Quotes leos astrology

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  • Quotes About the Majestic Persona of Leos!

They always know how to cheer people up, and everyone wants to keep the Lion around because of its good nature and its thrilling personality. Correction: Having sex with a Leo is a mind-blowing experience. They expect everything in life to be spectacular — how could life not be spectacular with a Leo around? When they love someone they heap attention on them.

Being a LEO is awesome!

This makes them the happiest. They also really enjoy watching their favorite shows with someone they love.

Here are of the best Leo memes this sun sign (and people who know a Leo) can relate to.

He is turned on by women who are strong and own their power. They have the ability to take in everything around them and serve funny jokes about those things seamlessly. They will use exaggeration to make people chuckle, and groups will often be found laughing loudly in their presence. They are always hysterical, always the favorite friend of the group, always the person who entertains you and creates the best memories. They are the opposite of dull and punctuate your relationship with belly laughs.

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You are friendly and honest, and people are drawn to your energy. You are the type of person people admire because they want to emulate your spirit and your sociability. Leos are successful and get their well-deserved acclaim because, very simply, they ask for it. In their own subtle way, they are masters of never letting anyone walk all over them or letting their hard work go unnoticed. You take charge and others take notice. You make the first move and are the ones to turn up the temperature. People are drawn to their enthusiasm and passion, in everything they do.

Demand attention, be charming and look them straight in the eye.

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It could be a relief to resolve a lingering problem. You really must make an early start if you want to get the most out of the day. You should realise, however, that the determining factor will be the amount of money you have in your pocket, not to mention the cost of those items which are necessary to your plans. This is probably no bad thing, for a little self-doubt will encourage you to question your preconceptions and hence to do a great deal better next time around. LEO July 24 — Aug.

You may be inclined to spend more time by yourself, away from troublesome human company.

Whether this is possible or not is another matter. And, if someone entrusts you with a secret, you must respect their confidence. That way, even the most controversial ideas could succeed. At work, you will do best if you take the long-range point of view and avoid being bogged down in short-term details. The professional picture looks fairly positive, and you may be required to take on new responsibilities — and accept authority over other people.

In all matters you should be prepared to play a maternal and compassionate role, even with complete strangers! You may be able to tell someone is a Leo by how they carry themselves. Always put together and dressed in confidence, Leos have great style and know-how to dress to impress. After all, they want to be the center of attention and love when people just assume they are important when they walk into a room.

Zodiac Quotes (30 quotes)

With all that being said, Leos have positive and negative traits that ultimately make them a unique sign within the zodiac. They have quirks and flaws, but will always have your back.

Leo Sign will be happy with 3 Zodiacs

Hopefully, you'll laugh about these Leo — we still love and appreciate you. Remember to not take yourself too seriously! Photo Credit: Astrotraits. Photo Credit: Scoopwhoop. Photo Credit: Sweetyhigh. Photo Credit: Pinterest. Photo Credit: Twitter. This is how Leos apologize: "I apologize for hurting your feelings bit I told the truth soooo I said what I said. Correction: Having sex with a Leo is a mind-blowing experience. Photo Credit: Tumblr.