Leo Horoscope
Planetary aspects make family relationships tenuous and you should use all your patience and diplomacy to remain calm and collected to salvage the situation. It is important to shield children from the adverse happenings in the family foretells January astrology. Amidst all the turmoil in the family atmosphere, children will shine in their academic interests. If they are more adventurous, they can guide other students in sports and optional activities. If they are imaginative, they will excel in their fields. Overall, this is an excellent month for students. What Color Matches Your Personality?
Take The Test Now!! Leo Health Predictions monthly horoscope for Leo zodiac sign forecasts a cheerful and healthy month. Diseases tend to disappear and any new ailment can be cured promptly with proper care. Normal precautions should be taken. Proper food and regular work-outs will boost your immunity and help you to remain healthy. Get your Numerology predictions.
Test Now! Leo Career Horoscope As per Leo sun sign forecast indicates the positive influence of the Sun, Mars and Venus on your professional engagements. You will have the cooperation of your colleagues and will be able to lead your associates efficiently to complete your assignments. The environment at the workplace will be cheerful and you are able to excel in your professional life. If you are interested, you can indulge in spiritual and charitable activities to add to your happiness. Check out zodiac predictions.
Leo Finance Horoscope Leo star sign Finance Horoscope for the month of January predicts a troublesome period for finances of businessmen and traders.
You will not be able to raise money for new ventures. Not enough money will be available for investments. Any pending legal matters will not be resolved. You have to dip into your savings to keep going in life.

Leo Education Horoscope Education forecasts for January for Leo students indicate a propitious time for academic activities. If you are appearing for a competitive examination, you are sure to succeed. From this vantage point, Mars will help you see where and how you can apply your natural vim and vigor to money-making pursuits. The new moon on the 13th will further highlight your earning potential, as it will take place in your house of career and reputation.
You like it when people know who you are, Aries, especially when those people happen to hold the purse strings at work.
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The question that remains, however, is what you do after they learn your name. Are you working your notoriety to your advantage? This is a wonderful opportunity to set new goals and plans to shine and be rewarded for said shine at the office. When Mars, planet of conflict and confrontation, moves into your sign on January 6, your normally peaceful demeanor will be shot through with a dose of fiery passion.
We pity anyone who gets in your way, tells you no, or simply questions your motives right now. As it directs course, changes made to your outward-facing life your means of self-presentation, how others view you will come more easily. This month will see you making subtle strides in your relationships.
The Man of Signs (Zodiac Man)
What sorts of conversations are you having late at night? Are you sharing more private details than before? Are you learning about their fantasies and desires? Though this kind of intimate knowledge may be exchanged in an off-the-cuff manner, it reflects an intense level of mutual trust. Love — or, at the very least, the potential for it — is in the air for you as January and as a whole begins , Cancer. Venus moves into your partnerships sector on the 8th, casting a rosy tint over your closest relationships. Your already tender-hearted sign will be all the more conflict-averse during this period, opting to prioritize the needs of your loved ones over your own.
Make sure you're getting your fair share, dear Crab. The full moon in Leo will arrive on the 28th, ending the month with a laundry list of questions. Are your spending habits aligned with those of your S. Beyond the literal meaning of money, where else in your relationships do you notice transactions taking place?
Is love, care, and intimate knowledge volunteered or is it offered in exchange for something else?
This is a great time to put your nose to the grindstone and actually see results from your labor. You may feel naturally inclined to log longer hours or take on additional assignments. Be wary of burnout during this transit — make sure you have an outlet to blow off steam during non-working hours.
Butting heads will only slow you both down. The sun moves into your partnerships sector on the 19th, offering you the annual opportunity to create a better sense of equality within your relationships. This is not to say that every meaningful bond in your life needs to feature a precise balance of give-and-take, but more that you and your loved ones should be at peace with how things are flowing. Affection, care, work, and effort should not be exchanged via one-way channels, Leo.
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- Your January Horoscope Is Here.
Check in with your BFFs and S. As long as you really want something and have a clear, detailed plan as to how to get it , very little can stand in your way toward attaining it, Virgo. This normally celebratory lunar phase will urge you to spend the night quietly and, ideally, away from your phone, to-do list, and work computer. Put the needs of the outside world aside, have a present night of bonding with your family and housemates, and make time to just be by yourself for at least a little while. Ready to flex your extreme makeover muscles, Libra? When Venus moves into your sector of domesticity on the 8th, a wave of interior decor inspiration will wash over you, urging you to cultivate a sense of comfort and security in your living space.
The people you call your family should contribute to that overall feeling of safety, too. The full moon on the 28th demands your attention outside of the home — namely, your peacekeeping abilities may be needed between coworkers or neighbors.
Horoscopes by Jamie Partridge
After a rather homebody-ish start to the month, this will be a welcome reminder of how much your larger network benefits from your skills. Discussions could flare up into full-on arguments; light flirtations could boil over into affairs. Previously stable partnerships could suddenly run hot and cold.