So, responsibilities of Wealth and Family will shatter his illusion and bring Wisdom regarding his Father. Likewise, Obstacles in his daily work or jobs will bring him wisdom regarding his correct Career. Dignity of Rahu — Although Rahu is a malefic or demonic planet, its functioning changes as per sign it is in. Rahu changes itself as per the nature of the planet in which sign it is sitting, if it is sitting alone in that sign.
So, following is the dignity of Rahu as per each sign but as I said, sign lords position matters a lot. Rahu in Taurus — It is considered as Exalted Rahu. Rahu in Leo — Another sign where Rahu is considered as exalted by some people as person becomes highly creative. Rahu in Scorpio — It is considered as Debilitated Rahu.
Here, person lives under illusion of imagined fears and afraid of sudden chaotic events. Though it can create a high level mystic.
Aspects of Nodes
Rahu as it is changing itself into benefic planets. Though some malefic impact will remain as it is basically a malefic planet like Rahu in Sagittarius can create a religious fundamentalist and Rahu in Cancer can make someone emotional to the extreme limits.
Also, we need to take the energy of the houses which Rahu rules in a particular chart through its signs Aquarius. Last but not the least; the age of maturity of Rahu is 48 years, but it starts maturing at 42 years.
Education (Astrology)
So, if someone is older than 42, result may be more favourable as it is now a matured energy. Rahu Conjunct another planet — If Rahu is conjunct another planet then also its energy gets mixed with the conjunct planet. Rahu is our past life left-over jobs. So, planet conjunct to Rahu shows where person has pending karma from past life. Like, Rahu with Moon shows pending karma with Mother and the house where Cancer falls. As I said, Rahu causes illusion in the house it sits but with its 5th house and 9th house aspect, person gets wisdom, knowledge or realization to get rid of illusion.
Like, Rahu in 5th house can be an extremely creative person and almost a celebrity. Such a person can have illusion of his Fame. But with 5th house aspect on 9th house, such a person can get company of a Guru who can give him wisdom that this fame is temporary thing and he should be more inclined to higher wisdom which will remain with him life-long.
Effects of Rahu in different houses
Again, with 9th house aspect on 1st house, he will get a wisdom than this fame is nothing but his life path of this life and he has only followed it. It shows that once they assert their self will and follow some higher purpose in life, they will have wisdom and realisation that gravitation towards relation was only as illusion. So, Rahu makes us gravitate towards the house where 7th aspect is going but Ketu isolates us at the same time.
Like, Rahu is 10th house aspects at 4h house. It means person feels like going back to home land and staying there. But Ketu in 4th house then separates him from home land and throws him back in outside world to fulfil his duties of this life. Like this a tug of war happens between Rahu-Ketu with their 7th house aspects. Illusion, Imagined Fears and then eventual Realization will be the theme words with Rahu. Hope this helps. Please feel free to post comments and queries, if any. Vishal S Saxena — Astrologer.
Close Subscribe. Leave a comment. Swami Premanand Bharti MS - dasha analysis takes a long time. It cant be done in a comment. Madhu Smita SPB S - they co-rule houses where Aquarius and scorpio fall in chart respectively. Suman Rahu and ketu rule which house. SP - pls apply for consultation. S paul My dob Without impulse control.
Just plowing ahead, sometimes, without regard for others. On a mundane level it can manifest as sudden unexpected experiences, a death of a loved one, an aerial accident this time, because Rahu conjunct Mars is aspecting by its trinal aspect all three of the air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius we may see anything from plane disasters to explosions, fires, tornados and possibly hurricanes. Jupiter rules over honesty, wisdom, teaching Guru , and the quest for higher knowledge both mundane and spiritual from higher education to spiritual leadership.
People with many planets in the sign, depending upon house position, they often become lawyers and judges, schoolteachers, life coaches, astrologers and healers. Signs are the constellations in the sky, Houses describe our experiences here on earth. The house or houses that are mutually aspected by both Saturn and Jupiter is the house and its meanings here on earth of focus.
One restricts Saturn and one expands Jupiter so the house aspected or houses, it can be more than one is the house of focus or sign s of focus during this mutual transit. Transit means the movement of a planet as it continues immediately after your first breath. Where the planet exists by sign and degree at birth is your natal chart.
After you breathe, the planets continue moving for the rest of your life. As the planets move, the go over your natal planets like superimposed and they also have dristi to cast a glance where they aspect your planets from their sky and house position with its own set of rules. So, we follow the transiting planets, on a regular basis, for they will continually activate your chart leading to the experiences of your personal life lessons. When you know in advance what the weather looks like you can prepare for the danger that has not yet come.
For example, if Saturn is transiting through your 2 nd house, then this is a couple of years where you focus on family life, self-earning, dental health and the foods you eat. If you smoke, a perfect time to quit smoking. Saturn restricts right? So a transit of Saturn to the 2 nd house will make you want to smoke less, make it easier to quit, and since the 2 nd rules over what goes in and out of the mouth, a perfect time to go on a healthy diet or to lose weight!
When Jupiter transits in its own sign, Sagittarius or Pisces, or exaltation in Cancer it forms a very special yoga or union of planets called Hamsa which gives the ability of deep discrimination. This yoga occurs when Jupiter is in an angle from the rising sign or moon. When it returns in November to its own sign of Sagittarius, then everyone born with this transit, if angular 1,4,7 or 10 will have this yoga.
It can only occur 3 years out of Spiritual babies are coming our way! Briefly, end of March to end of April, Jupiter began transiting in its own sign Sagittarius, and now it has retrograded back to Scorpio. When this happens personal experiences and mundane occurrences become unbalanced. Jupiter expands, Saturn restricts, when they both mutually aspect one or more different houses, our experiences and the world experience become more balanced.
This is why things may seem to be spinning out of control. If you also have planets in these signs, which planets are affected and the things in life they resign over, will also be influencing you personally. From November 4 th , to March 29th Jupiter will come home to Sagittarius, who it rules. Then the mutual aspect of Saturn and Jupiter will be Sagittarius, where they are both posited and the sign Gemini where they both aspect by opposition. This Jupiter move to Sag is right around the corner. Those of course we must also, monthly as it transits, observe Mercury who is always within about 45 degrees from the Sun, who moves through a sign every 30 days.
Ketu acts like who it is with, so it will by its basic nature act like Mars, the lord of the sign it is in , Jupiter for now, and the planet it is with, Saturn. Jupiter expands, Saturn contracts and currently Jupiter is transiting in Scorpio, the sign of Mars. So this transit of Saturn and Ketu together in Sagittarius indicates that we are living in a time where the quest for higher learning, higher living, the dropping away of addictions and the focus towards gaining higher knowledge, learning scripture, meditation, the quest for enlightenment will be very high.
In other words, the inward focus on self is going to give you gains.

The outer focus towards manifesting positive results could be challenged at least until Mars Moves into Cancer on June 22 nd. This will alleviate some pressures, as Mars is not that effective in action in the watery sign of Cancer, whose ruler or dispositor changing signs every 3 days, and nakshatra constellation every day. The positive factor is that when this happens, Jupiter, from Scorpio will aspect this Mars, improving the sometimes angry and irritated energy of this red planet. It is one thing to observe in your own chart, and in mundane worldly charts, which house numbers are Sagittarius and Gemini?
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- Effects of Rahu in different houses - Astrology information!
- Effects of Rahu in different houses.
When these four planets transit over or aspect our own planets there will be many different and myriad effects. Over the Sun, progress of the soul.