Horoscope january 10 2021 aries

While "easy" might not exactly be on the immediate horizon, it's time to start putting the pieces of life back together. For you, Aries, that means building and expanding on your most important relationships, while letting those which no longer serve you go.

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The more room you make for your healthiest relationships, the easier it is to let old ones go. This year, lucky Jupiter squares independent Uranus in your 11th House, which is all about finding your people, starting on Sunday, January Before you consider making any new major commitments, like moving in with a partner, you have to clean up the lingering messes from your past relationships. Talk through miscommunications, unfriend or block on social media — do what you have to do to declutter your personal life.

You will notice that the more room you make for your healthiest relationships, the easier it is to let old ones go. Consider it emotional pruning. The next day, on Monday , January 18 the moon enters your sign, making it easier to act on your emotions from a rational place. It enters your sign again on Valentine's Day, Sunday, February There's no need to hate on the holiday this year; with the moon in your sign, you'll be feeling loved and loving, whether you're single or partnered up. This transit only happens every 22 and a half years, and fittingly, marks periods of time in which conservative ideology clashes with more progressive thinking.

Spoiler alert: This doesn't mean that they find a peaceful resolution. However, thankfully, there is no Mars retrograde in Mars is a warrior planet that rules fucking and fighting. You want Mars in your corner to win a battle. Everyone, but especially you Aries, will make your way through 's political strife with a confident and hopeful nature. Aries season, which starts the zodiac calendar , begins on Saturday, March The very next day, Sunday, March 21, lover planet Venus also enters your sign.

This means that your season, which should be indicative of the themes for Aries in all of , will be very good for your love life. You may have previously found yourself trying to make a relationship that wasn't meant to be work, which can feel like trying to force together two puzzle pieces that don't fit. With the sun and Venus in your sign, it's likely that your romantic life this year will have the opposite energy. Love may just fall into place. Don't confuse what comes easily for being boring. Drama doesn't always equal passion.

Circle these dates and make plans to chill, because eclipses bring drama and unexpected endings if we allow them to. We don't want you to make any sudden movements, because after so much worldwide chaos, you deserve a love life that's going strong. For the world to heal on a global level, we must all work on our individual healing. Pay attention to themes that arise for you during this time; they signal what you'll need to work on, potentially for the rest of the year.

If you keep picking fights with your lover, it may be time to talk to your therapist about your communication skills. If you're online shopping to cope with anxiety from financial stress, you may want to consider creating a budget and working to diversify your coping skills. While there are no Mars retrogrades this year, there are three for Mercury. Be extra mindful during these times.

Aries 2021 - 2022 Astrology Horoscope Forecast

Continue working towards your goals, but double-check emails and try not to sign major contracts. Because of Mercury retrograde later this month, you have this same transit again from February 7 to March 8. January 15 to 25 — Venus square your decan increases your need for love and affection but a tendency towards laziness and selfishness is possible. However, the harmonizing influence of the Mercury transit mentioned above will improve your mood and your relationships.

January 28 to February 9 — Sun sextile your decan brings the energy, enthusiasm, and creativity to enjoy life, reach your goals, and succeed. January 28 to February 11 — Full Moon January trine your decan brings self-confidence and inner balance. January 30 to February 20 — Mercury retrograde means you could dwell on things, reminisce about the past, or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past. But it could also cause communication and technology problems, anxiety, travel delays, and lost items.

Take care during important decisions and negotiations.

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December 3 to January 8 — Jupiter conjunct Saturn on December 21 represents the end of a phase of life. It may feel like you have to advance to a higher level. December 8 to January 8 — Mars in your decan gives energy, strength, and courage. It can make you feel sexy and sporty but also frustrated and angry.

Your January Horoscope Is Here

Being too assertive while being selfish could cause arguments or conflict. Channel your aggression into a passion to succeed in sports, business, sexual conquest, and war. January 1 to 8 — Mercury square your decan increases the tempo of life with mental activity, communications, short trips, and errands. All year — Pluto square your decan means you are in for a test of your strength and character.

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  • You really have to know who you are and stand up and be counted. You will learn to stand up for yourself but you must also find a balance. But being too ruthless when the opposition gets tough is not always the best option.

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    • January 3 to 6 — Mercury conjunct Pluto on the 4th adds depth and intensity to your thinking and communications. Avoid becoming involved in plots, secrets, intimidation, and revenge.

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      Your words can create intrigue but also confusion and fear. You could be accused of things you did not do or arouse suspicion. December 30 to January 9 — Venus trine your decan lowers stress levels and makes it easy to relax. Your calming influence, increased beauty, and charisma bring admiration and popularity.

      This is an excellent time for romance, socializing, asking for favors, and shopping for food, fashion, jewelry, art, and beauty products. January 6 to 8 — Venus trine Mars brings charisma and popularity. This is a good time is good for having fun, socializing, and dating. Your soft loving side balances out your raw sexual desire so you can be direct without coming on too strong.

      Love relationships can flourish or you could find your true soulmate. January 8 to 20 — Sun square your decan makes you work harder just to have things how you want them. January 12 to 16 — Sun conjunct Pluto on the 14th increases your need to be in control, but can also lead to ego conflicts. A crisis or challenge from someone could lead to extreme or ruthless behavior.

      You may be forced into a corner where you have to either defend your position or make a major change. January 13 to February 11 — New Moon January square your decan brings the potential for challenges from other people or from circumstances that test your character. This new moon may expose a deep-seated problem that will take time and effort to adapt to.

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      But it also opens up great opportunities for personal development and soul evolution. January 20 to February 9 — Mercury sextile your decan brings good news and pleasant conversation. Mercury retrograde from January 30 means you could dwell on things, reminisce about the past, or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past.

      Some details will not yet be available, and others may be unreliable or dishonest. It also means you have this same transit again from March 6 to January 23 to February 2 — Venus square your decan increases your need for love and affection but a tendency towards laziness and selfishness is possible. Lack of self-love, social anxiety, shyness, or financial hardship is possible.

      January 26 to 30 — Venus conjunct Pluto on the 28th dramatically increases your need for love and affection. You want to experience companionship at a deeper, more intense level. Magnetic powers of attraction can lead to an intense new karmic relationship. But manipulation, abuse, jealousy, or revenge would have serious repercussions. Your Aries January horoscope is based on planetary transits and moon phases to your decan.

      This is a more accurate and authentic method than the use of houses, zones or sectors. Menu Skip to content.