January 1 astrology eclipse

Due to the Precession of the Equinoxes , the Sun Signs are almost a whole Sign out of alignment with the Constellations from which they were named. Full Moon January [Stellarium].

Sagittarius Solar Eclipse 14th December 2020 + Zodiac Sign Forecasts

Lunar eclipse conjunct Castor: Timid, sensitive, lacks confidence, occult interest, and psychic ability, blindness, facial injuries, disgrace, stabs, wounds, imprisonment. Because of the association of cleanliness with Godliness virtue , this mansion also presides over law and order, moral uprightness and cleansing of moral wrongs. The luck in this mansion is said to vary because of the conflict of the elements involved. Labor is rewarded, while idleness is sanctioned. It is good for taking exams, tending to herbivorous animals and all types of industriousness. It is very good for gardening and widows.

Bad for funerals because of the risk of epidemics and sudden death, though, and all projects in progress should be worked on instead of being put aside. Sun conjunct Mercury means the main focus of the January 10 lunar eclipse is on thinking and communications but also trade and transport. The Sun, Saturn and Pluto are masculine and authoritarian.

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This leaves the emotions of the Moon very vulnerable. At the personal level, thoughts and words are likely to become cold, calculated and ruthless. Feelings will take a back seat to harsh realities as bullies, bigots, and loudmouths gain the upper hand. The lunar eclipse on fixed star Castor increases emotional sensitivity and nervous anxiety. At the global level, freedom of speech and the independence of the media will be curtailed by governments and even multinational organizations.

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  • The public, represented by the Moon, will be subject to lies and propaganda. Even freedom of movement and freedom of association will be threatened as rulers and states increase their grip on power. Human rights will be lost in the name of national security. However, full moon January trine Neptune gives some hope that a sense of compassion and humanity will soften the oppressive nature of this lunar eclipse. On a personal level, you can draw on your faith and the support of loved ones.

    At the global level, it gives voice to religious and spiritual leaders, humanitarian organizations and environmental groups. The January 10 lunar eclipse combines with the December 26 solar eclipse to form an eclipse phase that lasts until the lunar eclipse on June 5, The December solar eclipse was conjunct Jupiter so is very fortunate. But combined with this ruthless lunar eclipse it suggests the strong will consolidate their power, the rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer.

    If the Lunar Eclipse January astrology directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see Full Moon Transits. This asteroid is the higher, more positive vibration of Neptune. Poseidon was also god of earthquakes and horses. Poseidon was also god of earthquakes. The island of Puerto Rico have been experiencing non stop earthquakes since the 28th. The south of island is in pure turmoil.

    People sleeping in the street because everything is collapsing. Very concerning.

    Reader Interactions

    Could this transit be a sort of indicator as to the overall outcome of public discontent there? Altho played out in different venues, one between politicians. Hong Kong handover chart, is a design to bring out into the open, note the opposition between natal Cancer planets and transiting Capricorn energy the problems of integration, transition, growth, career or how one side, or the other side, will dominate in the future. With the Capricorn transits on Jan, , and already with the arrival of Saturn in Cap, December , joining Pluto, I expect things will come to a climax in HK next year.

    Daniel, it might be wise to check out Astro. You need to have a gender for this report, so perhaps make it Male since Aries is Rising. My natal Venus is at You once told me that my venus was a key player on my chart so would it help the moon or make it worse? Is there hope for me? My capricorn ascendant is conjunct with a 1 orb applying to the sun, when you include my descendant any idea what should this mean for me? I am a Libra. I am optimistic about Whatever be the predictions.

    I hope it will goes with me. Frightening but excellent analysis of Jan 10, , Jamie. Thank you!!. I truly believe the people Cancer Cancer NN will rise up and be victorious. Cant wait to see boycotts to bring greedy oppressive governments and corporations to their knees. Trump will be reacting to his impeachment with fury and authoritarian language. We have already seen how Trump treats the starving and homeless peoples including those who are refugees. We have been warned by those who knew him for many years.

    Economic migrants are not refugees. What the Democrats are doing is abuse of power which they are known to make noise about when the same happens in 3rd world countries. Yours is a typical programmed line of thinking. Switch off your TV. Trump has not reacted with fury and authoritarian language. I hope he has seen a doctor. There are a lot of surprising events in his future, and I want him to be alive and well to experience each and every one. Happy birthday to me on this eclipse! Terrific once-in-a-lifetime line-up of planets and asteroids.

    I feel so blessed. I agree with you completely. Usually you will experience a little of both of these effects. However, in the long run positive possibilities are more useful to know about.

    How The January Lunar Eclipse Full Moon Will Affect You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

    The solar eclipse was supposed to be very fortunate because of Jupiter being conjunct the sun. Australia is burning and we may be in trouble in the middle east again. I agree, but maybe this is a chance for humanity, especially the meek and poor, to come together as the family, the oneness we are, and prove that united we stand. Thanks Rose. Yes, lets hope some good will come of coming weeks. United we are. Also the powerful should know this. It is as if Trump read this. He actually controlled himself. But then the eclipse has not happened yet although some believe the effect starts a little before.

    So Pluto-Saturn can mean oppression by power, it can also mean that the powerful control themselves. Taurus is a reliable earth sign, and Scorpio is a passionate water sign. These eclipses upon this axis will push us to put in the work to make our dreams come true and understand which relationships are worth our loyalty and which ones can fall to the wayside remember, if we won't end an unhealthy relationship, eclipses tend to do it for us.

    January 1-15 2020 Astrology Forecast: Saturn-Pluto Conjunction, Lunar Eclipse

    These dynamic phenomena were feared by our ancient ancestors. Early human civilizations built their societies around season changes and annual movements of the sun, so when an eclipse occurred they believed that the natural order had been compromised. To them, eclipses were a harbinger of danger — quite specifically, the apocalypse. Although we no longer connect these lunations to end days, astrologically speaking, eclipses are still a very big deal.

    Just as new moons are linked to beginnings and full moons are tied to culminations, eclipses serve as celestial checkpoints.

    January 12222 Eclipse Astrology

    An eclipse is a high-octane lunation that helps illuminate our karmic path, but just as these cosmic events can be visually striking, eclipses can also be a bit dramatic. Astrologically speaking, they speed up time: They open new doors by slamming others shut, so we often find abrupt and sudden shifts occurring during eclipses. Though the shifts can be jarring, they can help us by speeding up the inevitable.

    So, if you've been dragging your feet, an eclipse will be sure to give you that extra push or shove needed to take action. While the results can be shocking, remember that these lunations simply expedite the inevitable — these events were going to happen eventually. Solar eclipses, which will occur in on Thursday, June 10 and Saturday, December 4 , correspond with new beginnings and unexpected opportunities. However, since the sun which symbolizes our external experience is obscured by the moon representing our emotional inner-world during this lunation, solar eclipse events often first begin internally before they affect our relationships with others.

    They're a time to send cosmic invitations to the universe and to welcome abundance. Lunar eclipses, on the other hand, help us realize the external implications of these shifts. It is often during a lunar eclipse that we become aware of the influence of others.

    As the moon emits a mystifying umber tone, it allows us to see people under a different light. This shift in perspective is critical, even though you may not always like what you see. During lunar eclipses, we are encouraged to let go of whatever is no longer serving the soul.