If you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign.
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See also the Preview Capricorn Horoscope. Saturn has served to enhance your responsible side, and in December , Saturn officially and more permanently moved on from Capricorn. In , Saturn is no longer directly challenging you, having moved on to your resources sector. It signals a period of building and development. You feel lighter and perhaps a little freer as well. Saturn has officially transitioned out of your sign after sharing its time in your first and second houses last year.
Mars spent the second half of in your home and family sector, stirring things up—sometimes it excavated problems or buried resentments. It was in this area of your chart for longer than usual because of its retrograde from September to November. Fortunately, Mars heads into your sector of romance, pleasure, and fun on January 6th, where it will boost your confidence and desire for love, attention, self-expression, and entertainment until March 3rd.
This longer-term transit it lasts until can certainly shake up romantic feelings, your dating life, and casual romantic relationships—these areas can sometimes be unpredictable, exciting, or edgy. Work with this energy by accepting that things need to change.
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You can no longer keep approaching romance in the same old ways. However, watch for moderation on these levels—avoid abrupt or rebellious moves. You are expressing your creative side more spontaneously during this period, and this can most certainly attract unusual people and circumstances into your romantic life. On the other hand, you are open to change and unusual expressions of love, and this can open up doors for you that you never knew existed.
You could be attracting Uranian types of people or situations into your life on a romantic level — unusual, radical, or rebellious types of people, or erratic circumstances surrounding romance.
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So, while you are quite serious about many areas of your life, there is a loosening up and liberating influence with you on creative and romantic levels this year and beyond. Uranus often clashes with your ruling planet, Saturn, as well as with Jupiter this year, and your desire for more stability and security in a general sense can certainly be at odds with your need for more creative and romantic stimulation. Part of you is focused on steadying your life, building a sense of security and safety, and managing your resources this year, and these themes can interfere with another part of you that just wants to take a risk from time to time, or to go out on a limb.
Restrictions on your explorations can be material or spiritual as you wrestle with a need for security, frugality, and predictability, particularly in February, June, and December. Venus is retrograde in your sign starting at the tail end of , from December 19, , to January 29, Retrograde Venus affects all of us in general, mainly in the areas of love and finances. These matters are not straightforward during this period, and it is a time for reviewing our attitudes rather than forging ahead boldly into new love relationships or financial projects.
Now, Venus retrograde cycles always have more impact on you when it comes to relationships and love because Venus rules your romance sector.
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This presents somewhat of a paradox because whenever Venus occupies your sign, you tend to enjoy special attention from love interests—a lover or love interest is generally on the same page as you, or at the very least, has your best interests at heart. You have the upper hand in love when Venus works her way through Capricorn, which she does for a longer period than usual this time, from November 5, , to March 6, But from December January 29, Venus is retrograde, and that typically points to some cooling off in love relationships.
So for this period of time, you and a lover might both be going through a period of review or confusion. A lover or love interest might appear to be very much in your corner, but could be giving off mixed signals. The good news is that Venus will continue to move through your sign after the retrograde phase, and you are likely to enjoy the attention as well as the time to get more comfortable in your own skin. From January 6 to March 3 , , Mars is in your romance sector, and the focus is on having fun, confidently going after what you want, and increased sexuality.
There can be sparks flying in a romance, sometimes challenging, but certainly more exciting than usual.
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope Predictions - january
Venus occupying your sign acts to boost your overall appeal and charm, and this happens from January 8 to February 1 , It will return later in the year, but it will also turn retrograde near the end of When Venus and Saturn connect, significant activity is likely in your love life.
In , this happens in the first week of February. Eros is in your sign from March 22 to June 11 , , and people are attracted to your confidence, verve, and expertise. This is a time for actively pursuing your desires, which can be plentiful for the time being! This influence returns later in the year: from September 25 to November 27 , This transit overlaps with a Mars influence that runs from April 23 to June 11 , , and there can be some fireworks in a key relationship. You can be more ardent in your pursuit of a person or a relationship, or someone could be ardently pursuing you!
Another overlapping transit is Venus moving through your romance sector from April 14 to May 8, , putting you in a playful, lighthearted, and magnetic phase for love, particularly for casual love affairs. Your powers of attraction run high. Love is more likely to come to you. Mercury, Venus, and the Sun all enter Taurus in April 14th, 19th, and 19th and continue there into May to the 3rd, 8th, and 20th. In strong focus now are matters of the heart, dating, and the more playful elements of love.
Conversations open about love or with love interests. From June 2 to 26, , a partnership is warm, loving, and especially pleasurable. Mars in your intimacy sector from June 11 to July 29 , , can act to really fire up your passions and intimate world. There may be some adjustments to make — problems in committed relationships revolving around sex and money can be aired now. Conflicts need to be faced head-on with Mars here. This can be the start of some longer-term rumblings and stirrings on romantic or creative levels. Venus occupying your sign once again boosts your overall appeal and charm, and this happens from November 5, , to March 6, However, Venus turns retrograde during this period as outlined below, and there can be some peaks and valleys.
Most of the year, Venus is direct, but it turns retrograde near the end of December 19, , to January 29, , is the Venus retrograde period. If you can, avoid making any major decisions about love and finances during this cycle. This phase affects all of us in general, with love, enjoyment, money, and pleasure not very straightforward. The following guide shows when, where, and how to best find or maintain love.

See below the guide for more key dates and the best periods for attracting or enhancing romance, partnerships, and intimacy. Aries people will have more faith in themselves, but also in others, which is such an essential element in fulfilling their plans.
Money and Career Horoscope
The year brings more energy for Scorpio, and it will also facilitate communication with family and friends. Also, they will have more courage to dream and to fulfill their dreams. The year will help the people born in Aquarius to find the answers to the most personal and profound questions. Their wishes will come true at the right time when they will need it most. Those who are born under the Aquarius sign will be a reliable support for their friends, and they will even inspire those around them.
Perhaps you are wondering what zodiac signs will hit the jackpot in all domains of life this year. It seems that brings excellent news for at least three signs. The women born in Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarius will be successful in everything they plan to accomplish. January is very important in terms of dynamism, as Mars reaches this sign and good initiatives towards Aquarius will take place, from where some influential friends will also appear.
In February , the 17 th and 18 th of the month are extremely lucky in terms of career. On February 4 th , you will take a test of courage, and towards the middle of the month, there will be a perfect time to solve any sentimental problems.
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
In March , the health issues get solved, and the end of the month turns out to be favorable. The 4 th , 7 th , and 9 th of the month are good days for any love affairs for those born in Taurus, Scorpio, and Pisces. The dates for Mercury Retrograde :.
In Aquarius, Mercury gets a strong emotional resonance. Difficulties in expressing feelings will occur, and tears become a daily habit.