So this is the man that has a problem in reaching some sort of emotional content, but it is not impossible. He can be romantic at times, but the fact is that this human being is one solid man who must keep all things under his control at all times. But one more thing must be said — this man can be quite difficult, as it sets some expectations towards its partner who expects to fulfill it, and it is not just about his partners, he is like that with the majority of people who are close to him, in work and everywhere else.
On the other side of this story, this man will never complicate things with excessive emotional outbursts and heartbreaking scenes — this is not his character.
He is a practical figure and looks for a practical, capable, intelligent people to be around with. He is one man that can be extremely pleasant and humorous in society. You can expect a new trick every minute, which you will surely come up with just to improve your mood — but this is only possible if he wants to be like that, if he is not in the mood, he will close himself and will never let anyone see how depressive he is.
The main thing to remember is that fact that this man sets very high standards for himself and others too, and because of innate self-criticism and discipline, this man has the excellent managerial ability. This man who is born on the cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius sign can be very modest, demonstrating the ability to reach the target, with minimal expense; he directs his energy with the purpose and in small doses.
He is very organized and able to manage well with several projects simultaneously, and in the end, this man belongs to those people who are deep thinkers. Life is a serious job for this man, and he must have control and detailed insight into it — everything else will produce anxiety in him. Rational, logical and clear, this interesting man directs energy toward knowledge and wisdom.
Born on the Capricorn Aquarius cusp? Here's what it means | Well+Good
Just like a man born in the cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius sign, a female representative is above all ambitious and responsible human being who reaches her goals slowly, but efficiently. In this sense, she has amazing ideas that she wants to achieve in life, and not everyone could understand the magnitude of her ideas.
She is often misunderstood in her life and in work especially. She is not even a romantic type of woman and appreciates practical gifts and signs of attention, and she prefers something else, something that is more concrete and more practical, in this way. And even if she will never be the one lady that will give up her work and careers to stay at home and raise children, she wants to be with someone who will provide to her, and who will accept her for her ambition.
She will fall in love with people who are attractive are stable, responsible — her loved ones must realize the fact that she must find her match in life, and will never be happy with someone who is opposite from her.
January 17 Zodiac Sign
When this lady is hurt, she prefers to pull herself from everything, and to be silent, rather than talk about it — this is maybe her biggest problem, because communication is one of the most interesting aspects of interpersonal relations, and she needs to implement it in her life. Because of this, her connections with other people can often be in crisis, and the fact is that this lady will suffer immensely for this, even if she will never show it to anyone. She often hides her feelings, but she has a fear that she will be hurt in interpersonal relations, and often she is.
She is hurt maybe because, even if she will never admit it, has high expectations, and when they are not fulfilled, then she feels betrayed. As you were able to see for yourself in the previous sections where we talked about man and woman that are born on the cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius sign, these people are those types who can with great confidence feel about themselves, and they do not create any complex. They have an opinion about everything, and they feel like they all know, and no one is smarter than them — this can be unrealistic, but the fact is that they can learn very much, for a small period, and can genuinely know much more than others.
If you go through the traits of Capricorn-Aquarius cusps , you would know that they are highly determined and eccentrically creative individuals, who are born with the objective to make this world a better place. Their highly vivid imagination and vision becomes a source of their creativity, with which they wish to create marvels in this world. At times, they fail to sort of strike a balance between reality and dreams, and are put off by people who fail to share their degree of passion, determination, and discipline. This is what makes choosing the best partners for them a tricky task.
One thing about these individuals is that they tend to be overcritical or judgmental about those who lack discipline and determination in life. They also fail to understand the reason for others not being able to view their visionary ambitions and dreams. The characteristics that we need in the ideal suitors for the men and women belonging to this cusp, are understanding, supportiveness, creativeness, and a somewhat-disciplined sense of eccentricity.
The following signs, according to us, fulfill these criteria perfectly … well, almost. Libra is the peacemaker of the zodiac chart, and those belonging to this sign are very much capable of weighing the pros and cons of two extreme situations, and balancing two conflicting elements at the same level.
Why we consider Librans to be a good prospect for our mysterious cusps is because they will somehow adapt to these cuspians and attain a balance, as they are very caring and careful lovers. Librans also master the art of diplomacy and are avid strategists, conveying some of the most problematic messages in a subtle manner. This trait of theirs will help handle the lack of ability in Capricorn-Aquarian cusps to not receive criticism and disapproval sportingly, or not to be able to see a reason behind criticism.
January 17 Zodiac
Librans are governed by the air element, which means that like our half-air Capriquarius, they too are driven by intellectual talks and undertakings. With certain aspects kept in check, like the tendency of Librans to get a bit manipulative and critical at times, we see a great relationship compatibility between these two signs.
This is because when it comes to the ones they love, Librans will quickly change the composition to bring a harmonic balance in the union. Being the last sign of the zodiac chart, Pisces tends to absorb and understand all the traits of the signs that come before it. Aquarius and Capricorn precede Pisces immediately; therefore, those belonging to this sign will establish a sense of understanding with these cuspians, sooner or later. Yes, there will be problems that will arise when our cuspians will be in their overcritical and harsh mode, mainly because Pisces is the most sensitive signs of all.
However, it is also one of the most compassionate, understanding, and selfless signs.
- birthday march 24 horoscope 2021.
- Aquarius Women and Capricorn Men | LoveToKnow.
- vamshi name astrology.
- Your Astrological Chart Cusp.
With some adjustments, Pisceans can give Capricorn-Aquarius the support and inspiration that they need. They add to their creative instinct because they are quite creative and vivid themselves, and also love to be a part of a fantasy-oriented world. In other words, a Piscean can provide colors to the imagination of a Capricorn-Aquarius. This would be the best pick, especially when the seeker of a relationship is a Capricorn-Aquarius woman. Cancer men are perhaps the best men to handle women who are headstrong. Cancerians are quite peace-loving in nature. They are also very hardworking and determined to accumulate the best of luxuries and necessities to make a cozy shell for themselves and their loved ones.
So, they will invariably understand the point of view of their cusp mate, especially when it comes to their orientation towards goals, hard work, and discipline. If someone born on the Capricorn Aquarius cusp says that they are going to do something, they do it. Although this may hold the cusp back from time to time, most of the time, every idea is perfect, runs smoothly, and with hard work, gives the individual success. One of the most amazing things about this cusp is the fact that it has some of the best-shared traits from each zodiac sign.
Capricorns have a passion for succeeding financially, whereas Aquarius has a passion for making the world a better place. People in this cusp want to be successful in terms of finances, and they want to better the world at the same time. Another positive trait that this cusp gets from both of the signs is strong communication skills. Capricorn and Aquarius are well known for being very direct, informative, and clear communicators, and this is amplified within the cusp. These people know exactly how to communicate with others in every situation.
They excel at every type of communication, from small talk with a stranger to in-depth discussion with a client.
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In addition, it takes them a long time to actually open up to others and they only allow others to see their vulnerable side once they fully trust them. Although Capricorns typically only want success if it has money involved, people born on this cusp want to make the world a better place and therefore they strive for success for not only themselves but everyone around them too, regardless of money.

People born on the Capricorn Aquarius cusp are successful at whatever they put their mind to, and this also means relationships and friendships - they will try their hardest to make a relationship work and ensure everyone is happy in the situation. Although being full of mystery and imagination can be a strength, it can also be a weakness.
Libras , known for creating balance, is a good partner for those on the Capricorn Aquarius cusp. Pisces , known for being sensitive and adhering to the needs of their partners, can be a great match for the cusp Aquarius Capricorn. In addition, they need a lot of alone time too, so the independence of each side means no feelings are hurt if either needs some space.
People on the Pisces Aquarius cusp also match up well. Cancers are the homemakers of the zodiac, also known for caring and being emotional. The Aquarius cusp, better known as the Capricorn Aquarius cusp , is between January 17th to January 23rd.