it. Embrace your fate today and trust that luck is on your side in whatever you choose to pursue. As someone who's willing to make sacrifices for others, it's easy to lose yourself in emotionally-charged entanglements.
However, you have growing to do, so you can't get too wrapped up in someone else's issues. Prioritize your own healing this year by working through your shadow side, seeking closure toward any emotional loose ends, and finding ways to feel safe in your vulnerability. Love In For Cancer Zodiac Signs: You're great at making your partners feel accepted and nurtured, but standing up for your own desires in a relationship is more challenging.
- New Moon in February , New Moon in Aquarius 23°16’, February 11 | vdorogu.rop.ru!
- Horoscopes & Monthly Astrology from Chani Nicholas | Chani Nicholas!
- astrological definition of gemini.
- january 6 birthday horoscope forecast.
Practice being vulnerable while maintaining boundaries this year, Cancer — it's time to stand your ground in romance and listen to your heart. This day kick off your birthday season with loads of good luck and a sprinkle of fantasy. Enjoy the dreamy vibe. General Overview For Leo Zodiac Signs: Communication is taking the front seat in your closest relationships — you're learning how to embrace fairness and compromise with your loved ones while also expressing your needs.
There will also be opportunities to adjust the power dynamics and relationship roles that you notice yourself falling into.
Table of Eclipse Dates from 1994 to 2030
Look out for your career pulling much-needed attention away from your personal relationships and focus on work-life balance. If you're in a relationship, now's the time to work through any back-burner issues that stand in the way of your trust as you deepen your commitment to each other. If you're single, your focus is on finding someone who's down for a longer-term connection, so be open about your expectations.
A powerful new relationship cycle will start for you now, so indulge your desire for romance and creativity. General Overview For Virgo Zodiac Signs: If you haven't examined your exercise routine, self-care rituals, or daily habits in a while, offers you a chance to rejuvenate your wellness routine.
Your December Horoscope - Monthly Horoscope Predictions
Get in touch with what makes you feel strong, healthy, and in control. It's OK to adjust your calendar to allow for more time to indulge in self-care and rest — you're syncing up the energies of your mind, body, and spirit now. While you'll be hyper-focused on perfecting your routine and prioritizing self-care, your heart may pull you in a few other directions, bringing up lots of emotions around commitment, partnerships, and romance.
Be open with your lover about your fear, needs, and desires as you move forward.
Your 2021 Horoscope Is Here
Your love life is lighting up with luck and optimism today, so take advantage of the good vibes. General Overview For Libra Zodiac Signs: This is a great year for fostering your inner child and figuring out what brings you joy, Libra.

You're learning more about your creative process and the way you channel inspiration, so be patient with yourself as you experiment with ways to express what's in your heart. There are also endless opportunities in romance through , so while you may unexpectedly run into deeper feelings than you bargained for, remember that it's all part of the process. Love In For Libra Zodiac Signs: I hope you're ready to get your flirt on and put pleasure in the driver's seat — because this year has the potential to bring lots of sexy adventures, heart-flutters, and exciting romantic escapades.
Much of this year will be spent picking up the pieces of the one before; after all, life must go on. This year brings massive change for you on both professional and personal levels, as the stars push you to look closely at partnerships of all kinds. The year begins with lucky planet Jupiter in Aquarius, your 7th House of Relationships and Partnerships.
Leos are infamous for their love of attention — when you're ruled by the sun, you can't help it if the spotlight is always on you. However, this quest for attention can sometimes lead you to settle for the first gig or romantic interest that makes you feel special, even if you know deep down it's not the perfect fit.
Your goal for is to practice patience and learn to wait for the things that you deserve. Uranus will be in Taurus all year in your 10th House of Career and Ambition. The innovative planet squares off with Saturn in Aquarius, in your 7th House of Partnerships, three times this year, on Wednesday, February 17 , again on Monday, June 14 , and finally on Friday, December These standoffs between the two planets only occur every 22 and a half years and signifies clashes of power between conservative ideas and those that are more progressive.
The larger implications of these transits? It's highly likely that society will continue to reckon with all the systemic issues highlighted by the pandemic , anti-racism protests , and the recession. But what does this mean for you on a personal level?
Strict Saturn asks us to create healthy boundaries , while eccentric Uranus wants us to be the most authentic form of ourselves possible. For you, brave Leo, the meeting of these planets sheds light on the things in your life that may be limiting your self-growth. In a perfect world, would end with you finding the career path of your dreams. However, the world we live in is far from perfect. Most of us were affected by the economic disaster caused by COVID, and don't have the luxury of quitting a job because a coworker won't respect our boundaries.
So while it's important to stand up for yourself when you can and follow any urges you have to job hunt, we all have to eat. Survival is crucial, and there is no shame in sticking with what's comfortable and safe. Change will come in fact, it is the only constant , and with your work ethic and hopeful spirit, you can push through this time period.
During these dates, beware of typos and texts from exes.