Moon is the fastest moving planet and owing to its speed it takes approximately 2 and half days to transit from one sign to another zodiac sign. Moon keeps on moving in the same speed from Taurus to Aries throughout the year. At the beginning of the year Mars is in own sign Aries. Mars moves through the eleventh house for your sign.
From 7 th January Mars transits in first of earth sign Taurus. From 25th March Mars transits in first of air sign Gemini. Mars now moves through your sign.
From 12 th June Mars transits in fire sign Leo. From 30 th July Mars transits in a dual nature earth sign Virgo and moves through the fourth house for your sign. From 16 th September Mars transits in cardinal air sign Gemini and moves through the fifth house for your sign. From 31 st October Mars transits in water sign Scorpio. At the beginning of the year Mercury is in last of earth sign Capricorn.
From 9 th January Mercury transits in Aquarius and moves through the ninth house. From 1 st February , Mercury turns retrograde. From 21 st February Mercury becomes direct in motion. From 16 th March Mercury transits in its sign of debilitation Pisces. From 5 th April Mercury transits in fir sign Aries. From 20 th April Mercury transits in first of earth sign Taurus.
From 15 th May Mercury transits in air sign Gemini and moves through your sign. From 30 th May Mercury becomes retrograde. From 23 rd June Mercury becomes direct in motion. From 12 th July Mercury transits in cardinal water sign Cancer.
These 2021 astrology predictions will give you goosebumps
From 29 th July Mercury transits in fire sign Leo. From 12 th August Mercury transits in own sign Virgo. From 31 st August Mercury transits in cardinal air sign Libra. From 27 th September Mercury turns retrograde. From 19 th October Mercury becomes direct in motion. From 6 th November Mercury transits in water sign Scorpio.
From 25 th November Mercury transits in last of fire sign Sagittarius. From 14 th December Mercury transits in last of earth sign Capricorn. At the beginning of the year Venus transits in last of fire sign Sagittarius. From 9 th January Venus transits in last of earth sign Capricorn. At the same time, there may be some progress on the health front. Some ailments from the past are likely to get treated during the year.
Besides, you should seek credit assistance only to the extent that is needed, is the suggestion as per Gemini astrology prediction According to horoscope. You are able to feel more aligned with your highest good, and can even make some pretty fantastic new friends along the way. You might actually be the go-to person when things get a little rocky, mainly because you adjust so easily and quickly to things and are able to see the humor in almost any situation.
As the year begins with some confrontational squares between Jupiter in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, you'll get a beneficial wave of abundance headed your way even through some gritty energy. This is also true in mid-February, May, and late December for you as Saturn's transit through Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, causing some chaotic waves in the world. This can be tough on others through much of the year; but because Saturn will be nicely angled towards your airy sign, it will be bringing you many insights and brilliant moments.
This can be that time where you find yourself in a very powerful way. Expect the unexpected and be extremely grateful for the gifts you receive, because you deserve them! One important piece of the puzzle is to really consider the transition period of your birthday months.

You might be a little caught up during this year's Mercury retrograde cycles, which all take place in air signs. One of the most important for you occurs on May 29, following a transformative total lunar eclipse in your opposing sign of Sagittarius. This is a vibe that will definitely have you rethinking a lot of different pieces of the story.
And although it can be a highly enlightening time when it comes to all aspects of your life, there is still much work to be done through the summer. Especially because you are also met with an annular solar eclipse on June 10—at the same time Mercury continues a tricky retrograde cycle in your sign until June Further, Ganeshaspeaks.
The singles will easily mix with their opponents and shall fall into a relationship. Therefore, the aspect of Jupiter upon your sign and also upon the zodiac sign of Libra will be encouraging. Libra zodiac sign is the house of romance and relationship for Gemini zodiac and the aspect is considered highly auspicious. Thus, the year is also good for native already into a relationship. The duo will finally decide to settle down in a married relationship and this will bring you both closer to each other, states the Gemini horoscope Again, the year will conclude well for native looking to get married.
If you had any break up in the past and were unable to look forward, the year will enable you to slowly forget the past and look for a brighter future. The Gemini horoscope shows that singles will also find a good partner for their life and this will enable them to lead a beautiful romantic relationship.
Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity: Worldview, Beliefs, Education
Eventually, marriage is on the cards. The markers for your partnerships have faced a lot of difficult times since , and this is a very important year for those looking to either continue a commitment either through expanding your family, marriage, or even considering a move that has you closer to your loved ones. The May 26 total lunar eclipse in your opposing sign of Sagittarius blasts inspirational fires through your personal seventh house of romantic relationships. Meaning that someone wants to balance you out through these transits. Your lover is the one who is here for you no matter what.
There's a definite kinship with this lunar release, which can open your heart up to some pretty intense emotions. This romantic vibe keeps on going through the month of June, very much opening your mind and heart as the annular eclipse in your sign on June 10 brings you abundance and prosperity. What you two experience together nobody else can truly understand.
This includes a destined path pulling you both towards your greatest good, and coming to a major consensus together throughout the year. Certain turning points presented with the eclipses are then met with your willingness to communicate with one another. A major test will come along when your home planet, Mercury, starts a retrograde through Libra starting September 27 through October This is a timeframe where you can get lost in a certain story or feel like you are not on the same page as your partner.
During this time, careful planning and honest conversations can sort out any disagreements. The year closes out with a Sagittarius total solar eclipse shedding light on what was once thought lost. Romance is extremely passionate throughout most of the year, even with some small mishaps! This year, trusting the signals your antenna catches is what this is what it's all about—especially since the north node of fate transits through your personal sign.
There is a ton to be extremely appreciative of even if you feel lonely at times. For those Geminis who are seeking love, this is the perfect year to let yourself have the upper-hand and ask someone out that you wouldn't normally be attracted to! Your tastes are changing, which most likely happened through some heartbreak you went through in The eclipse cycles this year are off the chains when it comes to finding your destiny. The May 26 total lunar cycle is going to change you whether you are ready or not. It can bring a major partnership along even if you would prefer to be single for a little longer and play the field.
This can be one of those magnetic meetings that seemingly occur out of nowhere. This takes your sign through most of June, as well even through a Mercury retrograde cycle in your very own sign. On June 10, a solar eclipse in your sign of the Twins enlivens your world, making you irresistible to all of your crushes.
Your passion for beautiful work and the perseverance of your approach bring you a satisfaction worthy of great discoverers, much more intense than what any commercial recognition could ever bring.
Gemini, Your Horoscope Proves The Work You Put In Last Year Will Pay Off Big-Time
Not only do you feel much more efficient in your work, but your desire to grow within your company also finds a favorable ear with your hierarchy. Otherwise, you feel the strength to envision a better future in a more lenient environment, within a company that will pay you for your experience and your skills. If you fully understand the risks induced by a possible transition period between two jobs, you want to favor a healthy workplace where you are not just a number. As part of a lasting relationship, you have to find the right balance between seriousness, fantasy and mystery.
Whatever the outcome of your adjustments, you will have the satisfaction of realizing that among your priorities, the building of a harmonious and peaceful relationship is predominant. If you are planning to get married during this time, it is very likely that it will be with a man or a woman of the sign of Gemini or Virgo. Saturn is in dignity of Domicile in the House of Aquarius. The quality of your commercial approach, combined with innovative methods, will allow you to gain the upper hand over your competitors.
Now is not the time to give in to procrastination or defeatism. Now is the time for action and the ability you will demonstrate to project yourself into the future with clairvoyance. Be confident and stay focused on your priorities. You will need to put in a lot of effort to get back to your usual routine. If you want to treat yourself for example, a good pastry , you will first have to find a satisfactory lifestyle.
In order to regain a fighter's morale, avoid rehashing the stories of your childhood, at a time when you were not fully involved in your life. You are above all the fruit of your own choices, encounters and experiences. In order to fully enjoy the present, don't let anyone take control of your life or make you believe that they know better than you what you need to be happy. If you are a student, you would even be tempted by a sabbatical year for a trip around the world, just to discover your deepest aspirations. Because in general, it is a form of rebellion, nourished by an unfulfilled thirst for freedom, which pushes you to change your habits by all means.
It is not sure that it is really wise to throw everything on a whim at this time of the year, especially since the people who would be the most able to advise you are less available. Skip to content Gemini Horoscope Annual forecasts per month.