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Is there a situation that is holding you back from being the success you deserve? When you can pinpoint it and do something about it, new springs of energy will be revealed. Your motivation and willingness to try new things could return. When it comes to finances, Pluto in your home and family sector suggests you may be making money from your home or property, or perhaps working from home on a more permanent basis. Ready to showcase your creative skills to the world? You may have abilities that have so far remained dormant.
This year encourages you to be more forward about what you can do. Overcome your doubts and there could be sparkling developments on the cards for you. Get ready for an exciting , Scorpio. With sobering Saturn and jovial Jupiter in your domestic zone making key angles, home and family life can be an opportunity for expansion, as well as a chance to plan and sort out any ongoing issues. Tact and discretion might be needed, and some degree of flexibility. If neither of you are willing to budge, then you will get nowhere. A long-term partnership could suffer unless you find a way to compromise.
You may want to upgrade aspects of your home and make it more technological and perhaps eco-friendly. There is a chance of a move if doing so helps you feel more secure or adds more stability to your life. To this end, you could be eager to locate somewhere that has opportunities, with a positive and safe environment. With Jupiter in your money planet and domestic sector for much of the year, you may be keen to invest in your home, and make it a warm and comfortable place to be.
There are options for romance, creative developments and for taking a well-deserved break. This can be quite a delightful year for finding love, particularly between May 13th and July 29th. Spoken for? Relationships could be tested, but this might be helped by being willing to explore new ways to be together. What a year looks to be, Archer! Whatever you want to enjoy or accomplish, this is your chance to go for it. The connections and friendships you make could be key to the success and happiness you are hoping for.
You may link to groups with ecological or humanitarian interests, and this can influence you greatly.
Great Conjunction How Jupiter-Saturn Meeting Affects Your Sign | ELLE Australia
You might feel you should change your ways, and yet this could seem a step too far. Easy does it! Take such developments in stages, especially those that benefit energy levels and wellbeing. The key is not to stress over it. Your home and family life will benefit from the brief sojourn of Jupiter into Pisces between May 13th and July 29th, and you might have a desire to beautify your home, but also to generate income from there.
With Pluto continuing in your money zone this is a great time for planning, especially as regards taxes, inheritances and purging excess waste. With Saturn your financial planet in Aquarius, anything associated with writing, blogging or making money online can do well. Regarding your love life, the Solar Eclipse on June 10th could be a stepping-stone to a new phase in a key relationship, or even a chance to turn over a new leaf.
You may have big plans for , but taking a step back and seeing the bigger picture can assist you in making the right decisions and choices. It might be worth taking some time out to reflect on what you really want, a question that may be uppermost in your mind during this deeply interesting year.
Saturn your ruler, journeys through your sector of resources, finances and talents, along with Jupiter. Are you making the most of your skills and abilities? You may be keen to explore freelance, creative or entrepreneurial opportunities for work, which might seem a little precarious if you are used to a regular wage, but which you could now find very appealing.

Be prepared to make any changes slowly and carefully to avoid excess stress. You might also find renewed interest in teaching, writing or using your technological skills to earn extra cash.
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Sparkling opportunities may be had in this regard as Jupiter moves into Pisces temporarily from May 13th to July 29th. Children may be going through more of an experimental phase, and the way you talk to them about their behaviour can be the key to creating a more positive bond. An authoritarian approach might not work at all. This is generally unlike you Capricorn, but with hard angles between Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, a sense of frustration may find you doing something that puts your hard work in jeopardy.
You may have a more serious take on matters than is warranted at times, due to having sobering Saturn in your sign. Yet with expansive Jupiter here for much of the year, good things and great opportunities can show up for you.
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This can also be the year your home environment undergoes quite a change, either because of a move or because different dynamics are operating within the home. These may be what you want, but they could be quite jarring for a while until things start to gel and you begin to feel at home in your domestic setup once again. If you invest wisely you could do very well. When it comes to finances and career, this could be a prosperous year for you, as you have a great sense of purpose, fabulous management skills and your work ethic is also very strong.
When it comes to money though, your intuition can be your guide to financial increase. Your social life is also very important to you, especially during the first five months, when your connections with others can be a catalyst for change in your own life. As you step into Pisces, you could find that your search for spiritual nourishment has deepened. This might be due to the difficulties experienced during , and a need for something deeper to sustain you through the coming months. Your natural spiritual urges would have been enhanced by the presence of Neptune in your sign for some years now.
Starting a practice that can ease any stresses and bring greater peace of mind could be of major importance. In fact, this may be the reason that you take this path in the first place, so you can respond more calmly to the ups and downs of life, and take them in your stride. This year might well have one or two challenges, as does every year. Taking up meditation, yoga or the practice of mindfulness, could help you navigate through such situations with ease.
This gives you a taster of what is to come next year, when it moves in for a longer period. During these weeks, you could experience good fortune and perhaps an opportunity for a dream of yours to come true.
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Your career may be going through changes, and this can be down to the Lunar Eclipse on May 26th and the Solar Eclipse on December 4th. What's On. By Neil Shaw. Video Loading Video Unavailable. Click to play Tap to play. The video will auto-play soon 8 Cancel Play now. Want the best food, film, music, arts and culture news sent straight to your inbox? Sign up for regular updates of events happening in Wales When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters.
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Taurus Horoscope 2021: What the Stars Predict for You This Year
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The bookies have had their say. Wales News He has described it as a 'thin deal' for Wales. This is what prisoners in Welsh jails will be eating on Christmas Day Christmas Every prisoner gets the option of turkey with all the trimmings and some can work off the festive indulgence with a 5km Santa Dash.
In that time, we saw the height of the international Black Lives Matter movement spiral across the streets and social media, arguably leading to the most fraught election in U. As for what it all means now? It's arguably the dawn of a new era for oppressed groups of all races, sexualities and gender identities. The Great Conjunction, which is happening at 0 degrees, symbolises a brand new start from scratch, giving society a chance to completely break away from how we've come to conceptualise equality, fairness and freedom, and re-envision them for the greater good.
As we said before: out with the old, in with the new! This is essentially the motto of the Great Conjunction, which is highly convenient considering its proximity to the new year new planetary alignment, new you, no? In short, this is prime time to chase after a goal, so make sure it's a nice, meaty one that you've been struggling to sink your teeth into for a while, because the energy is truly on your side. It's going to be particularly relevant and lucrative for those seeking big career changes , as both Saturn and Jupiter are all about kicking professional goals.
Jupiter will bring the "get up and go" and open up the window of opportunities make sure you're looking! While Aquarius will feel the impact of the Great Conjunction the most, fellow air signs Gemini and Libra , will also get a significant boost from it as well. In fact, air signs can expect to move out of their comfort zones to great effect, with pleasure becoming a priority and newness reigning supreme, whether it's a new job, a new relationship or a new look, among many other possibilities.