Right now I like this guy he is a Capricorn I really want him to see me for. We're both cap.
Love Compatibility Between Capricorn Man and Capricorn Woman
And we had this on and off relationship for 6 years, though we were both married. Sex with him is always great, the best I ever had. But like any other typical Cap man, he would just disappear without a word and totally shut me off. He's with another woman now but still won't let me go. But I guess he's really compatible with the one he's with now that he finally let me go.
Capricorn Man And Capricorn Woman Love Compatibility | vdorogu.rop.ru
It's so difficult being with a Cap man since I feel he easily gets bored and wants to have a lot of affairs I was with my Capricorn man for three years. In the beginning things were great between us, we couldn't get enough of each other. He appeared the be a great listner and lover. Going into the second year of our relationship something tragic happened to him, And I stuck beside him the hole way thruogh the whole ordeal; soon after the incident and him getting better things turned around a full and he became a angry, dissrespectful, abusive person towards me as if I was the cause of the disaster that had happened to him.
Now it three years later, two kids later, and we hate and love each other at the time. The relatinship is dangerous, we know what each other is thinking at all times and this is a horrilbe thing because we know how to control each others emotions at all times. I was immediately attracted to this one Capricorn man. He was like me in every single aspect. Stubborn, lazy, isolated, etc. Both of us were extremely pessimistic. When I was in a bad mood, so was he. I stopped talking because it seemed like we already knew everything about each other.
Although we had a lot in common, there was just too much in common. I don't want to date a mirror image of myself. I am a Capricorn women currently dating a Capricorn man for about a year now. At first he was the sweetest guy I have evr meet in my intire life He was protective and literally give me a lot of his time which I thought was great since thats what I needed from him. I really want to break it off to go back with my scopion guy im just not s ure if I i want to take that chance leaving my baby daddy for that other guys.
I am cap female, just met cap guy I'm a Capricorn man and I'm dating a Capricorn woman. We've been dating for 10 months now, yes we have our ups and down, both of us are stubborn as Hell, but refused to let the other go. I love her dearly and I Know she loves me too. Right now we had an argument whereas neither of us are breaking to say I'm "sorry" We have been down this road before, so I know we will be back together soon.
Capricorn Man and Capricorn Woman Long-Term Compatibility
They say "Absent makes the heart grow fonder" I miss her so much and I can't wait for us to be together again! I am a Capricorn woman very attracted to a Capricorn man. Our conversations come so easily, and we have been flirting a lot lately, initiated by him I might add. A couple of days ago I saw him and he was cold as ice, no eye contact, one word answers, no explaination whatsoever. We haven't spoken for three days and I have no idea what's up. I know our need to be alone when we get in a funk but he treated me so cold and I'm just trying to understand why.
Ask him about it? Is this something that I have to get used to? Is he still interested? I am really feeling him and hope this is something that will pass Any advice? I am a Capricorn women and I Have been with my Capricorn guy for seven years. My capricorn, my man, my love, my heartbreak. The sweetest jerk I've ever met, he carries the world's problems on his shoulders and disappears to solve them I guess.
I'll always take him back, my wayward warrior. He neglects me not to be cruel, but to accomplish something greater than him, greater than us. Consequently, as things presently are, he'll achieve the money, the things, the status, the connections, the perfect wife, and the perfect kids.
If he's happy, then I'm happy. If he's not I think im typical capricorn.. I can be complext at times. If you bear with me, I will let my barriers down. I am loyal faithful, I need trust.
I can handle liars or cheats. I am a cap woman dating a cap man. We been dating for a year now.
- scorpio tarot card 2021.
- Capricorn Man and Capricorn Woman ⋆ Astromatcha.
- 8 january birthday astrology in hindi.
- Capricorn Woman and Capricorn Man Compatibility From Linda Goodman’s Love Signs;
- leo february 2 astrology.
- k subramaniam astrologer.
- the aquarius astrology.
Everything was great starting off of course we get along very well we know everyother like the back of our hands. But after awhile it just seems that we don't have the same passion.

It just seems that the fire was put out. For me I like to go out and just do things and the relationship been boring.
Theres no excitment and he is just real lazy, always wants me to take care of him and at times is very inconsiderate. I do love him and it really did seem as if we were soulmates but I just don't see it lasting anymore.
Scorpio woman dating capricorn man
I don't know what to do. I am a cap woman and dated a Virgo man perrffect match , an Aries not so perfect At first, he the cap seemed perfect. He did everything right; was romantic, respectful, was the absolute sweetest, would always call and text, and we would have the best intellectual conversations. Then he tried to rush into sex, and I held my ground, and then he overnight became cold like ice. I thought it would pass, but no, he just became heartless and uncaring. I could see his true colors now, and ended it before he could.
Capricorn Woman and Capricorn Man Compatibility From Linda Goodman’s Love...
I realized he knew what he was doing all along, and I felt used and lied to. It's truly sad, because in his 'mr. I guess it was all an act for him? I still don't know, but do not think I would date one again. I had a very brief encounter with a fellow Capricorn. At first, it seemed like a match made in heaven.
We liked the same things, had the same tendencies, etc. I thought that maybe I had found "the one". However, he was rather moody and depressed all the time. He'd get easily worked up over something rather tiny. It just seeme so immature to me. Because we're so alike, his moods easily rubbed off on me. When he got moody, so did I. I really hated being surrounded by his negative energy as it made me feel negative as well.
Also, we just had too much in common. The chase was short. Things got boring too quickly. His flaws stuck out like a sore thumb because I saw his own flaws reflected in my own self. Everything I hated about myself, I saw in him. And everything I eventually hated about him, I saw in myself.