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If the sour pusses you encounter could muster up your level of joy, they would. You are lucky. Escape, from time to time, is healthy, but when done in excess, that from which you escape will only worsen. With this in mind you might decide to stick to the reality of your present work until it's finished. You deserve a pat on the back for managing so much so well. Of course, you expect nothing less from yourself.
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What if you expected the same industry from others -- would you get it? Not a chance, say the stars.
- Horoscopes: Saturday, June 13, .
- Sagittarian Timing, by Holiday Mathis | Creators Syndicate.
- Horoscopes by Holiday!
You make your no-nonsense pitch for getting what you really want. LEO: People who are good for you bring you up whenever you're around them, even when you're already in good spirits. VIRGO: Give a loved one specific examples of how he or she can make you happy and you won't be disappointed. This either strikes up a new relationship or takes an old one deeper.
You are repaid in sweet laughter. As this big daddy of the zodiac takes a visit in Aquarius, Sagittarius and Aquarius natives who have been following their own separate interests may now notice that they have new common ground. Furthermore they each have something the other needs.
- Horoscopes - Los Angeles Times.
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A deliciously revealing conversation on Saturday could set the ball rolling toward a co-adventure. If you would like to write to Holiday Mathis, please go to www. To find out more about Holiday Mathis and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www. Most Popular. Today's Picks. Downtown HTX is one step closer to being linked to far west side.
Now, the sun god had a pretty sweet ride. He drove the sun across the sky every day in a chariot pulled by fiery horses. The solar steeds were just too much horsepower for young Phaeton to handle, and he lost control of the chariot. The sun careened across the sky, scorching the earth, until Zeus finally had to put a stop to it. To save the earth from flaming destruction, Zeus sent a lightning bolt to kill poor Phaeton, who plummeted to the earth in a blaze of glory and landed in the River Eridanus.
This myth highlights the notion of stampeding headlong into trouble. Those born under the sign of Taurus are known for bulldozing ahead, for better or worse. With Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Leo, the sign of children and creativity, Pearlman embodies his stars.
He's a teacher, mentor and major contributor to music programs, including his own Perlman Music Program. Edit Close. Toggle navigation Menu. Don't have an account? Sign Up Today. Essential reporting in volatile times. Learn more about HD Media. Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. Manage followed notifications. Close Followed notifications. Please log in to use this feature Log In. Latest News.
Essays on Faith: 'Too bad we had to grow up'. From the Kitchen:. Essays on Faith: 'God, where did we go wrong? Prep football: Musselman's Hartman runs away with Kennedy. Marshall football: Herd faces Buffalo in Camellia Bowl. Your best work will be aimed at fulfilling a deadline. This doesn't unfold in the expected way, and yet, your preparation pays off.
What happens is much more playful, humorous, quirky and delicious than you imagined it would be.
Horoscopes - The San Diego Union-Tribune
You'll be fulfilled by aspects of the day you could not have anticipated would bring you that intake of breath and rush of emotion to remind you of your shared humanity. Your faith in life's process will be fortified. You'll be presented with comforting news and gestures that wrap you in the warmth of belonging. Still, it's what you give that fulfills you the most.
If, at the end of this day, you were asked to sing out the highlights, it would be a rollicking opera indeed, merry, jubilant and worthy of "bravo" cries from a standing audience. Mirth will come easily to you.
It's a matter of cutting the rope and throwing the sandbags over the edge. The mood sails up and up, giving you the most glorious view of your current landscape. When you were small, you couldn't have imagined this current version of you. Had you met, it would have been like meeting a foreigner from an exotic land.
Your reality can be better than dreams — a theme that will keep repeating for you. There's a windfall in February. A realization electrifies your work sector. Virgo and Libra adore you.