Verizon wireless daily horoscope

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh said consumers still need to remain vigilant of scams.

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Most of the money paid by the providers under the settlement will be used to refund duped consumers. Earlier this month, Sprint announced mixed financial results for the fourth quarter, saying it had maintained its third-place spot in the U. Verizon Wireless said it had set up a website where consumers can get more information.

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Verizon Wireless, Sprint pay $ million to settle scam charges - The Boston Globe

By Associated Press and Billboard Staff. Copied to clipboard. Harris announced today that Connecticut, along with all 49 other states and the District of Columbia, have reached settlements with Sprint Corporation and Verizon Wireless to resolve allegations that the companies participated in a practice known as "data cramming.

The states, with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Federal Communication Commissions FCC , alleged that Sprint and Verizon placed charges on consumers' mobile telephone bills without their knowledge or consent. In addition to refunds, the settlements prohibit the mobile carriers from engaging in this activity in the future without consumers' consent. The states alleged that Sprint and Verizon billed consumers for premium text message subscription services PSMS that they had not signed up for or otherwise agreed to receive.

Verizon, Sprint to pay $158 million over unauthorized phone charges

I am encouraged that consumers will get relief for unwarranted charges and see real reform take place in the manner in which consumers are billed in the future. All four mobile carriers announced they would cease billing customers for premium text message subscription services in the fall of Consumers can submit claims under the settlement by visiting www. Through those websites, consumers can submit claims, find information about refund eligibility and how to obtain a refund, and can request a free account summary that details PSMS purchases on their accounts. Data cramming can affect both land and mobile telephone lines and can be easily overlooked on consumers' monthly bills.

The charges come in an array of forms, such as marketing products or services, and are often disguised in bills as a "service fee" or "monthly charge.

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Consumers should thoroughly read their monthly bills and examine charges carefully. If there are any charges that appear to be unwarranted, consumers should contact their telephone providers to resolve the charges.

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