You could even keep this feeling alive all the way to the start of In a nutshell: Just when you thought you could not delve deeper into mysteries, you not only go deeper, you reach higher too. The Now Age is about to hand you more depth, more hope, more purpose, love and creativity. Live your highest potential, Pisces. The future glows like a neon sign in the desert for you as begins, Pisces.
Who you know, knew, meet or will connect with will have the biggest impact on the direction your life is set to take. If you are a member of something larger than you — a political party or group lobbying for change, then you will find yourself caught up in a bigger destiny than your individual one. This is no time to be a hermit. Also, accept every and all invitations to get involved that come your way. And strangely enough this applies to your personal goals and dreams too. Because in order to do it you need your team, entourage or cheer squad. Your followers, door openers or supporters.
Even if your dream is to see that novel in print you need agents, editors and publishers to make it happen. And then people to buy and read your book. If your dream is a totally Pisces one of sailing around the world single handed you still need that yacht builder, possibly a backer and all kinds of people in-between from the coastguard to whoever is on the other end of your radio.
Want to be an Instagram star? You got it — you need followers. January brings a seismic shift such as you have never seen in your lifetime — nor will again, around the people you need, know, are connected to or will meet. Your destiny could be in the hands of others. But you control who you meet, connect to and also share those dreams and aspirations with. Friends in extremely high places can be made now. Possibly those with influence, a public presence or who have the power to make things happen for you.
People whose ideas turn the accepted way of doing things upside down. Mavericks and revolutionaries are all ruled by your 11 th. Are you one of them? Or in good company with them? Jan 12 sees a once in year meeting occur between Saturn and Pluto in your 11 th.

Joined by Mercury and Ceres. The 13 th has the Sun joining what is the biggest astro political and world shifting party any of us will ever experience. For you, it is going to be about who you meet, know, connect with and impress. Especially as Venus will enter your 1 st the day after this happens. You can connect to this now in the form of a person, group or organisation. To do so, ensure you are projecting the right image — one that embodies the future you. Consider any enhancements you make to your image or appearance a future-proof investment now.
June 17 To June Tarot Card Reading Predicts Great Week For Leo, Taurus, Pisces
Jupiter remains in your 11 th until December. The planet of expansion and opportunity also promises at least one goal will come true via those you know, interact or deal with during this time. After the ground breaking events of mid-January, we will see this 11 th house weather slowly begins to disperse in time for your birthday. March 22 onwards may see your focus shift slightly. From what has been going on in your outer world to what lies within or beneath as Saturn enters your 12 th.
So, for many of you, this will be your first experience of Saturn in this house. To discover your path or purpose. Know if you now see you could have made a different choice in the past, that back then you were doing the best you could with the knowledge you had at the time. If you recognise this, then you have learned from it and it is time to move on. If you find yourself unable to escape painful memories of the past, remember, Saturn represents the older, more experienced teacher or guide. Seek the help of a professional who embodies Saturn in person.
A doctor, therapist, priest, healer or even a psychic or astrologer, who can help you heal and move past any wounds. This occurs on May 13 which is the same day as Mars arrives in your 1 st. Venus only retrogrades once every two years. Bear in mind that no matter what house this happens in, what Venus rules is now in limbo or going nowhere fast. In other words, your bank account and your love life. So, put that search for that new love on hold now until at least June 25 when Venus heads direct again.
That romance or new love potential really does need to be approached with a great deal of caution during this Venus retro. Because chances are, they may not be what they seem. You have an Annular Solar Eclipse occurring in your house of love affairs on June 21 — right when Venus is retrograde. As you know, eclipses tell us we are in the dark about something or someone.
So, if you experience this around someone, you need to stop and go no further for a while. If someone is trying to rush you, time to ask yourself what the hurry is? Wait for July and August and also October, as these are your best months for opportunities around love, romance or immersing yourself in pleasure, fun and good times. This may also not be a time to take out a mortgage or loan or buy, sell, rent or lease property.
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- June 17 To June 23: Tarot Card Reading Predicts Great Week For Leo, Taurus, Pisces.
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Instead, look back at past loves which need to be reclaimed or simply consigned to the past. This can encompass somewhere you used to live even.
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The second important retroactive period happens when Mars retros in its ruling sign of Aries and your 2 nd house from Sept I made the analogy at the start of this reading about you heading towards the neon lights of Vegas. Mars retrograde in your house of cash, income, assets, possessions and self-worth is telling you that this is NOT a time to take chances or gamble.
Because yes, the house always wins.
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Your ability to sell in yourself or your talents may not be at its best as Mars rules our confidence. This is also not a time to launch that new business or side hustle. Your impetus and energy may the at a low ebb. Your ability to resist may also be compromised as Mars rules our boundaries.
Mars retro in here can have us looking at past sources of income or talents to earn more we can revive once it is direct again from Nov Your career, public image, reputation, title and status asks you to keep a close eye on it. Whether you know it or not, you are being watched by people in positions of authority and influence. You are your word, actions and deeds now. Under no circumstances promise more than you can deliver. Walk your talk and speak the truth. All you can do is act with total integrity now.
Even if you suspect someone else may not be. If you get this feeling, then please heed it.
Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope: Week of December 28
I would add that eclipses are neither good nor bad. What is hidden within them can be an opportunity we are not yet aware of. We can be covertly assessed by the powers that be for our suitability for that big role or promotion for instance. But nobody has yet spoken to us about this. So, this is why at this time you need to stay aware of how you are coming across. Saturn moves back into your house of secrets on Dec 17 after one final door opening and wish granting encounter with Jupiter in your 11 th on Dec Again, this may relate to that opportunity you cannot yet see.
Jupiter will follow Saturn on Dec 19 taking you on a journey into the mystic side of life. Over the next 12 months you can be handed tools and resources you never thought existed. Unleash it in , Pisces. In a nutshell: A year to dive in and join in, Pisces.