They are motivators who have a natural self-confidence that can attract and inspire others. However, if these strong Aries traits are taken to the extreme, they can become Aries's weaknesses.
Aries zodiac sign: What your sign says about love, work, friends and more
An Aries is not one to pause to consider what others are doing. Courage and the willingness to go it alone and be a pioneer is the very essence of an Aries Sun.

An Aries is not born to build or maintain, they are born to begin something and inspire others, and then to begin and inspire again and again. An Aries is the fighter of the zodiac and for good reason. An Aries never gives up, in fact, they are determined to face any challenges that come their way. No matter how difficult or dire a situation, they remain confident and optimistic that any challenge can be overcome. An Aries is honest and straightforward and can be counted on tell it like it is. An Aries will be straightforward even if it's not in their best interest and if you want to know the truth about something, an Aries will give it to you straight.
An Aries has a strong sense of justice. In their mind, right is right and wrong is wrong, and they have no problem voicing their opinions or becoming passionately defensive. This is especially true if they are defending a friend or loved one.
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An Aries never really grows up or loses their boyish and girlish charm. Much of their innocence comes from the fact that every day is a new day and a fresh start for them. Whether they're seven or seventy, they greet each day with unbridled excitement. In fact, one of Aries's strongest traits is that they rarely become jaded.
It's almost impossible not to smile in the face of an Aries' optimistic and passionate outlook on life. An Aries is passionate and enthusiastic about life and up for just about anything. It may seem strange in the face of all their feistiness, but an Aries is a romantic. You have a super high sex drive. When it comes to beauty and style, the Aries sign is super daring. Wild nail art , crazy temporary hair colour, unexpected mixed patterns — you push the envelope hard.
The Zodiac Sign Aries Symbol - Personality, Strengths, Weaknesses
Red is your colour — wear it often. Headaches and migraines are possible under stressful circumstances. By the way, sex counts as exercise. Sign profiles delivered exclusively by the Saturn Sisters.
What Are the Characteristics of an Aries in Relationships?
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Aries traits
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