February month for sagittarius horoscope

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That said, if you can be direct with your partners and avoid power struggles, amazing transformations in wealth, abundance, and joy can be made today! Brilliant ideas are shared as Mercury retrograde connects with Uranus on February 28, but watch out for unexpected news and for conversations from around February 5 to be kicked back up. Good luck this month, Sagittarius, and see you in March! Stay cosmically aligned with friends and see how you match up with others in work, love, and play.

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Daily Weekly Monthly Previous Month. Next Month. February Welcome to Aquarius season, dear Sagittarius! More astrology.

Sagittarius Monthly Astrology Horoscope February 2020

The planet of boundaries and commitment enters Aquarius, bringing 's biggest energy shift—and insight about what the next three years have in store for you. Never ghost a Scorpio.

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

Uranus is the planet of risk and innovation, and its placement in your birth chart tends to define your generation's biggest achievements. Ashley Otero, Randon Rosenbohm. Hey Sagittarius, get all your horoscopes in the app Stay cosmically aligned with friends and see how you match up with others in work, love, and play. This will be extremely important, as long as your relationship was undergoing a crisis - when you argued or were not sure of yourself. Therefore, do not waste an opportunity and try your best to do everything possible to develop it.

It is possible that in this way the path to a career in the near or distant future will open up to you. In the third week of the month your susceptibility to infection will increase, you will be weakened and a bit tired. If you are lonely, in the middle of the month you have the chance to meet someone with very similar interests and personalities as you.

More Horoscopes for Sagittarius

January 13 to 22 — Mercury sextile your decan brings good news and pleasant conversation. Because of Mercury retrograde later this month, you have this same transit again from February 7 to March 8. January 16 to 24 — Mars conjunct Uranus on the 20th brings positive change and excitement that spices up your life.

Amazing opportunities can arise by following your passionate desires and acting on your instincts. You can fully express your kinky side now and have some fun with it. January 28 to February 9 — Sun sextile your decan brings the energy, enthusiasm, and creativity to enjoy life, reach your goals, and succeed. January 28 to February 11 — Full Moon January trine your decan brings self-confidence and inner balance.

What February's Sagittarius Horoscope Predictions Mean for You

January 30 to February 20 — Mercury retrograde means you could dwell on things, reminisce about the past, or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past. But it could also cause communication and technology problems, anxiety, travel delays, and lost items. Take care during important decisions and negotiations. December 3 to January 8 — Jupiter conjunct Saturn on December 21 represents the end of a phase of life.

February 2020 Horoscope: Predictions for Sagittarius

It may feel like you have to advance to a higher level. December 8 to January 8 — Mars trine your decan brings energy and passion that is well-balanced and not aggressive. Your directness, initiative, and good instincts will impress superiors and bring professional success. Extra charisma and sexual magnetism make this a good time for your love life and social life. December 30 to January 9 — Venus in your decan makes you more relaxed, loving, and affectionate.

Sagittarius Horoscope

This is a time of peace, harmony, romance, and fun. Increased charm and beauty make you more attractive and popular. This is one of the best times of the year for dating and making money. January 6 to 8 — Venus trine Mars brings charisma and popularity. This is a good time is good for having fun, socializing, and dating. Your soft loving side balances out your raw sexual desire so you can be direct without coming on too strong. Love relationships can flourish or you could find your true soulmate. January 20 to February 9 — Mercury sextile your decan brings good news and pleasant conversation.

Mercury retrograde from January 30 means you could dwell on things, reminisce about the past, or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past.