The last stanza of Patty Hill 's and Mildred Hill 's famous song, "Good Morning to You" unofficially titled " Happy Birthday to You " is typically sung by the guests at some point in the proceedings. It is celebrated in much the same way as a birthday, but it is held on the official day of a saint with the same Christian name as the birthday person; the difference being that one may look up a person's name day in a calendar, or easily remember common name days for example, John or Mary ; however in pious traditions, the two were often made to concur by giving a newborn the name of a saint celebrated on its birthday, or possibly the name of a feast, for example, Noel or Pascal French for Christmas and "of Easter" ; as another example, Togliatti was given Palmiro as his first name because he was born on Palm Sunday.
Some notables, particularly monarchs, have an official birthday on a fixed day of the year, which may not necessarily match the day of their birth, but on which celebrations are held. Examples are:. According to a public database of births, birthdays in the United States are quite evenly distributed for the most part, but there tend to be more births in September and October. However, it appears the holidays have more of an effect on birth rates than the winter: New Zealand , a Southern Hemisphere country, has the same September and October peak with no corresponding peak in March and April.
Based on Harvard University research of birth records in the United States between and , September 16 is the most common birthday in the United States and December 25 the least common birthday other than February 29, because of leap years. In New Zealand, the most common birthday is September 29, and the least common birthday is December The ten most common birthdays all fall within a thirteen-day period, between September 22 and October 4.
This is based on all live births registered in New Zealand between and According to a study by the Yale School of Public Health, positive and negative associations with culturally significant dates may influence birth rates. The study shows a 5. In contrast, on Valentine's Day there is a 3.
In the Gregorian calendar a common solar calendar , February in a leap year has 29 days instead of the usual 28, so the year lasts days instead of the usual A person born on February 29 may be called a " leapling " or a "leaper". In some situations, March 1 is used as the birthday in a non-leap year since it is the day following February Technically, a leapling will have fewer birthday anniversaries than their age in years.
This phenomenon is exploited when a person claims to be only a quarter of their actual age, by counting their leap-year birthday anniversaries only. In Gilbert and Sullivan 's comic opera The Pirates of Penzance , Frederic the pirate apprentice discovers that he is bound to serve the pirates until his 21st birthday rather than until his 21st year. According to Herodotus 5th century BC , of all the days in the year, the one which the Persians celebrate most is their birthday. The Romans enthusiastically celebrated birthdays with hedonistic parties and generous presents.
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Chinese birthday traditions reflect the culture's deep-seated focus on longevity and wordplay. Longevity noodles are another traditional food consumed on the day, [18] although western-style birthday cakes are increasingly common among urban Chinese.
4 Ways to Channel Your Inner Clairvoyance
In Judaism , the perspective on birthday celebrations is disputed by various rabbis, although today it is accepted practice by most of the faithful. The bar mitzvah of year-old Jewish boys, or bat mitzvah for year-old Jewish girls, is perhaps the only Jewish celebration undertaken in what is often perceived to be in coalition with a birthday. Despite modern celebrations where the secular "birthday" element often overshadows the essence of it as a religious rite, the essence of a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah celebration is entirely religious in origin i.
With or without the birthday celebration, the child nevertheless becomes a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah, and the celebration may be on that day or any date after it.
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Origen in his commentary "On Levites" writes that Christians should not only refrain from celebrating their birthdays, but should look on them with disgust. Ordinary folk celebrated their saint's day the saint they were named after , but nobility celebrated the anniversary of their birth. While almost all Christians accept the practice today, Jehovah's Witnesses and some Sacred Name groups refrain from celebrating birthdays due to the custom's pagan origins, its connections to magic and superstitions.
While Christmas is the celebration of Christ's Birth, some religious groups see it as being portrayed in a negative light. Orthodox Christianity in addition to birthdays, also celebrate the name day of a person. Some Muslim especially from Salafi school of thought [29] oppose the celebration of a birthday as a sin, as it is considered an "innovation" of the faith, or bi'dah while other clerics have issued statements saying that the celebration of a birthday is permissible. Some Muslims migrating to the United States adopt the custom of celebrating birthdays, especially for children, but others resist.
There is also a great deal of controversy regarding celebrating Mawlid the anniversary of the birth of Muhammad. While a section of Islam strongly favours it, [33] others decry such celebrations, terming them as out of the scope of Islam. That age is reckoned whenever Janma Nakshatra of the same month passes.
Hindus regard death to be more auspicious than birth since the person is liberated from the bondages of material society. Happy 22nd birthday dear.
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People look up expecting to see the angel in the sky. Happy 22nd birthday, my angel. You have ran after happiness for 22 years, now let happiness follow you as you become the symbol of joy and optimism… happy 22nd birthday my friend..
I know I am repeating my words from last year. But, honestly just one more year and then you will surely be smart, sexy and wise. Happy 22nd birthday. May next year we will raise an even bigger glass on your name. Happy birthday my friend. Employ the teachings of all these years to good use and have an even greater year ahead. Hoping that your 22nd birthday turns out amazing, happy birthday! This is a very fortunate number and enables great progress in your life. You are not sure of yourself; you believe more in others than in yourself. You assume that others are cleverer than you.
But remember that you know yourself better than others, and your intuitive power is great. If you have confidence in yourself, you could be more successful. You are a loving and pleasant person to deal with. However, others cannot find that in you. You should be tactful in your dealings and need to be practical and diplomatic.
You are not attentive to others at times, which could lead to misunderstandings. You should be polite to avoid conflicts. You have a serious demeanor and are usually a little stressed, a trait that can complicate your life. You should communicate and interact more with others, learn to prioritize things and relax.
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Apply your talents in creativity that could help you in a positive way. Your success is based on the ability to concentrate on a particular thing. Do not take the risk of losing big opportunities that come your way. Be more realistic and look at a broader perspective. You should not be laid back about your business but try to do everything efficiently.
Your choices will not discern with your originality. You may not realize how innovative you are, but you will succeed regardless of how you approach a task. You may have to take a risk at times and be open to ideas. You are often too rigid, which is not a trait you need for achievement. Try to become tolerant to change. You are creative which reflects in anything you deal with. Expressing your ideas and thoughts helps you succeed personally. Relationships play a significant role in your life.
You should, therefore, pay attention to maintaining healthy relationships with close ones and try spending more time with the family. You ponder deep into every issue.

You are constantly in search of truth in life and are solitary by nature. You develop philosophical thoughts and feel happy when you do. You do not do anything quickly and take time to analyze everything before taking up a task. You are full of questions and long for solitude to find the right answers. You lack a sense of purpose and are not ambitious. However, modern life helps you set goals. Though you may be uncomfortable in making efforts to reach the goal, you will feel great when you attain it. You need to be more practical and hardworking.
You should know that money and material assets are not the only things in life. Your success will be in achieving non-materialistic goals. They require unique attention and emphasis and have more potential than the other single digit numbers. These three numbers form the Triangle of Enlightenment, where 11 represents vision, 22 vision with action and 33 offers guidance to the world. The life path 22 is the most potent and influential number. They do well in politics and business.