Pisces is the second sign you may have the most trouble getting along with.
Sagittarius is more optimistic than Pisces… Pisces is a sensitive soul, who picks up on others emotions. You might not be able to understand these signs but be patient with them.
That may help ease some tension. The first sign you may have trouble getting along with if you're a Capricorn is Aries.

Not wanting to play by someone else's rules can prevent you from having a good relationship with Scorpio. However, if you can find a way to compromise.
Zodiac Signs That Don't Get Along
If you're a Pisces, it's likely you'll struggle getting along with Gemini. Not being able to understand each other's logic can lead to conflict. Listen Now on iHeartRadio. Mar 22, A partner who keeps their head in the clouds would drive them to insanity. A Capricorn's true soulmate is someone loyal, focused on long-term goals, and is willing to work with Capricorn to make it all happen.
Capricorns are slow-moving earth signs and aren't quick to commit.
Signs that Don’t Get Each Other
But if they find a partner they can build a legacy with, they'll be in it for life. When you're a Capricorn, not everyone can appreciate the way you live your life isn't easy. Here are the three least compatible zodiac signs for Capricorn , according to Quinn and Bowles. Both Capricorn and Aries are hard-working, ambitious, determined, and strive to be the very best in all they do. Although they have the makings of a power couple, their private life would be filled with tension.
The Most Volatile Combinations in the Zodiac
According to Quinn and Bowles, Aries likes to be front and center, which will conflict with Capricorn's need to prioritize work. Since Aries is a fire sign, they're all about spontaneity and living in the moment. Though both signs share a love of travel and a natural intellect, the two might find it hard to actually sit down and make decisions about anything together. Cancers are said to be least compatible with Aries and Libra, with their opposite sign being Capricorn.
Capricorn compatibility
Aries is fiery and forceful, and Libra often seeks variety -- and in both cases, a practical, stability-loving Cancer could become uncomfortable. Cancer and Capricorn certainly proves a challenging relationship for both, as the Cancer is quick and open to express emotions, while the Capricorn is often stoic and has trouble expressing feelings. Astrology signs that might be incompatible can work.
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- The 3 Most Incompatible Zodiac Signs For Capricorn!
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- The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs!
It's just a matter of finding that common ground and being willing to accept one another's quirks, likes and dislikes. If you're interested in learning more about astrology as it pertains to relationships and non-compatible zodiacs, check out this list of the most compatible astrology signs! Aries March 21 - April Taurus April 20 - May It's not entirely surprising, though, that Taurus might be drawn to Scorpio's magnetism -- but the match isn't always harmonious. Taurus might have some trouble adjusting to Scorpio's passionate and headstrong approach to life.