Vipareet Raj yoga is one of the most important yogas in the astrology that makes the person rich, prosperous, knowledgeable and blissful. Vipareet Raj yoga happens when the lord of the 6 th , 8 th and 12 th houses remain in the own sign or exchange their houses, aspect each other or conjuncts. At the same time these planet should not remain in conjunction with other planets, then Vipareet Raj yoga happens. Laxmi yoga happens when the lord of the 9 th is posited in the own sign or in exaltation.
It accelerates the result when the lord of the ascendant becomes strong. Such a person with Laxmi yoga becomes happy, sagacious, and affluent and gets all round achievement in life. If the planet Jupiter is posited in the 2 nd house in own sign, gets aspects of Mercury or Venus and gets conjunction of Venus and Mercury, Kalanidhi yoga happens. The native born with Kalanidhi Yoga get success and glory in the country. Such a native becomes efficient in the field art, entertainment and culture. Mahabhagya yoga is one of the most popular yogas in the Hindu predictive astrology.
Etymologically, Maha means great, Bhagya means fortunes. Hence, Mahabhagya yoga illustrates its meaning as great fortune. Generally, the Mahabhagya yoga happens with the great people such as celebrities from sports and entertainment industry. Both male and female born with Mahabhagya yoga becomes rich, affluent, influential and intelligent. The Lagna is an extremely important house in the birth chart. Hence, it needs to be very powerful. If any auspicious planet remains both the sides of the Lagna or ascendant, the SubhaKartari Yoga happens.
The person with SubhaKartari yoga will be healthy, robust, intelligent, commanding, rich and prosperous. The person with Akhanda Samrajya yoga becomes king or ruler and has great influence over the people and society. In the modern day the powerful political leaders do have this notable yoga. If the lord of the 2 nd , 9 th and 11 th is posited in the Kendra either from the ascendant and Moon and the planet Jupiter as a lord of 2 nd , 5 th and 11 th and gets posited in the Kendra, Akhanda Samrajya yoga happens.
A notable Yoga named Amla Yoga is not less powerful than any other yogas. Amla yoga happens, when any auspicious planet such as Jupiter, Mercury and Venus gets posited in the 10 th house either from the Lagna and Moon. The money, wealth, assets, properties and all kinds of material achievements are the part of life. You can be extraordinarily rich and affluent if the planets are strongly placed in the birth charts. Some of the planetary combinations have been described here. In a nutshell these are the Dhana yoga in astrology.
When, the lord of the 5 th and 9 th are in Kendra and get aspect of auspicious Jupiter, Moon and Mercury, Mahalaxmi yoga happens. Generally, the 12 th house is considered to be bad. However, when the planet Venus remains in the 12 th house, it makes Shukra yoga. Kahal Yoga happens when the lord of 4 th and 9 th house placed in mutual Kendra and the lord of the ascendant becomes powerful.
If the lord of 2 nd , 9 th and ascendant remains in Kendra and the 2 nd lord as well as 9 th lord get aspect of the Lagna lord, the native becomes highly rich and prosperous. If the auspicious 11 th lord placed in the 10 th house and 10 th lord remains in the 9 th house, then the person gets plethora of money and wealth. If the 6 th house, 7 th house and 8 th house is occupied by auspicious planets. I am going to explain in short as to these harmful yogas. You might have heard the name KaalSarp Dosh many times in your life.
It is a hazardous Dosh in the birth chart that can ruin your life.
Are you aware of your Moon sign?
This silent killer happens in the Kundli when all the planets remain in between Rahu and Ketu. There are 12 kinds of KaalSarp yoga that occurs in the natal chart.
These Kaal Sarp dosh bring different kinds of troubles and obstacles in life. Even this nefarious Dosh has not spared the celebrities as well. You can have more insight on KaalSarp dosh by reading my article here. If you have a KaalSarp Dosh in the chart you should never ignore and perform KaalSarp Dosh remedies as soon as possible. Shrapit Dosh is the birth chart is another killer. This nefarious Yoga of Saturn and Rahu can confine your life.
You might have a very good family background; you will not have success and achievement in life. It restricts the life to a great extent. Pointed out exact issues I was concerned about.
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Areas of concern in.

How luck is generated in a chart? Some of us are just plain lucky, while others never seem to have it easy. They face struggle in all aspects of life. The roots.
Raja yoga (Hindu astrology) - Wikipedia
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