- Leo Monthly Horoscope!
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- Leo Monthly Horoscope!
Many changes are likely to take place in your family life this year forecast the yearly horoscopes. You are likely to have the best relationships with your children, siblings, and young relatives.
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These family members will serve as a source of inspiration and joy for you in If you provide encouragement and help in return, then your family members will be likely to find success. What Color Matches Your Personality? Take The Test Now!! Your health may face some problems near the beginning of the year when the Sun has its conjuncts with Saturn and Jupiter. Try to reduce your stress during this time as it will reduce your symptoms.
Horoscope Today, January 17, 2020: Scorpio, Virgo, Gemini, Cancer, Taurus, Leo, Pisces, Libra
Thus, people with diabetes should be extra careful in Test Now! Watch out. When it comes to your enemies, or anyone else who may wish you ill-will, your social life is in trouble. These people wish to ruin your reputation. Keep your distance from these people whenever possible. Your social life will be better off for it. People who are still in school will have mixed levels of difficulties in From January to April, your studies should be smooth sailing.
However, from September to November, your studies will become more difficult for you. You can overcome these difficulties by putting in hard work. Also, focus on the friendships you already have instead of searching for friends in other places. Stay at home and focus on what you already have. There will be time and finances enough for travel in future years. Looking at the whole year at once can be a bit daunting. Below is the yearly Leo horoscope broken up one month at a time.
January brings a renewed sense of energy that can help you tackle any challenges you may have at work or in your social circle. This is also a great time to try to make new friends who can help you throughout the year to come. February is a time for introspection; because of this, your social life may not be active.
Jupiter and Saturn will both be in Aquarius this month, which will encourage you to take advice from your family. March is time for you to either focus on your finances OR your love life.
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Working on both will only cause failures in both. Mercury helps to guide your romantic life, while Neptune influences your finances. April again asks you to choose between focusing on your romantic life or your finances. If you focus on your career, you are sure to excel. If you focus on your relationships, Jupiter and Saturn will help to keep them stable. May allows you to finally focus on your social life and your work life at the same time. Mars in Cancer will nonetheless encourage you to think before you act.
Gemini will improve your friendships.

June is the perfect month for romance, as Venus will be in Leo. Your platonic social life will also go well, due to the help of Pisces. July encourages you to retreat into introspection. Focus on yourself and your career this month. Mars in Leo will help with your career and motivation.
August is a mixed bag. The first two weeks of the month are great for cultivating your social life. The third week onward is best used to focus on your career, even if your social life tries to intrude. Virgo : Domestic affairs occupy your time, and family members will demand your attention. Actually, although a great many important developments seem to be in the offing, if you concentrate on personal affairs you should avoid emotional tangles. Get on and give up all those bad habits that you know have been holding you back. However, now that the Moon is moving into lighter regions of the zodiac you can let up the pressure.
You can even allow partners to look after the practical details. Sagittarius : Celestially speaking, the Moon is under control. In your private affairs this means that what you say goes, at least as far as home affairs are concerned. Set a generous example and hold out the promise of emotional rewards if you want other people to follow your lead. Capricorn : Make every effort possible to get in touch with old friends over the next few days. You will, however, not always feel in control of your own affairs. Aquarius : Your stars are fortunate, but wasteful.
Although a number of areas of your solar chart are showing difficulties, others are considerably easier. The part of your chart symbolising your work, for example, is indicating great promise if you only give up a few stale habits.
The chances for commensurate financial rewards are still good but, by now, the arrangements should be complete.