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No its not Viking horoscopes. Games — Daily Horoscope and games!. Also has live updates.
Pisces: Fri 25, December 2020
HoroscopeFriends — Read your free daily horoscope. Richard Giles examines the fires and other disastrous indications in the light of the December Eclipse. Chinese New Year.
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February is always the commencement of the Chinese New Year. Traditionally, using a Solar calendar, the Chinese start the year on the 4th February beginning a new animal cycle in their twelve part zodiac. Last year was the Year of the Water Horse and what a year! Next in the cycle of animals is the Sheep or Goat. It's an animal that had a special place in the creation cycle, according to the Chinese story, as the Goat took the heavenly crops down to Earth on his discovery that the people on Earth were starving.
Richard Giles examines this phenomenon. Read more about the Year of the Water Goat!
Seriously Original. Unconventional Aquarius, the sign of determined intellect, unorthodox relationships and brotherly love, is the eleventh sign of the tropical zodiac. As we celebrate the ingress into Aquarius, we are focused on exploring the deep and fascinating world of astrology and relationships. Aquarius , the Water-Bearer, our featured Sign of the month has a thoughtful, intelligent approach, but loves to take things to the limit, especially along little-known pathways. Charming, exciting and unpredictable, yet somehow strangely detached from the proceedings, Aquarians are one of the zodiac's most eccentric personalities.
They look for the unusual and challenging, while at the same time seeking romance, tenderness and understanding in their relationships. Aquarians love to experiment and often find themselves in steamy situations, yet they do seek stable long-term relationships and will commit themselves firmly to their loved ones. Read about Aquarius and all the other signs right here on our website: click here.
Mercury Retrograde!
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On January 2nd, , Mercury turned retrograde again, sending communications, missed appointments, mail and the www into a general snarlup! This awkward period lasts for three weeks or so, until January It finally straightens out on Feb. Mercury turns retrograde three times a year, as a rule, but the effects of each period differ, according to the sign in which it happens. This year, however, Mercury turns retrograde four times. How confusing! Check your diary!
Astroscoped - Daily Online Horoscopes Directory
Read more on Mercury Retrograde! Asperitus Returns! Behold, Asperitus, the Oracle of Bitter Truth, has returned from his sojourn in the fields of desolation, desecration and despair. Yea, verily, our cup runneth over, for the great one has deigned to allow us the benefit of his ignoble prognostications for the dire and doleful year of !
O ye benighted ones, be ye eternally grovelful. At last! Happy New Year! Well the old year is coming to a shuddering end, with the usual pressures and joys of the holiday season and the power of the solstice as the Sun turns around and heads north again. Chicken Littles have been squawking and sputtering about the so-called "Terrorist Threat" -- and indeed seem to have found their place in the sun as the politicians of the world scramble to shut down the very freedoms they claim to be upholding!
The coming year looks rather grim, from the point of view of peace and freedom. As we all know, one american life is worth at least of any foreign nation's and the dark urge for revenge has set the wheels of the military-industrial complex cranking, as President G. Bush seeks to make himself even more popular than his dad by bombing a few wogs into oblivion in the middle east. Make that east of Eden, where Cain settled to reproduce his kind Well, the Call of the Wild has been somewhat stifled by the sinking of yet another massive oil tanker, this time off the coast of Spain.
Perhaps we should make more of an effort to reduce our dependency on this "black gold", and then there might be less of an urge for our "leaders" to get involved with the battles of the Middle East. As I stated last year at this time, the painful struggle for freedom, security and the right to a peaceful future for our children will continue over the months and years to come, at least until we begin to understand that mindlessly reacting to planetary inluences is simply the response of the unawakened soul to the environmental influences affecting the collective unconscious.
The role of astrology in the awakening process is to sound a warning and to shed some light on otherwise unfathomable mysteries of human behaviour and natural phenomena. Get daily horoscope predictions free for each zodiac signs categorized into general overview, love, finance, health and career. Cancer, read weekly love predictions for and know in advance what lies ahead and take required measures to keep your relationships in good shape. Pre-order yours and find out what's in store for you in A collection of links for daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly astrology forecasts.
A buddhist, this vancouver-based astrologer is featured in regional papers across canada, the united states, and new zealand. Georgia nicols - canada's most widely read astrologer, and author of the best selling book you and your future -- all 12 signs and predictions up to !

Com provides over 30 combinations of free daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes in a variety of interests including love for singles and couples, gay or straight, finance, travel, career, moms, teens, cats and dogs. More about your love, family, money, work, business and health - daily horoscope, daily horoscopes, daily love horoscope for today, daily horoscope for zodiacal sign, today daily horoscope for, horoscope daily for, horoscope for today for, today horoscope for, daily horoscope daily.
This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognizing you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Marjorie orr is one of the world's most famous and talented astrologers. She posts daily with news and celebrity related astrology information.
Online Horoscope Directory
Read advice and predictions for your astrological sign in the daily horoscope from georgia nicols. Reign it in, especially if you're an aries, cancer, libra or capricorn. Instead of telling people what you think they want to hear, try tactful honesty.
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Nobody benefits when grand things are promised and then not delivered. Looking ahead, wednesday is a positive day for mental health issues, with the virgo moon trine jupiter. Virgo horoscope october 10th, author: andreas publish date: october 9, am virgo summary for today: relationships are set to bloom on saturday as a new wave of optimism sweeps in, a new course is emerging right in front of your eyes.