Though not completely at a loss, you may feel lost and desire to spend some time alone with yourself. The empty nest syndrome is likely to invade and hold your mental peace at ransom, says Ganesha. Sagittarius : Today, your superiors at work are going to trust you with many complicated assignments. But, after exerting yourself, you are sure to come out with flying colors and have your work appreciated.
Do not be surprised if cash incentives come your way.

Such may indeed be your fortune, says Ganesha. Capricorn : Your exuberance and self-confidence will become the talk of the day for those around you. You will derive pleasure in accomplishing herculean tasks today, and Ganesha says you will do justice to work too. At home, everything will go smooth and you will enjoy and share the peace in your life with your wife.
All about Virgo
On the whole, you will have a cheerful day ahead. Aquarius : Team work and cooperation bring out the best in you, so you must make the most of a chance to work in a group. It could be brainstorming, or campaigning for an environmental cause or even playing beach ball! A game of cards in the evening, and consider your day well spent, says Ganesha. Pisces : The workaholic in your bursts to the fore with a vengeance, and today will see you tackle pending projects with the zeal of a Holy Templar crusader.
Your energy levels will be unflagging, and your enthusiasm to wipe your slate clean admirable. Make the most of it, says Ganesha. Log in to leave a comment. Download Daily Excelsior Apps Now:. Trending Now. Govt to give reservation to women, other categories in DDC Chairpersons.
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Mechanism in place for making grievance redressal prompt: LG. Home Daily horoscope horoscope. Were they Chinese nomads or PLA men in disguise? Jupiter here for a good part of this transit's first year can help a lot on this front.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle
You are likely to find more joy and satisfaction from your work, and if you're looking for new work, this is a very employable time! There will be plenty of opportunities to improve and enhance your life going forward. This month, Jupiter and Saturn meet in what's called a Great Conjunction, and it's a time of quite a bit of ambition, common sense, and the ability to materialize your plans. You're in great shape for getting started on a healthy lifestyle change or disciplining yourself to get a job done, and done well! Home and family may be closely tied to work and health during this period, which can mean you are joining with family to improve health, working from home, bringing more organization or order to your home, or other such connections.
You may be working hard but thoroughly enjoying it as you do. As the month advances, there's a building theme of love, leisure, and creativity, and you're likely to find some decent channels for enjoyment. Mercury and the Sun head into your sector of relaxation, self-expression, fun, romance, and creativity on the 20th and 21st.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Activities through which you can have fun, impress, create, and share are a strong draw. Others tend to respond well to your ideas and overtures.
Unresolved issues with friends can magnify around the Full Moon on the 29th, giving you just the right boost to make essential changes and resolutions. Or, this lunation can produce a surprise, bringing warmth, emotion, and color to your feelings and possibly your social life.
Your need for others or place in the broader community becomes evident. It can be a time of extending your help or support or of awakening to your need for friends and long-term happiness goals. Your worlds of creativity, fun, or romance are transforming in , dear Virgo. While you may need to rebuild from the ground up, you have powerful tools at your disposal and intense motivation to do so! Hobbies, love affairs, children, recreation, artwork, and pastimes are all areas that are transforming in deep, permanent, and positive ways this year.
This prompt is likely to begin with a rethink and later evolve to a rebrand! Venus spends extra time, part of its visit retrograde, at the top of your solar chart starting in April, encouraging you to consider the pleasure factor regarding your career, profession, reputation, or pursuit of your long-term goals.
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The following month, the North Node heads into the same sector, encouraging further attention to your long game. Love and partnership grow to a new level as you play by different rules this year. You benefit from a subtle but beautiful Jupiter-Neptune transit that supports inspiration, romance, fun, and discovery in a partnership. Instead, it helps you see the value of giving yourself and someone special a bit of room. Falling in love with a person or a special project is likely in At the same time, Jupiter and Pluto join forces in your sector of joy from March to November, and the determination to improve your life through pursuing your joy is powerful.
Not much can stop you now! Events and epiphanies at that time alert you to the need to do things completely differently.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
Fortunately, Jupiter swoops in just two to three months later to meet with Pluto, fueling your ambition to rebuild and improve. This combination can create a productive time when hunkering down or committing is joyful. You may be combining the responsible and more romantic elements of your interactions very successfully this year. Saturn is slowly making its way into your work and health sector this year, and in December, Saturn commits as a long-term guest there just before Jupiter moves in for approximately a year.
Increased self-discipline and satisfaction are themes in , and it feels good to get your life in order! See also: Virgo Preview Horoscope. The year ahead emphasizes work, chores, health, and routines, dear Virgo. It also holds a new and emerging theme related to partnerships that can serve as a nice boost.
However, Saturn has now officially left your romantic sector, and much of the pressure or isolation related to dating and romance that you may have felt in recent years subsides. A work and health theme has phased in for , with some hints of partnership benefits emerging. Jupiter divides its time between your work-and-health sector and your partnership sector this year.
Special note concerning Covid Astrological transits continue in their cyclical ways no matter the current situation. This applies at all times, but is particularly relevant now during this health crisis. Much love, Annie March 18, Note: Read the sections for both your Sun Sign and Ascendant for a better picture of what lies ahead for the day. What's In Your Forecast? Future Forecast Report. All About Virgo Virgo Ascendant.
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The exact dates depend on your birth year, time, and place! Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese.