Asteroid huya astrology

These solar system bodies are used to hone chart interpretation giving it a richer and fuller meaning. Asteroids give depth to the chart — each with their own song that connects to the rest of the choir. Asteroids and other bodies tend to have very specific meanings which can often help you to tease out the story behind a chart. Whilst the planets, lights, angles and houses will give you a wonderful overall picture, the asteroids help you to connect with very specific chart themes that may otherwise be missed and they can serve to accentuate themes already highlighted.

Working with Asteroids Because there are many thousands of asteroids, I personally use a very tight orb of 1 degree and only tend to take into account the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition and quincunx. Occasionally, with larger bodies such as Ceres or Eris, I will extend the orb a little if the body is near a sensitive point or angle but only to about 3 degrees at most.

The reason for this is that with so many asteroids available to use in interpretation, it is very easy to get completely overwhelmed by so much information! Working with very tight orbs ensures that you only take into account those bodies which affect the chart most strongly. Understanding Asteroids Asteroids are still very young astrologically speaking and in many ways we are still formulating our understanding of them. Some have yet to be written about at all. The best way to get to grips with them is to read as much as you can.

Read the mythology, asteroid based books, read about the physical aspects of the asteroid, find out why an asteroid was given a specific name — was it named after someone? What qualities and skills do they have? Check the numerology — each asteroid is given a number. Investigate the discovery chart and what was happening in the world around the time of discovery. Eris certainly made an impression in the mundane world!


You can also play a little, for example, there are lots of asteroids named after places in the world. You will also find asteroids named after people and it can be interesting to pick those that have names of people you know to see again their placements in your birth chart. List of asteroids named after places List of asteroids named after people List of asteroids named after mythological characters.

The dwarf planets currently recognised are Trans-Neptunians These are classed as any object in the Solar System that orbits the Sun at a greater average distance than Neptune. The Centaurs This class of minor planets have characteristics of both asteroids and comets. Centaurs are known to be unstable and have orbits that cross those of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune although there is some discrepancy between astronomical organisations as to the exact definition.

What is fascinating about this group is that if they move closer to the Sun in their unstable orbit, they will most likely become a comet. Centaurs are rather like heralds in the making. Finding Asteroids in Your Chart If you have your own astrology program, you will probably find that it will include at least a few of the minor planets.

Solar Fire has a fabulous range of asteroids and this can be added to via the Solar Fire website. Another excellent site you can use is Serennu On this page you can enter your birth details and get a huge list of asteroid positions.

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Natal Jupiter is in the 8th house of money shared and gained from partnership. She was 48, a 1st house year; with Aries rising, Mars is the Lord of the Year. Scott was born during the day, so the Sun in Aries is the sect light.

Chiron and Friends (Centaurs, Asteroids, Exoplanets)

Placed just above the horizon, the Sun in the 18th degree is one degree away from the 19th, the exalted degree. This is commanding sense of individuality and expressiveness, connected to the Leo 5th house of children and creativity. A mother of four three sons and an adopted daughter from China , she is author who won an American Book Award in for her novel, The Testing of Luther Albright. The prenatal solar eclipse, set for the place of birth can hint at the overarching themes and purpose of the life. Prenatal solar eclipse: March 7, , a.

The Pisces stellium is in the 11th of social concerns; the ruler Jupiter also rules the 8th house of joint resources and is placed in the 7th of marriage.

Minor Planet Names: Alphabetical List

Again, a fortuitous connection between money and resources, philanthropy and partnerships. No Comments - click to write one Permalink. The second story redefines GDP so that business practices and products are judged for their long-term effects on communities, health, and the environment: Positive effects are net gains ; negative effects are net losses. This element-based series will last approximately years, until , if we allow that the Scorpio cycle in water is anomalous, as was the Libra cycle in air interrupting the — stretch of earth cycles.

Profound changes usually follow a mutation conjunction, so dramatic possibilities lie ahead. Will we be automated out of a job entirely? The astrology of the past four years has been crazy intense, so the recent turbulence and the constructive developments have likely prepared us for the dramatic Aquarian shift that is upon us. How do we deal with the insidious connection between climate change, ecocide, and geopolitical turmoil as millions of people continue being displaced? We will need to consciously shape this new reality. The Jupiter—Saturn System The Jupiter—Saturn cycle functions as a system within and dynamically related to the broader solar system.

Co-ruling Pisces with Neptune, Jupiter tends toward excessive behavior: Gambling away a paycheck out of deluded optimism gets old real fast; building a house on a flood plain or a coastline in the future may soon seem much the same. Location Saturn is a more literal context, but equally important.

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Population overshoot Jupiter within resource-and space-limited environments Saturn can be disastrous for animal species and for humans. Other areas may actually benefit from population growth. Likewise, some locations or environments are poorly suited for certain activities, e. Jupiter makes 2. Needless to say, transpersonal planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto interact with Saturn and Jupiter in all of this, but on the nuts-and-bolts level of society, Saturn provides the context and Jupiter drives the output.

Because a U. Sibly chart. The U. Chart 1: United States Sibly chart , July 4, This new cycle should help us to strike a more constructive Jupiter—Saturn balance.

Astrology Asteroids Series - - Raising Vibrations

This new cycle follows the November cycle, when Saturn conjoined Pluto in late Libra. Our choices ahead will determine whom the economic order works for in the U. Perpetuating systemic poverty a clear misuse of Jupiter-Pluto is a sure way to inspire terrorism and war.

Asteroids i i

Clearly, to steer us more constructively, our leaders must be up to the challenge, and they must have our cooperation. Hopefully we can unite for more than marching off to war going forward. Conscious Engineering with Jupiter and Saturn The conscious engineering of a social order that fits our collective needs for the coming generations will be the whole point of this cycle. In this transition, human beings became valued; they were no longer just degenerate sinners, waiting for salvation in the next life.

The world woke up to human potential and the idea that working to benefit society is a path to human fulfillment. Fast-forward six centuries to , and a new Aquarius cycle could help humanity to build on those 15th-century ideals.

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Conscious action will be key. The cost has been incredibly heavy, but perhaps we can now better see what seriously needs to change going forward. Chart 2: Jupiter—Saturn Cycle of December 21, ; p. Pluto reinforces this, squaring Mars—Eris from a 10th-house seat of power. This feels like a significant turning point for the nation, and we have to wonder what these three planetary gods are plotting.

Brute, divisive force in the service of a Plutonian agenda can produce scorched-earth destruction — terrorism is not off the table, unfortunately. But Aries can also light a fire under the slower, plodding energies of earthy Pluto to push a different type of transformation. Chart 3: Inner wheel: U. Sibly chart, July 4, , p. Cyber-crime and terrorism radicalism takes many forms and has many sources may escalate, and surveillance will increase accordingly.

The cycle chart Pluto trines Sibly Neptune in Virgo, which is at the north bending of the transiting Gemini—Sagittarius nodal axis, with cycle chart Neptune transiting at the south bending in Pisces. These dynamics have deep roots in American life, but this new cycle could escalate existing situations. Jupiter and Saturn also square 2nd-house Uranus in Taurus, which disposits this cycle, pointing to a drive for lucrative, high-profile developments in technology.

When seen with the Sibly chart see chart 1 , this square spans the Sibly 2nd cycle Jupiter—Saturn and 5th houses cycle Uranus. Otherwise, developments, such as a new high-tech generation of weapons a nuclear arms race with North Korea?

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Earth-Centered Revolution in an Air Sign? Our electric grid Aquarius is in dire need of updating. China is slated to have 20 million electric cars on the road by late — what are we waiting for? History offers interesting precedents: Uranus transited Taurus in the s and the s, both periods of industrial development and material progress preceding major wars. After each war, the infrastructures and inventions that were created railroads in the s, our manufacturing base in the s were repurposed for economic expansion. In Concrete Economics , the authors describe both these periods in history as experiments in social design, the opening of new economic spaces that entrepreneurs could latch onto and run.