January 13 weekly horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope for January 13th

Couples will have a fire burning between them, but of anger instead of passion. Take a minute to calm your head and heart. At work, you will have the right energy to drive you towards success. In work life, the Moon will sharpen your sixth sense, boosting creativity. Couples need to be constructive with each other in order to grow.

For couples, you will demand that your other half shows you undeniable proof of his or her love for you. At work, you are in a positive period of earning money. The meeting that singles have dreamed up is coming to shake your world. Those in a relationship will feel fulfilled by making your partner completely happy this week. Singles may not be guided by love or friendship, instead relying on calculations about their love interests. For couples, you sometimes think your partner spends too much money and you want to control it.

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If you have a partner, you want them to think outside of the box and try new things with you. In work life, if a good opportunity presents itself, take it without hesitation.

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Singles may meet someone who pleases you, but you are scared of the dead end they may lead to. For couples, your partner has disappointed you by saying something off-handedly hurtful and not realizing it. United States. Type keyword s to search. Much enjoyment can be gained in the company of others now, so whether you make time to spend with your partner or arrange to see a friend, remind yourself that time spent with people you like and care about will do wonders for your mood and energy levels.

You have to shake things up a bit and challenge the roles that you have been cst in. Or maybe you need to let go of judgment, either of yourself or others, and instead use your energy in a dynamic way to get things done. Virgo : With a cluster of planets in your creativity zone, the question to ask yourself this week is, what would you like to create; or what would you like to manifest?

View yourself as the artist of your life, for that is what you are. Make the tapestry of your life bold, bright and beautiful. Libra : Now is the time to be really honest with yourself and acknowledge your deepest desires. What is it that you long for? What would you love to do?

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Jupiter is urging you to break out of your comfort zone and try new experiences, perhaps to travel more or to expand your mind through learning, teaching, or writing. The keyword here is adventure, so whatever is pulling you toward joy and excitement is most probably the path that you need to follow. This is likely to be another very transformative week with the potential for moments of enlightenment.

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Pay attention to those moments and let them guide you out of the darkness toward the light. Scorpio : "When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey. How hard are you on yourself? Are you self-critical? Do you put yourself down when you should be building yourself up? The current planetary activity is a test of your self-esteem, and you can discover how high yours is by the type of self-talk you engage in.

Weekly Horoscopes for the Week of January 13 by the Cut

Sagittarius : There is still a monetary theme to your cosmic outlook this week, so make hay while the Sun shines by taking action, having faith, visualizing the desired result, and anything else you can think of that will increase your chances of manifesting what you want. It may be, though, that there are other things that you would like in your world such as a harmonious family life or the healing or resolution of some problem.

Actually the chances of liberation from a problem are very high this week as Jupiter and Uranus combine to give you a "get out of jail free" card. Capricorn : Could you do with a little magic in your life? Ideally this would be your own creativity and imagination, but if you feel that your creative well has run dry, then you can always replenish it by enjoying the creations of other. You could, for example, take a trip to the theater, cinema or art gallery or read a novel that you can lose yourself in. Aquarius : Any stress in your world can be alleviated by listening to your inner voice.

Your relationships should smooth out and your inner state should become more harmonious.

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  • Your social life is also ripe for flowering and much enjoyment can be gained from spending time with friends and acquaintances. This is also a good time to consider what your ideal life would be since whenever we get a cluster of planets in the social and future zone, it gives us the opportunity to become masters of our destiny.

    If you would like to steer the ship of your life in a slightly different direction, or if you just need to make minor adjustments to your course, then now is the time to do it. For more information about your Horoscope and what the stars have in store for you, order one of our detailed. Astrology Reports! For more information about your Horoscope and what the stars have in store for you, order one of our detailed Astrology Reports!