Although there are a number of reassuring aspects this week, you must still face up to certain onerous duties. Thus a buoyant mood will be kept in check by the realisation that your routine must be adhered to. For all creative and romantic Leos, new volcanic passions are about to stir. You are probably right to refuse to be rushed, or forced to sign on the dotted line.
You cannot make a firm commitment unless you are completely sure that other people hold your interests as dear as their own. You will soon find out that a rival is right, by the way, so be ready to back down if you have to. Once again, you are being urged to devote all your time and energy to fulfilling your vision of a better life, even though you may be distracted by a mixture of financial worry and emotional uncertainty.
In affairs of the heart, take it easy and play it cool. Commonsense and sound principles must soon finally convince you that you will have to fight for the truth. Yet keep it in mind that other people are not being willfully obstructive. You will soon have to decide whether to confront a partner or leave well alone. Like many people at the moment, you must stagger your workload if you are not to be snowed under.
You would do well to delegate any tasks at home or at work to people who have the skill and experience to complete them on your behalf — if such people exist, that is!

You're more decisive and confident in December, although as the month progresses, your curiosity can diffuse your focus somewhat. Mercury and then the Sun head into your communications sector on the 20th and 21st. These transits encourage your desire to talk, share, learn, and connect. Getting and keeping in touch with others can benefit you.
Fun new interests or exciting news and topics can figure strongly now. The Full Moon on the 29th can point to the culmination of a project or learning endeavor. Still, you're likely to end the year mindful of what needs doing but patient and relaxed.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Your influence increases, creativity gets a nice boost, and money matters can improve dramatically. Your perspective is changing, taking you on a new path. Being in the right place at the right time certainly helps. As the year advances, home and family come into sharp focus. Uranus opposing your sign can most certainly mean you are attracting unusual or erratic partners—or that your relationship needs are met sporadically.
Whatever the case may be, excitement and change are in store for you with regards to close personal relationships. With Uranus coming at your sign in this way, there can be times when you feel restless, but it can be hard to know whether you want freedom and independence or if the outside world is pushing it on you. There has been a strong and sometimes heavy focus on your communications sector in recent years.
While this emphasis does continue this year and beyond, there are at least two big reasons for seeing improvements this year.
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For one, structured disciplinarian, Saturn, is transitioning out of this area of your chart. For another, happy Jupiter is spending most of here, bringing more joy and meaning to your pursuits, hopefulness to your thoughts, and warmth to your communications. You are especially mentally alert and busy this year, and you stand to widen your social circle, update your skills, communicate more effectively, read, advertise, publish, and write more.
This should prove to be an exciting, busy, and fruitful period. Your life seems to speed up, and as it does, you find that you lose some of your skepticism, cautiousness, and fear of taking risks.
Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for January
This year is an excellent period for sharpening your skills, growing your knowledge base, making contacts and connections, studies, training programs, and writing. Your mind is open, and you are enthusiastic. Fortunately, you can be happily focused on a project that you thoroughly enjoy this year. In all likelihood, these have to do with studies, skillsets, the mind, connections, personal interests, writing, and communicating.
Reworking something from the ground up may be necessary, but it can have long-term benefits. The year can bring much applause and appreciation from others and fabulous rewards for your efforts. Still, both Venus and Mars retrograde in along with the usual Mercury and other planet retrogrades, suggesting that pacing yourself is a good idea. Life is not always about pushing forward this year. Use the retrograde periods for learning what you genuinely want regarding shared finances and intimacy from May June 25, and then work or health pursuits from September 9-November See also Scorpio Preview.
Neptune continues to affect your tastes and romantic expectations, dear Scorpio, as it is your romance sector ruler and moving through its own sector. This long-term transit is nothing new to you — slowly, your tastes are evolving, refining, and romanticizing. However, Neptune is not forming any major stressful aspects in , making it less likely to throw too much shade on your life this year.
Weekly Horoscope - Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 28 December, - 3 January,
On Sunday, January 12 , Saturn, the planet of time, conjuncts Pluto, your ruling planet of rebirth, in professional Capricorn. You are ready to get to work and make some money. It's okay to say no to some social events for the sake of your career and mental health. I promise no one will forget about you, seductive Scorpio. Romance planet Venus enters fellow water sign Pisces on Monday, January Your partners are down to go deep with you, which is great news for you because small talk turns you off. You crave depth even in your casual affairs.
However, while Scorpio remembers absolutely everything ever, Pisces can be forgetful. They aren't all stoners, but it makes sense why the reputation sticks. That said, this month may have your feathers a bit ruffled, as Venus is in Pisces has everyone acting a bit flaky, and you do not have time for it. Direct your focus on work and wait it out. The sun enters Aquarius on Monday, January You can be a bit of a loner, so sometimes the collective energy Aquarius brings to the table is overwhelming.