Libras also tend to think of Pisces as overly sensitive and wish, in some ways, that Pisces wouldn't be so sulky. Libra will get frustrated trying to get their Pisces partner to snap out of their mood, but Libra needs to relax and let Pisces be if they want their relationship to thrive. Love: Pisces and Scorpio are extremely compatible. Of all the Zodiac pairings, Pisces and Scorpio are the most likely to fall in love at first sight, and then it just heightens from there.
Neither of these signs is an open book, so the process of getting to know each other and slowly opening up is a life-long process that keeps them intrigued. Sex: These two Water signs have an intense sexual relationship based on emotion and passion. Long-term relationships and marriage: Both signs feel things deeply and are extremely passionate.
Scorpio can't stand cheaters and, luckily, Pisces are known for being faithful, meaning they can have a long-term relationship built on trust and stability. Scorpio are more dominant, but that's fine with Pisces as long as they feel protected and safe.
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In addition, they both are creative and need to have as much of their partner's focus as possible. As long as things are kept light and friendly, Pisces and Sagittarius get along, but as soon as things start to get serious, there is a problem. Pisces are romantic, emotional, and require a lot of attention and tender loving care. It's not that Sagittarius doesn't care, they don't just want to feel tied down and don't enjoy feeling like Pisces' happiness depends on them. Pisces are a little too dependent for Sagittarius. Sex: Sex between Pisces and Sagittarius can be fun, though there will be a lack of emotional connection between them.

Their bedroom experiences come with plenty of creativity and trying new things, but the intimacy is lacking. Long-term relationships and marriage: There is danger in Sagittarius taking advantage of Pisces' unselfish nature, causing their relationship to be unbalanced with everything being about Sagittarius. Interested in something long-term, an ideal Pisces relationship differs from Sagittarius, who likes to see how things go without making too many plans.
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Capricorn can be a stabilizing influence on Pisces and can help motivate them to achieve their dreams. Pisces helps Capricorn loosen up, not be so serious, and be their authentic, sometimes weird self. Sex: While Capricorn is reserved and Pisces is emotional, a sexual relationship between the two is highly fulfilling. Their differences bring them together in the bedroom, where sex is focused on spontaneity, allowing Capricorn to open themselves up emotionally and Pisces feeling grounded through physical contact. Long-term relationships and marriage: Pisces tend to be more fluid and easy-going, whereas Capricorns tend to be more structured, buttoned-up, and practical.
However, these two are alike in ways that count: they're both extremely faithful , kind, and have a shared love of art and beauty. Both of these signs are amazingly creative and imaginative, and are also completely unique; on an artistic level, they might be very compatible.
However, Pisces are very emotional, and Aquarius is not. Sex: With Pisces and Aquarius, sex will never be boring as long as they maintain an emotional distance, or, if Aquarius already has romantic feelings towards Pisces. Both are happy to have sex that is exciting and creative, and can have a satisfying experience. Pisces likes adventures, but not as much as Aquarius. Sometimes, two Pisces have a soul-connection and are able to give each other the emotional support they need; other times, they're just too similar and may tire of each other.
Sex: While there is medium sexual compatibility between two Pisces, they may each be a little too cautious and hold back the desire to have needs fulfilled. But as soon as there is some kind of emotional connection, there is a high level of understanding between the two, which allows for more freedom and openness. Long-term relationships and marriage: Pisces are extremely sensitive , so they might feel like the other is being too competitive and not giving the support and care they deserve.
If both Pisces get into a bad mood, there is no one to bring them out of it, nor is there anyone to motivate them. In a long-term relationship or marriage, two Pisces pick up on bad feelings without either expressing them for fear of being rejected. This zodiac sign is irresistible to Pisces!
Pisces sees Scorpio as charming, sensual, loyal and emotional, all of which are highly appealing. These two zodiac signs are creative, passionate and feel things on a deeper level than most, and their shared interests and like-mindedness are all the more attractive for Pisces. Pisces has a strong connection with other Water signs Cancer and Scorpio, but is also a match for Earth signs Taurus and Capricorn. While Pisces can find a strong match in Cancer or Scorpio, they are more likely to have a soulmate-level relationship with Taurus.
This is especially true if Virgo's perfectionism becomes too pronounced—Pisces may hide their mistakes and lash out at Virgo passive aggressively. If these two can communicate with love and understanding, they can form a solid bond. Dreamers Libra and Pisces have the makings for a storybook romance.
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These two love to spend their time reveling in life's beauties and mysteries. Pisces and Libra will bond over music, art, food, and most of all, the beauty they see in each other. If you're looking for a match out of a romance novel, this is it! However, these star signs must be careful not to float too high into the clouds of fantasyland. When reality strikes, things can start to unravel for a Pisces-Libra match. Both tend to shut down in the face of chaos and can spin each other into an obsessive turmoil. Keeping one foot planted on solid ground is the key to this magical pairing working out for the long haul.
While Pisces are pretty mellow, that doesn't mean they get along with everyone. Here are the signs that Pisces are most likely to clash with. Four star signs are known for having low Pisces compatibility. These signs are Aries , Gemini , Sagittarius , and Aquarius. While Pisces and Aries can balance out some of each others' strengths and weaknesses, these two signs have drastically different dispositions that may cause conflict. Aries' brashness may intimidate a soft spoken Pisces, which will deter Pisces from being open about their needs and desires.
On the other hand, a Pisces' unpredictable emotions may be frustrating to an Aries, who will struggle to follow a Pisces' mercurial moods. Ultimately, these star signs both struggle to open up, communicate clearly, and build trust, leading to a rocky relationship. Geminis tend to be emotionally distant, which can make Pisces feel insecure. Pisces want emotional vulnerability from their partners, so it's tough for them if they feel like they can't connect! Additionally, both Pisces and Geminis are susceptible to sudden mood swings that can make it hard for their relationship to feel secure.
This can make both partners feel like they're being duped, causing resentment and dissatisfaction to set in. The best thing these two can do is be relentlessly honest and own up to wrongdoings in the relationship if they want it to work out. Sagittarius and Pisces are practically polar opposites. Where a Pisces is sensitive and tenderhearted, a Sagittarius is thick-skinned and not particularly concerned with how others feel.
When conflict arises, a Sag may pile on more brutal honesty than a Pisces can handle, then roll their eyes when a Pisces' feelings are understandably hurt. On the other hand, getting Sagittarians to talk about their feelings is like pulling teeth—a process that considerate Pisces will shy away from, no matter how much they want to connect with Sag on a deeper emotional level.
Pisces Horoscope: Pisces Zodiac Sign Dates Compatibility, Traits and Characteristics
For this pairing to have a chance, both signs must be willing to resist some of their fundamental behaviors in order to make the other feel understood and loved. Pisces and Aquarians share a passion for helping others. If a Pisces-Aquarius partnership lacks a shared vision for social action, this pair struggles to make it work. A Pisces' emotional complexity may take more effort to decode than an Aquarius is willing to put forth, and Aquarius's stoicism can make a Pisces feel isolated. Unfortunately, the issues don't stop there. An Aquarius' tendency to avoid intimacy will make a Pisces wall themselves off.
That emotional distance can create a deep fissure in an Aquarius-Pisces relationship that leaves both parties unhappy. In the end, Aquarians may not make the best match for Pisces. You might be wondering what to do with all of this information about Pisces' most compatible signs.
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We'll sum it all up by offering three takeaways for Pisces here. Remember that zodiac signs are a fun way to do some self-analysis—they don't dictate who you are or how others view you! While you may embody some Pisces traits, you probably don't identify with them all. That's normal: as people, we're shaped by our experiences. So don't let your zodiac sign stand between you and your relationships! Having said that, many Pisces identify as dreamers who are inspired by those around them. Use that to your advantage when you're looking for friends or partners!
Everyone has something inspirational about them, whether that's a skill they've developed or a challenge they've overcome. Our advice? Looking for inspirational traits another person is a great way for you to connect with others--and build healthy relationships, too. You can make a relationship work with any star sign—you both just have to be willing to compromise, empathize, and be kind in all circumstances.
But in many instances, it's hard for another person to guess what you need in a relationship. Make sure you articulate what makes you happy and what doesn't. When you do, you'll find that others will work hard to make you feel loved and cared for! Curious about compatibility information for other signs?
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We've written up similar analyses for Cancer , Scorpio , Capricorn , Taurus , and many more! Pisces are creative by nature, so you may be interested in majoring in a creative field! Be sure to check out our list of the best art schools for some inspiration. If you're new to this whole astrology thing, don't worry.