Refinery29 horoscope january 1

Your horoscope for the week—Saturday is MAJOR

Monday, January 01, Follow us:. Fresh Start.

An intense Cancer full moon on Monday makes you want instant gratification for needs that change too quickly to be sure of. A collective time-out is called for. Stay in bed, read, meditate, force-cuddle a small animal, preferably domesticated. On Tuesday, you're ready to turn your feelings into creative action. New Year's resolutions about art-making, volunteering, or supporting others are sparking and in search of a wick to light.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

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These planets complement each other, and encourage us to live in excess. Sit with your emotions before setting intentions on Friday at p. EST, when the Moon begins a new cycle in Aquarius.

This transit squares against chaotic Uranus, influencing our minds to become more easily distracted and unpredictable. We're feeling up to putting our money where our mouths are on Saturday, when chatty Mercury sextiles fiery Mars. Use this favorable transit to fuel your ambitions and go after what you want. This is a beautiful day to make a bold move or get together with your favorite people.

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