You love your freedom more than anything else in the world. If you find a partner with a similar viewpoint, you can get married anytime, otherwise, wait until the late 30s. You believe in fairy tales — want to fall in love and get married in the mids.

We suggest you focus on finding the right partner and not the age of getting married. Category - General , 3 Mins Read Time. Taurus 20 April — 20 May You believe in romance but in no hurry for commitment. Cancer 21 June — 22 July Cancerians are family-oriented and love the idea of marriage. Libra 23 September — 22 October The concept of marriage fascinates you, but sometimes this can prove wrong. Scorpio 23 October — 21 November You are extremely possessive and due to your insecurities and trust issues, sometimes you take wrong decisions.
Aquarius 20 January — 18 February You love your freedom more than anything else in the world. Financial Problems etc. Planets and houses both are responsible for this.
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Among all houses, an influence of 8th and 12th houses play a very important role in deciding delay in marriage. Saturn is the main karaka or significator to delay anything. When Saturn is involved in delaying anything so that means, it wants to teach you something regarding that matter.
Saturn is the great teacher but it teaches us in a harsh way, not in a soft way like Jupiter. Saturn puts you in a problem, — to learn from that problem, to show your lack of what needs to be developed. If Saturn is responsible for delays in the marriage that means you are not still ready for marriage, you need to learn more about life.
Saturn is the type of teacher who will force you not to do that particular thing as long as you are not ready for that, it will make you ready by giving some harsh teachings and then it will give you that stage of life what you always dreamed of. In these type of situations, Saturn always gives marriage after or around the mid-age — could be after 32 or around 35 years of age.
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- Late Marriage In Horoscope/ Delay In Marriage In Astrology.
This timing can be changed due to the Planetary periods like — Mahadasa or Antardasa. If The 7th house lord is connected with Saturn is Retrograde or Vakri , so that could make more late like after 35 years of age. Aspect or association of Benefic planets can stop the situation from becoming worse. Sun is the significator of discipline, authority, power, etc. When Sun will be in an unfavorable position in a birth chart so it will be giving bad results regarding those houses which it is connected with. Lagna or Ascendant is the Eastern direction of a birth chart and Just opposite to the Lagna 7th house is the Western direction.
In Eastern, direction Sun gets directional strength which is very essential for Sun especially.
To get directional strength is important for each and every planet but in the case of Sun that is very much important than others. Try to understand why eastern direction means Sun is rising, 10th house Sun means it is in midday also called midheaven and 7th house placement means Sunset, it loses its maximum power, and 4th house means midnight. Now you must be thinking how this directional strength is connected to delay in marriage , right? It is connected. If Sun is not getting the directional strength that means it is not enough strong to give you the full result.
If Sun is present in the 7th house without directional strength but any other strong planet is associating with this planet so that the second planet will be the prime planet to give results regarding that house. There you can not find any delay in marriage due to the sun. Like — if the second planet is Jupiter so the marriage will happen at the proper age or the marriage will be controlled by Jupiter itself, not Sun. In conclusion, I want to say in very short that — if Sun is the decisive planet and it is somehow connected with the 7th house or its lord so it will give late marriage.
Actually, an unfavorable state of Sun always will make that part of life undisciplined and unorganized. If it is connected with marriage related houses so it will start from giving late marriage and will or may end at divorce or unhappy married life. Sun is also responsible for extramarital relationships due to the lack of understanding between husband and wife.
Mars also gives a delay in marriage effect, but not all the time. In some circumstances, Mars also gives early marriage or marriage at the proper time.
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Today, I am just concentrating on delay in marriage, so I am not going to discuss early or marriage at the proper time here. As a malefic planet if Mars is connected with marriage related houses so it will give late marriage, but, if Mars is 7th house lord libra Lagna or aspected by Jupiter, so this type of Mars can not give late marriage if other late marriage indications are not present in the chart. Venus and Mars combination in any marriage related houses can be responsible for delay in marriage. If Rahu or Ketu connects with marriage-related houses especially 7th house or lord so that will indicate towards delay in marriage.
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But, remember here Nakshatra lords and depositors of two planets will ultimately control the results of these two planets that — whether they will give late marriage or not. If the nakshatra lord or depositor of these two planets are ill-placed or Malefic planets and also connected to any marriage related houses so a delay in marriage is definite.
Reasons for delay in marriage as per astrology. It will give a delay in marriage. So, like other malefic planets if the 8th house or 12th house or its lord make any relationship with marriage related houses, especially 7th house, so that will indicate late marriage. In the case of house matters, planetary combinations should be judged properly also. Retrograde planets also play a very very important role in late marriage. We know that marriage related houses are — 2nd, 7th, 11th houses.
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For example — If the 2nd house is retrograde so the financial matter would be the main reason behind late marriage. If the 7th house is retrograde so it will be hard to get a suitable partner after a lot of searches etc. A house indicates several types of matters, — those are directly or indirectly connected to our life.
The reason could be anything but retrogression of marriage-related houses will give late marriage definitely. Even if the above-mentioned planets are retrograded or any retrograde planet is associated with marriage related houses so that can also give delay in marriage.
Sometimes, it has been seen that — if 4th and 12th lord is retrograde or these two houses are associated with retrograded planets so that also gives the delay in marriage. Besides the natal chart, we have to judge the Navamsa also, because the Navamsa is the chart for marriages and all secrets of marital life can be unfolded through that.
So, do not forget to judge the Navamsa chart beside the Natal chart, otherwise, all your works would be in vain. Do the research and get more knowledge.
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After detecting the delay in marriage from the birth chart, now the time to select the exact remedial procedure so that the problem can be solved. Gemstones: To select the exact gemstone we need to see very carefully that which planet is responsible for late marriage.
Always remember, do not give strength to any malefic planet or lord of any malefic house. Fig 9. Fig 8. The finger length also indicates the early or late marriage. If you have longer ring finger, you tend to be romantic and attractive to your lover and fall in love or get married early. If you have longer little finger, you tend to be eloquent and smart and have the potential attractive to the opposite sex, thus more likely to get married early.
Longer Index Finger Suggests Late Marriage With longer index finger, you are ambitious and competitive, go after fame and money and devote yourself to career regardless of the fleeting time. In this way, you may miss the prime marriage age and be left over for late marriage. Note: The above way is about how to calculate marriage age in palmistry, it's one of the ways to know when will you get married. There are also other ways to predict such as marriage age prediction by date of birth.