Parasara Navamsa Method: 1. Krishna Mishra Navamsa Method: 1.
- Telugu Jatakam, తెలుగు జాతకం, Telugu Horoscope;
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Somanatha Navamsa Method: 1. The lords of 1st, 4th and 7th navamsa of a sign represent the Deva "Divine beings" and constructive forces ; persons born with any of these navamsas rising in the Lagna are generous, religious, wealthy, powerful and influential. Persons born in the 2nd, 5th or the 8th navamsa whose lords represent the Naras "Human beings" and their efforts are generally kind, good natured, engaged in the pursuits of human welfare and reputed; and in the 3rd, the 6th or the 9th navamsa whose lords represent the Rakshasas "Demonic beings" and evil forces are selfish,cruel, violent, destructive and possess many negative qualities.
Moreover, the Lagna-rasi and the Lagna-lord should not form or occupy the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhava in the Navamsa Chart nor the lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th of the Rasi Chart associate with the Navamsa Lagna or its lord. Any planet can acquire any karakatwa but the prime indicator is the Atmakaraka along with the various lagnas and padas. A Navamsa is equal to one-ninth part of a sign or one nakshatra-pada one-fourth part of a constellation and is one of the Shodasvargas i.
Birth in Vargottama Lagna is considered very fortunate and planets in Vargottama are very strong and confer benefic results if they do not occupy inimical signs. The occupation of own navamsa by a planet is superior to the occupation of its exaltation-navamsa. The planet which is in its exaltation sign in the Rasi-chart but situated in its neecha-navamsa debilitated in Navamsa-chart produces its bad results very soon, however, a planet situated in its debilitation sign in the Rasi-chart but in its uccha-navamsa exalted in Navamsa-chart invariably confers auspicious results.
If at the time of birth planets are placed in inimical signs even if they be in Vargottama they render all Raja yogas useless, the same is true if many planets are in debilitation. The Rajayogakarakas cease to be Rajayogakarakas if the happen to occupy their neecha-navamsas. Saturn occupying its own or exaltation sign does not afflict natural benefics or their yoga-formations provided it does not simultaneously occupy its neecha-navamsa but all planets occupying navamsas ruled by Jupiter usually act as benefics and if situated in a kendra, in the 9th or in the 2nd house from the lagna make one very learned, famous and even establish a new school of thought or system.
Rahu and Ketu mythology do not rule any navamsa-division but a navamsa of Mars is to be found in all signs. Results of planetary periods dashas and sub-periods antra-dashas vary in accordance with the particular location of those bhava-lords in the Navamsa-chart.

In Prasna Marga the author has in addition to the Navamsa also referred to the Nava Navamsa and the Navamsa Dwadasamsa positions, the former position is obtained by multiplying the actual longitude signs included of a planet by 81, and the latter by multiplying the actual longitude signs excluded of a planet by Negative effects diminish if benefic are strong in the lagna, in a kendra or in a trine, the situation of the Moon in 11th house removes all defects.
All yoga formations follow inviolable basic rules and principles and therefore, the yogas described by the various texts are very certain in their construction and impact.
Jaimini Astrology Calculator - Jaimini Chara Dasha Calculation Horoscope
All sub-divisions of a sign, including the navamsa situation of planets, have prescribed roles and results and contribute to their varga-wise awastha determination. For example, a Raja yoga description reads as follows:. This yoga is possible for Gemini lagna and Libra lagna. Then, the Moon occupying its exalted navamsa will be in a trikona-bhava from a strong Mercury.
A Comprehensive Guide for Jaimini Astrologers
Formation of Argala Benefic Argalas Malef ic Argalas Counteraction of Argalas Significance of Argalas Argala Chakra Argala Chart in the Standard Horoscope. Sources of Strength Sources of Rasi Srength Atmakaraka Sttength Association Strength Location br Aspect Sffetrgth Strength due to Lord Strength of Odd Rasis A tmakarakaDispos i t ion St rength Sources of Planetary Strength Amsa Bala Moolathr ikona Bala Numerical Measure of Rasi Strength The Lord's Strength64' Moolatbr ikona Bala Kendra Bala67, Chara Bala Druk Ba la Sthira Bala Total Rasi Strength Special Strength' Except ions.
Chapter V-Dasas and Bhoktls Kinds of Dasas Choice of Dasa Chara Dasa Visbamapada Rasis Samapada Rasis The Order of Dasas Dasa Period. Furrher Variat ions of Dasa Durat ion Variat ions due to Dual Lordship Conjunct ion of Dual Lords in Own Rasi Saturn-Rahu Conjunct ion in Other Signs One Lord in Own Rasi and the Other. Lord in a Different Rasi Dual Lords in Dif ferent Rasis Bhukt is in Chara Dasa Durat ion of Sub-periods Sthira Dasa Dasa Periods Calculat ion of Sthira Dasa Thrikona Dasa Span of Thrikona Dasa Sub-periods in Thrikona Dasa Varnada Dasa Brabma Dasa Yogardha Dasa Niryana Sula Dasa Niryana Phala Sula Dasa.
Chapter VI -Determination of Longevityl0 l. Method One A lpayu Reconci l ing Contradictory Results. Calculation of Exact LongevityI Summaryl l l. Method Twol l2. The calculations of Karakas are purely based on the degrees. The planet with the highest degree is known as the AtmaKaraka.
Jaimini Astrology
Atmakaraka is the indicator of the soul. It shows the desire of your soul. The sign and house which the Atmakaraka is placed will show what your heart desires to have during this birth.
Moon is placed in Libra. The ruler of Libra is Venus. Moon is in the Nakshatra of Vishaka, ruled by Jupiter. So here we should add the characters of Libra, Venus, Vishakha, and Jupiter.
Jathakam/ Horoscope in Telugu
Libra is the sign ruled by Venus. Venus is all about love, relations, unity, balance, arts, and luxury. Moon is placed in the Nakshatra of Vishaka and it is ruled by Jupiter.
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Jupiter is the planet of spirituality, higher knowledge, and philosophy. That is his Dharma. Amatya Karaka is the planet with the 2nd highest degree.