When we combine the illuminating energy of the full moon with the foundation-shaking vibe of the eclipse, all sorts of revelatory information come to light. We may need to communicate our thoughts and emotions in a different way than we're used to. This energy is too chaotic for doing any full moon spells , so spend time evaluating the changes taking place in your life instead.
The eclipse is opening new doors, so keep an open mind to all the possible outcomes of your current situation. We'll all going to feel the effects of this lunation differently, so here's how the November full moon eclipse will affect you , based on your zodiac sign. It's important to express yourself under the light of this full moon, Aries, even if it's hard to know what eclipse-ruled drama comes next. Instead of wasting energy projecting grandiose ideas about the future, express your feelings about the present moment in real time.
Processing your feelings as they happen will help you stay ready for anything. Check out of your stresses and into your pleasures now, Taurus. With all the eclipse-induced changes taking place under this lunation, it's important for an earth sign like you to feel safe and secure in every way possible.
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Keep an eye on your finances and surround yourself with things that make you feel well taken care of. While this month offers you important insights into your personal relationships, the lunar eclipse in your sign will shift the focus onto your own life, image, and decisions. You're learning the importance of prioritizing your own needs over everything else, Gemini — listen to your heart when it comes to defining your next steps.
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This full moon has the power to bring about some deep, subconscious healing for you, Cancer, so allow yourself time to rest and soak in the power of its lunar elixir. While facing repressed wounds instead of pushing them aside takes courage, trust that the winds of fate are turning in a new direction that'll make it easy to heal.
Table of Eclipse Dates from 1994 to 2030
The radiance of this full moon eclipse is shining its spotlight onto your friend group and community, Leo — and now's the time to sift out the fair-weathered friends from the ride-or-dies. As we head into the heart of the winter, you'll find that your trusted inner circle begins to define itself. Surround yourself with people who support your higher goals and don't worry about the others. Sit tight, Virgo, because all eyes are on you right now, and there could be major shifts in your career because of it.
You're finding new ways to make connections and gather helpful information in your professional life, and this eclipse is swooping in to offer up some fateful twists. Skip navigation!
Okay, now jump to your Moon sign:
Clear skies ahead: Starting November 3 yes, election day , Mercury stations direct in Libra , after being in retrograde since October The messenger planet will remain in his shadow period for two weeks, until November During this period, also known as Mercury retroshade, we may feel as though we're still stuck in the mud and confusion of Mercury retrograde.
Our best bet is to take it slow.
Luckily, starting November 10, the messenger planet re-enters Scorpio for the second time, helping us think more critically. We can use this transit to pull ourselves back together. On November 13, action planet Mars stations direct in Aries. Its retrograde was a chaotic mess , and we still may find it tricky to find our footing throughout Mars' shadow period, which persists until January 2, The Moon begins a new cycle in strategic Scorpio just past midnight on November 15, helping us pivot our thinking outward.
Passions run high starting November 21, as romantic Venus makes her way into sensual Scorpio.
This powerful energy inspires us to seek deeper meaning in our relationships, as we increasingly find superficial interactions less satisfying.