You are still able to live comfortably but you are just not starting out at your highest point. It may be that you have chosen a career that pays less but is more emotionally fulfilling and rewarding or it could just be that you need to work your way up within a company before you see the spoils.
Of course, as King of the jungle, you find your way to the top inevitably. Be mindful of a financial dip on 17th August that you need to be prepared for. By September you experience a much-welcomed hike in income and develop a better understanding of how your money can serve you well.
It will help you reach for the stars in practical ways. You end the year comfortably and in a strong position. Remember that your sign always gravitates to success and achievement. You are ambitious at your core and your financial world reflects this profoundly. Mars moves into Scorpio on the 5th December which gives you great financial instincts.
Prosperity is your birthright. The Leo predictions say there will be times when you will feel like starting your life all over again. Be a little patient and keep faith.
A little introspection may do the trick. You should pull up your socks and get ready to work even harder. You would have to withstand some stormy weather but, you will also have the strength to sail through efficiently. You have no option but to be positive and understand that there is no substitute for hard work. Long term planning and distancing yourself from short term gains and useless pursuits is likely to help build for the future. Seek advice and keep good terms with friends, loved ones, and well-wishers. Success will be there, but amid stiff challenges, so hang in there and keep putting efforts.
Looking at the whole year at once can be a bit daunting.

Below is the yearly Leo horoscope broken up one month at a time. January brings a renewed sense of energy that can help you tackle any challenges you may have at work or in your social circle. This is also a great time to try to make new friends who can help you throughout the year to come. February is a time for introspection; because of this, your social life may not be active. Jupiter and Saturn will both be in Aquarius this month, which will encourage you to take advice from your family.
March is time for you to either focus on your finances OR your love life. Working on both will only cause failures in both. Mercury helps to guide your romantic life, while Neptune influences your finances.
April again asks you to choose between focusing on your romantic life or your finances. If you focus on your career, you are sure to excel. If you focus on your relationships, Jupiter and Saturn will help to keep them stable. May 1 allows you to finally focus on your social life and your work life at the same time. Mars in Cancer will nonetheless encourage you to think before you act. September brings a hike in income but you must analyse your spending habits if you want to do well.
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- Leo Horoscope 2021: Get Ready To Roar Loudly.
In October, the planetary transit of Venus in Scorpio on the 2nd and Venus in Sagittarius on the 30th will auger well for you. Owning a new home is on the cards! As the year closes, your personal life will be smooth as silk and you will enjoy mental peace, which promotes good health. Your financial status may need a little tweaking.
- March 12 Birthday Horoscope 2020-2021.
- Leo January Horoscope – Astrology King.
- Yearly Horoscope 2021: Astrological Prediction for Leo.
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- LEO Horoscope Preditions for Love, Money, Family, Health and Career | KnowInsider.
Tying all the loose ends together is how you will round off Love your neighbors just as you love yourself, and you will be able to share your blessings with others. They know how to take care of themselves. Overall, you need to be careful about your finances and your health.
Leo Horoscope What the Stars Predict for You This Year
This is not the time for you to relax. Be aggressive in pursuing your dreams and goals in life. You need to defend your standing in society at all times. Take risks in life and see yourself advance to a whole new level. The year is likely to be a year with bright change which may impact Pisces's life. The people born in the Pisces sign are The year is likely to be a year with heavy transit which may impact Capricorn's life. The year may make you introspect in Yearly Horoscope: Read your free Sagittarius horoscope predictions and gain insights into what the planets have predicted and the stars have in store for you On the night of 31 December and the morning of 1 January, people in many countries all over the world will celebrate the beginning of a new year.
How will they celebrate and how did this tradition begin? Yearly and Monthly Horoscope Predictions Horoscope for various zodiac signs. The predictions give an outline of events likely to occur in the different areas of life such as career, finance, love relationships, family, health, and education. Share Tweet Email Share. LEO Horoscope : The year is likely to be a year with bright change which may impact Leo's life. The people born in the Leo sign are predicted that be very lucky and dynamic in all spheres of life in Read on for Leo horoscope predictions for more detail!
Photo: Horoscope Divination.
Yearly Love Horoscope: 2021 Love Guide for Leo
Leo Love Horoscope for You excel at love stories. Leo Career Prospects For Innovative and electrifying, Uranus triggers an ample and progressive vision, it stimulates your creativity, your interest for knowledge, research or culture, and it encourages to travel, to get in contact with remote people or places, with original philosophies and thinking currents.
Leo Health For Those born under the Leo sign are vigorous people, their physical constitution being concordant with the efforts they make, and this is why the natives need to have a diet that, first and foremost, offers the caloric intake necessary for performing the daily activities. Photo: tamlinh. Education Zodiac Predictions for Leo Horoscope for Education foretells that the year you will excel in all the competitive examinations you take this year.
Leo January This month you will have to make some sacrifices for your family. Leo November Love your neighbors just as you love yourself, and you will be able to share your blessings with others. Leo December This month all aspects of your life will take a turn for the better. Summary: Leo Horoscope Horoscope Predictions for Leo reveal that the year ahead will be a challenging one for the Leo natives, but they will manage. Yearly Horoscope: Horoscope Predictions For Pisces The year is likely to be a year with bright change which may impact Pisces's life.
LEO Horoscope 2021: Preditions for Love, Money, Family, Health and Career
Yearly Horoscope: Horoscope Predictions for Capricorn The year is likely to be a year with heavy transit which may impact Capricorn's life. Yearly Horoscope: Horoscope Predictions for Sagittarius Yearly Horoscope: Read your free Sagittarius horoscope predictions and gain insights into what the planets have predicted and the stars have in store for you Related stories.
Let's see what awaits Cancer in You can find useful information contained in the Tarot horoscope. You should pay more attention to the forecast. Let's take an insight into Cancer Tarot reading, horoscope for OCY December 09, The New Year is the year of Mercury, the total sum of is 5 which is the number of stability owned by mischievous Mercury. What are the predictions for Gemini in the nextyear of Laelia Yang November 27, Good things will come to you if you have a healthy social life in Read on for horoscope predictions for Aquarius! December 14, , to February 3, — Jupiter opposite your decan can pose challenges if you want more than you have.
Taking more than you really need would affect other people and could cause relationship tension. Good luck is likely but unless you turn inwards for happiness, or find fulfillment in the things which are free, you could be left feeling unsatisfied. So be thankful for what you already have and avoid over-optimism, greed, excess, and waste. May 25 to November 19 — Lunar Eclipse May trine your decan helps you feel comfortable and confident being yourself with no need for pretense or pretending.
Inner peace makes your relationships more harmonious than usual. If you have to work you will be able to focus on the job with ambitious energy and do it well. If you want to relax you will be able to without feeling you should be doing something else. This is also a good eclipse for promoting yourself and your goals in public.