As romantic, affectionate, and passive as a Taurus can be, they can also be controlling, possessive, materialistic, acquisitive , self-indulgent, and a bit lazy. Negatively, a Taurus couple can become:. Typically, a Taurus is not a particularly active social individual.

The companionship of another Taurus added to the protectiveness and possessiveness that's intrinsic in both can become a barrier. A barrier that prevents them from spending time socializing with others for fear it might constitute a threat to their marriage. The best things about a friendship between Taurus and Taurus is that they enjoy the same activities, are loyal to one another, and the effort each puts into the relationship.
Taurus' Positives Love Traits
It doesn't matter how long they've known each other; neither takes the other for granted, and both keep working to strengthen their friendship. Even though both members of the relationship have a Taurus Sun, they are different individuals with different values, likes, dislikes, talents, and interests. When these differences show up, and they will, both can be stubborn and immovable. This can lead to standoffs that can escalate into explosive temper tantrums. These differences are related to their entire birth charts, particularly the house where their Taurus Sun resides and the astrological sign and house of Venus, the ruler of Taurus.
The Taurus Sun needs to shine in the astrological house it occupies.
Taurus compatibility
Venus is Taurus' ambassador and represents the needs and interests of a Taurus Sun. This is the main reason their communication is not that good at times, for they both have trouble opening up and living in the moment, without the fear of being hurt. The problem here is not the fear itself, other signs can feel it too, but the lack of awareness that this fear even exists. The sign of Taurus is an Earth sign in which the Moon, the ruler all of our emotions, is exalted.
The sign itself is ruled by Venus, informing us of its balance and a contribution to the material manifestation of all emotions coming from the Moon. This is a never ending circle, as a system of Earth being circled by the Moon, again and again, month after month. There is a fixed, unchangeable nature to this motion and this is something the sign of Taurus lives with and senses every day.
Taurus and Taurus Love Compatibility and Personality
When two Taurus partners come together and in case none of them has their heart closed up, there is a deep emotional understanding they can share. This can be very rewarding for both of them, for they can both feel the needs of their partner and be able to take care of each other, while enjoying the fact that this time they are also taken care of.
It is a funny thing to talk about the system of values when we speak of Taurus. This is a sign that represents all value and withholds in itself the price of everything in this world. Be it the financial value of any object in their surroundings or the value of being loved, the awareness of it is something they consider imperative for their partner to have. Two Taurus in a relationship value values together and a conflict can arise only if they assign different values to different things.
Still, in most cases, they will give enough space to one another to set an individual list of priorities and find a compromise if some things are more valuable to one of them, than to the other. Not only will they eat and sleep together, but they will also feel so much joy in the fact that they finally have someone to do these things with, without the sense of guilt. The main problem here is that they could easily neglect the needs of their physical bodies for a healthy lifestyle and activity. There is a lot of self-control needed in order for them to stay together and not get overweight or simply too lazy.
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- Taurus & Taurus Compatibility in Love and Friendship;
The relationship between two Taurus representatives is something to cherish and hold on to, only if they are not both too stubborn in their intent to wait for the other person to make the first move. Their problem usually shows only through the double set of horns, making them sink too deep into their differences with no apparent reason.
If they could open up to each other, and to their mutual need for change, this is a relationship both of them would find extraordinary. Taurus sign - traits, horoscope, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.
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Taurus man - information and insights on the Taurus man. Taurus woman - information and insights on the Taurus woman. Taurus horoscope - daily, weekly and monthly Taurus horoscopes. Taurus compatibility - the compatibility of taurus with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.