So you shall be rewarded richly by your partner for your loyalty. Even the unspoken words will make you understand what your partner wanted to convey to you.
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This is true that your partner trusts you blindly; you are so close to his or her heart that even your slight actions disturb the emotional equilibrium of your partner like nothing else can. So not only you, your partner always equally exercises his or her strength to smoothen and strengthen the bond which you guys share!
And today your partner may celebrate pompously the occasion of being with you! Be prepared for an amazing meal packed up with some melodious music and precious gifts to be retained forever. Do the stars approve your love relationship? Take the zodiac compatibility test to find out!! Answering these 10 Questions sincerely will reveal your relationship status, Try it now!!
Aries Love Horoscope
Get your birth chart based on your birth date. Are you manglik?
When lover planet Venus enters its home sign Taurus on Thursday, March 5 , your partner is likely to send you a sign that everything is wonderful. Stay the course with any calming routines you have to encourage peace in your relationships. There's a full moon in detail-oriented Virgo on Monday, March 9. Virgos get a reputation for being clean freaks, but they are also one of the kinkiest signs of the zodiac and they know how to clean their sex toys.
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If you're partnered, let your inhibitions go and try something new in bed. If you're single, explore masturbating somewhere new, such as the bath. Take a deep breath in, and then let it go because Mercury retrograde ends on Monday, March 9. The feelers you put out in February to level up professionally should begin to yield results. Communication in your personal life also flows smoother. On Monday, March 16 , communication planet Mercury enters dreamy Pisces.
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The past few weeks you felt stubborn and stuck in your head, but this transit helps put you in touch with your emotions and intuition. Your conversations with lovers begin to sound more like poetry and less like orders. Acting vulnerable can be difficult for you, but try to embrace it.
Get ready to feel like number one because Aries season begins on Friday, March 20 , the same day as the Spring Equinox.

This is a time of rebirth and new beginnings. Your goal is to fully step into that Aries's confidence and leave anxiety at the door.
Monthly RomanticScope for Aries -
It will only get in the way of your dreams. If you don't already, consider seeing a therapist— you don't need to be at rock bottom to make your mental health a priority. The Aries season is all about shedding insecurities so you can feel as powerful as others see you.