Scorpio love sign compatibility

Even though the Taurus - Scorpio combination could be a tough one for the relationship, if you can make it work then you'll definitely last long. Scorpio and Taurus, within the zodiac realm, are pole opposites, which lead them to be fascinated and frustrated by each other!

5 zodiac signs that are most compatible with Scorpio in terms of love and relationships

Scorpions fancy their Taurean partner's stability, reliability and complete trustworthiness. Needless to say, they make highly passionate and emotional partners with extremely strong sexual chemistry.

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Scorpions and Cancerians are both highly emotional, possessive, intuitive and emotional by nature. Hence, theirs is mostly a whirlwind romance where both the partners value commitment. This pair is considered to be one of the best in the zodiac system!

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The personalities of Virgo and Scorpio are very diverse. While Virgo can be reserved and timid, Scorpions with their strong personalities could be intimidating to them. Scorpions want to hold the reigns of the relationship in their hands and with Virgo, that can easily be achieved. With Capricorn and Scorpio, the values and ambitions are on par. Suggest going to neutral ground -- or at least for the first time, not to your bed. Gemini always quivers when asked about making commitments, so it will take time before a long-term relationship can develop.

With two sets of claws, hard shells, and hearts that melt at the prospect of sex -- and, oh, love and romance as well -- you and Cancer will make good bedfellows. This emotionally-driven person will relate to you easily, and for someone so sensitive, be far less intimidated by you than most others are.


Despite a reputation for being steadfastly traditional, Cancer can be a pretty easy catch. You will have to know, though, that being in bed is about more than "just sex" to the domestically-oriented Crab. Making love to Cancer will feel quite magical.

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Neither of you needs to talk about much -- you use your watery instincts, and know what to do to please one another sensually. Cancer is often content to pretend "as if," and before you know it, a list of expectations a mile long will be tacitly laid at your feet. As long as you keep those communication channels open, though, you can expect to have a long and happy time together.

In turn, Leo will be able to stand up to you, and at least appear to be resisting the hold that you will slowly place on this hopeless, helpless romantic. To keep Leo coming back, be sure to heap on the kind of praise this only apparently egotistical person needs to receive in order to feel alive. The only thing is, especially if you graduate to a more long-term relationship, Leo needs to know that you can be trusted. You are more than sensitive enough to figure out how to prove your loyalty, but just be aware that you are expected to do so.

Scorpio compatibility table

You can do it! Not so fast! Before you dismiss well-ordered Virgo as being too fussy for your tastes, take a second look at this competent, careful, and secretly sexy individual! When you meet Virgo, the fascinating conversation that ensues is likely to involve the body in some way, whether you discuss public health, medical issues, nutrition, or exercise.

Everything You Need to Know About Dating a Scorpio Man

Virgo is an expert in all of these areas. Virgo can also be incredibly naughty, when enticed by a black-belted sex master such as yourself. The real plus is that Virgo also applies all that knowledge about the human body to making love! Virgo will study you and test out various parts of your body to figure out what makes the bells and whistles go off for you.

Be assured that when it comes to knowing what makes the body feel its best, Virgo really does know it all! Also, as a life partner, what more can you ask for than someone who gets off on doing everything possible to be of service to you? The karmic lesson from this impeccable lover involves that old adage about never judging a book by its cover. Fondle the pages and take all of Virgo in.

This hopeless romantic, however, might not be as driven by sex as you are. With such an affinity for the Air element, Libra needs a lot of mental stimulation -- way more than you do. Libra will want to hear how you could never have another lover because the two of you make such a perfect couple. Eventually, your Mars nature will become an irresistible force, and Venus-ruled Libras will have to give into that urge to merge. You might enjoy the thrill of pursuit once or twice, but when you get into a long-term arrangement, the differences in your basic natures will need to be reconciled.

There can be intense issues of feeling trapped, of being in a dark world devoid of color. Scorpio couples love in the shadow world, as well as the light. Perhaps this brings more risks, of being in the underworld together. Scorpios in this way are very shamanic, which has dangers because real shamans know how to kill as well as heal.

A base of trust and commitment to move through life, whatever it brings, will be severely tested. A Scorpio is used to extremes and even drawn to them. Much will depend on timing maturity and self-awareness for the Scorpio-Scorpio pair to move through many seasons of life. Scorpios are naturally jealous and sometimes paranoid and need the mutual reassurance of monogamy.

Scorpio Man Personality Traits, Love Compatibility, and Dating Advice

Betrayal of any kind is the death knell for the Scorpio couple, and the demise is often a long, drawn-out, embittering affair. It may be hard to separate, keeping them locked in and fighting as exes. There's a strange hold, and cord-cutting ceremonies—visualizing the ties being severed—might do the trick. Another scenario is they keep going on and on in a relationship that's making them miserable. Having merged on every level, it's hard to say goodbye.

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It's difficult for Scorpios to forgive and forget, too. But the Scorpio couple gets each other in a way nobody else can. They can draw out the hidden gifts and be supportive in just the right way. Sex can be where they renew the bond and feel as close as two people can. With one look, they communicate volumes. They are deeply involved parents with a combined sixth sense that's spooky. Scorpios tend to put their all into their life's work, which is an area where mutual support keeps them in good form.