Think of these a unhappy -men! The few politicians v who go back and forth from the Palace with poker faces show neither joy nor sorrow. But that cannot be trusted too much, for nothing 1 can forestall an unexpected cloudburst in that' calm atmosph- v ere. Meanwhile, Roland, really fatigued, bivouacs in Ronce- t veaux, while upstairs the priest of the temple of Philes-Ad- elphes, fashionably hurned out from head to toe, is slipping deeper into his political meditations, staring into space, but feet firmly planted an the terra ferma of reality.
The Polire, having improved its vehicle system through the acquisition of some twenty up-to-date cars and trucks, honest people 'are stomping their feet with joy,. As for the newspapers, they are 'of an alarming paleness these days. The great dailies find no more raw material to transform into aoncenlrates with which to nourish the minds of their readers. O-utide accidents on the Carrefour or Croix des-Bouquets roads, night burglaries, a long list of the day's deceased, chronicle on the death of a tog.. The Telediol is on vacation!
And what of the periodicals? It is fair toyendare them tlfis.
Here's one which has discovered the. The pro- dfuct, it would seem, has made its discoverer rich because of its instantaneous effects, Insomnia sufferers, please take note: Then there is another, which while playing cpiqu6-coll under the. And then, in the throes of Still another, whereas Our age is that of the internatio- nalization of all canals, has commenced with the, Canal du Vent, wind canal , atomizing the inconsequential nationalists known as cOndependants and made them pay dearly for the consequences of their inconsequence SUnder such conditions, it is believed, the strict Devoira of everyone is to keep in the refuge of the shadows while awaiting better days And those who in spite of all are remaining in the arena continuing to carry on 1he battle, for the total liberation of the Haitian.
Long live the vacations,, cry 'theF'churlish ones. But let's wait for October. Let's wait for the opening of school and tribunals. Translated from aLe National , August k0, Msieu, Mil xmni! Saunders crtol-haiciin i must say the idea of the The existing ccaditions at the pasque nan troi mo i 1ap vi-n en eSun renaming the.
- aries weekly horoscope for february 24 2021.
- pisces horoscope march 12 birthday.
- Author Information.
Gess li fal ya recon- runs from Christopher Col. Also: the. Many 6 trang6 pass prop lang pa-1; and Clairin Avenue where Qie " ilso are stamp collectors end like moin trouv;6 que c'on Crim-lz- shops with their giant barrels re-,. It is discourag- veni sou lang venaculai pdyi-l, But there is one Boulevar 4. I- big to find one or two windows al6 que c'on peut 6trang6 qu'ap wish: you would rename.
It is open with a slow-moviag atten- d6fenn-li pou li, qu'ap chkch6 rd- now 'called after a chatter.. Si jusqu'ou-n-y6-ya pa gain- I think the time has come to'call. I write this letter as odne who gnin aukinnv qui 6cri en. In plain English, nov. In Brooklyn we cien de yo-meinm, c6'travay-du ver, and'TrAman has. Chariot emploiy6-pou l'fai skgen dent of the United Ste Adlai, :ev. Wiffi sineere and honorable re- vrai, mein poua co6u-n-y6ya, e'd.
Caterpillar alone has the experience in research,- metallurgy, manufacturing tech- niques ,and performance. Two parts 'which look alike on the surface may be vastly different in quality ahd fit. To be sure of performance,-dornt go "shopping" for bargains In spaes. Buy only Genuine Caterpillar Spares Give them a place that's hot, dusty, families who appreciate. The quail 'a place for retirement to die. But all the time they are living buildings is- improving they wfll stay near slums and bathe themselves in noises until year, Captain Max their nerves give out All this when here are places within one built mhis VMon C aprice hour's drive or the capital that are cool,.
Have you ever been to Furcy? Continue on past Ption- So they called the spot cAu- Coming back to our "lie, leave Kenscoff behind and BIdons; you may know that b16 viewpoint at. Sourcail] -on up past the end of theasphalt means e wheat '.
15 Astrology - Leo ideas | astrology leo, leo, astrology
These names most important item t. C'd Sourcailles. It can be reco- ested himself in planting coffee ing good t. Now you can make up the classes. Adults reeeive , :ttbout imposing, you can scale ahd vegetables, tion to read Creole a poou ba French when 'their moi. The school months there t iori. Thi3 land was cultivated little nun has returned to male and three female.
French colonization. France and' the, work is be- A special item to teach 'I mut have yielded abundant- ing continued Clinic days for Where in. Haiti uder t '. The M. On La the Dep'rtment of Edi.. Wlle "esrXial church nmade of. Iron be used as dormitorie. A' Wooden cross practical spdt; slhce t.
Florida residents told to brace for cold Christmas – including falling iguanas
Furey breks dtn "An'uros it". College St Martial. The end of the square, dimistses 'all thoughts. Fanfan Ulys P 'se,. O ,m Intai tkat backdoor well 'in hand in this ". He is famous IR A ' lfrees doW. In rative'. IHe had cultivated this summer homes of many' promi- ,. He used Some ef the -fondest memories to horseback down to the cathe- of childhood are drawn from va- :" 'dral on Sundays and though his cation in Furcy. Ruins and -hoof-prints Barthe Peters, Mangones, Vogt,. The old boy Lespinasse, Hirsch Losteaux, Pas. The moon lights house. Presently there is a Ja up the contours of valleys and nior Red Cross camp situated at hills.
The light sparkles through Au-BlEon where youth can' enc"t the tall pines and the wind woos the coolness of the altituddjl, to sleep man and beast. This Bank workers also know of:the: could riot be adequately reproduc- hotel here at their disposal dupv ed, neither on stage, 'nor by te- ing vacation. Much has been said the.
Grammaire Fr B1
Coming further down the about the possibllitie's ofj inrea-' road to Au-Bl6on, the' Privento ing the tourist 'income' y Jive-i. Here they. Resorts or en take in the children of parents cabins would be an asset t who have either die4 or suffered well located on the beautiful silo-. Incidently, pes of the mountains of. In the meantime' Furcy road here. From there a single day is well spent.

Three convenient weekly flights to' take you into the gay, romantic atmosphere of the Pearl of the Antilles! Monday, Wednesdays, Fridays, at p. L-ISO Tourism Abroad By Ralph T. The fact is that today sustained and widespread poverty, coupled with an under- developed economy, in any na- tion will, of necessity, eventually harm our own country in one way or another. I would suggest that U. Reed, leadlm transportation services. These el in the United States expenditures are enough to pay ally to analyze the eff for more than a tenth of al the velers that have been merchandise we exported abroad, years for pleasure and These U.
Reed is president tures repres'n.
An mand and supply is far superior seen at'first hand the to any sort' of aid from one na- have on any country w lion to another and that it's a roadI very healthy sign when the ope While his articles ha can replace the other, tourism abroad and its This, then, is the size of U. I am very opti- te mistic about its future develop- the next decade, barring meat.
We are faced with quite any unexpected major eec a number of unique factors upheaval. This prosperity which appear to be of profonld during very unusual rest importance to the. As of 'finess and with jet alifi-er 14 million U. There's no doubt perity in the United States for eventually this will mean. All of these deve- lopments, too, will aid travel prospects. Taking these facts into consi- deration, along with many others such as pension funds and so forth, it hardly seems an exag- geration to say that we are mov- ing into a vital period for U.
I would be will- ing to predict that, barring any convulsive world conflict and assuming proper encouragement, the number of American tourists traveling to other countries will increase 50 percent in the next five years, and at least double within the next 10 years. So considerable are the expen- ditures of American touristsl to- day and such is their influence on ITOR'S NOTE ng spokesman for international tray- s, is unusually equipped profession- ects of tbe ever-growing tide of tra- moving around the world in recent business..
In this capacity his daily routine nt touch with tourists' of all nationa- inveterate traveler himself, he has dramatic effects which tourism can. And of all ry. Point 5 is the private citizen's counterpart to our government's i Point 4'program. Through Point 4.